Star Trek: Qun mughwI'

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In Character

A bomb at Starfleet Command uncovered a lost archive, burried just prior to the creation of Starfleet it was never to be found again. Within the vault Starfleet found information pertaining to a great weapon, a weapon that could in theory destroy the Borg forever.

Enter the SS Bounty, a ship filled with hand picked officers charged with finding Starfleet's weapon and returning it to Sol.

Now the Bounty and her crew search for Qun mughwI' – The Holy Grail.

Out of Character

Qun mughwI' was developed out of a need to show the darker side of the Starfleet in 2405, commanding by a man who is pretty much insane the crew must over come the confines placed on them by Starfleet to complete the mission they have been assigned.

There is another mission onboard the Bounty, the ships Captain is looking too subvert members of Starfleet and show them a better way of living, starting small Toby is hoping to colour the views of those on board the Bounty before they move to other parts of fleet in an attempt to 'spread the word'


Currently Serving Characters


Game Masters

Player Character
Dan Taylor Toby Nutley

Adventure! | USS Phoenix | Deep Space Five | USS Excalibur
NPC Stations
Spacedock 2
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