Template talk:FE Simms

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Revision as of 13:13, 21 November 2005 by Chris (Talk | contribs)
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I updated the way the simms template looks, think its better in a full table ;)

~Dan 09:23, 29 Sep 2005 (EDT)


Put it alphabetically ;)

~Dan 14:32, 18 November 2005 (EST)

Da Look

We've got a few more simms now and it's getting pretty long. For my money, I think it would look better like,

Futility's End Simms

First Fleet - Earth Defence Force
Alpha Centauri | Angry Apes | Qun mughwI' | Starfleet Command

Fourth Fleet - Re-Exploration Initiative
USS Defiant | Deep Space One | USS Excalibur | USS Exeter | USS Vendetta

Renegade Vessels
USS Voyager


Futility's End Simms
First Fleet - Earth Defence Force

Alpha Centauri
Angry Apes
Qun mughwI'
Starfleet Command

Fourth Fleet - Re-Exploration Initiative

USS Defiant
Deep Space One
USS Excalibur
USS Exeter
USS Vendetta

Renegade Vessels

USS Voyager

Maybe slightly different, but basically, wider than than it is tall. Not hugely bothered either way, but I prefer the first of the two. - Chris 07:09, 21 November 2005 (EST)

Yup, first way do it :)

~Dan 07:46, 21 November 2005 (EST)

Only thing - I'm not sure how you get the FE Simms text to appear out of the box. Seems to involve a + but the upper code's a bit more mangled than the lower one so I'm not sure where it fits in. - Chris 08:13, 21 November 2005 (EST)

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