IRV Valdore

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The IRV Valdore is the flagship of the Starfleet Rapid Response Task Force. Both the RRTF and the Valdore are under the command of Rear Admiral Donatra. The Valdore, when in the Sol System, is often docked at Space Station Vriha or at least in orbit of Earth.


The Valdore was first revealed to the Federation in late 2379 during the Battle of the Bassen Rift in which the USS Enterprise-E was attacked by then Praetor Shinzon aboard the Reman Warbird Scimitar. The Valdore's CO, Commander Donatra urged her superior to allow her to intercept the Scimitar. Two Valdore-class warbirds were sent and aided the Federation Flagship in engaging the Scimitar. The impact of the two vessels was negligible, with both the Valdore and her sister ship being disabled quickly by the Scimitar.

Following the battle, the Valdore worked with the USS Titan in an attempt to strengthen Romulan/Federation relations.

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