Star Trek: Triton

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Star Trek: Triton
Titan Image from Trek Mag1 by stourangeau.jpg
GM: Victor Ross
Format: PBF
Setting: USS Triton
Year: 2406
Status: Closed
[ Source ]
Star Trek: Triton is a simm revolving around the starship USS Triton, a Luna-Class vessel; the only one of its class to survive the Borg War. The Triton's mission is to reexplore the once-known galaxy, learning what has become of various worlds and civilizations.
Still baring the scars of its past, Star Trek: Triton is set on a ship that narrowly survived the twenty-year war with the Borg and is now barely functional. With a mission that leads to frequent encounters with the shattered remnants of what was once a great power in the galaxy, the Triton is aiming to be a mature psychologically-taxing simm where the crew must deal with a force much more powerful than simply not-knowing the fate of their homeworlds, lost family, and friends; They must deal with the knowledge of what they discover. To make a tense environment worse, the commander of that crew is seemingly insensitive Vulcan who deals with these emotionally-charged situations with a cold Vulcan demeanor.


Overview (In-Character)

The USS Triton was built early in 2380, when many believed a new golden age of galactic peace and exploration was attainable. Intended for exploration, the Triton was one of several Luna-Class Vessels constructed and sent into deep-space on missions of peaceful exploration.

Throughout the Borg War the Triton survived through simple luck. It just so happened that the Triton's first encounter with a Borg vessel was during the Battle of Sol where she was assigned to Strike Force Alpha. Taking heavy damage early in the fight, the Triton was disabled within the first hour of encountering the Borg Fleet. Her entire crew was killed after the life support systems went offline following complete power failure exactly one week after the battle ended.

Recovered months after the war's end, the Triton was badly damaged and adrift in space. Hardly salvageable, the Triton had lost its torpedo launchers, shield generator, warp core, and impulse engines throughout the battle; each having to be rebuilt or replaced before she could be recommissioned. Sitting in dock for several years untouched, the Triton finally began undergoing repair in 2404, finally "ready" to be relaunched in 2406.

Although barely functional, the USS Triton has been assigned to Starfleet's Fourth Fleet and tasked with exploring the former-known galaxy; discovering its fate in the aftermath of the war. Under the command of Commander Sevok, the Triton is finally reestablishing her mission as an explorer... although this time, the situation is grim and all but hopeless.

Overview (Out-of-Character)

Basically, what I'm hoping for with the USS Triton is a darker, more mature simm focused on the psychological aspects of discovering how bad things really are in a hardly-functional ship, and under a Captain who is seemingly unaffected by the mess the crew encounters.

The Triton is going to be under-manned, and complete with alot of starship-related problems (at least at first); so we'll have some characters filling multiple roles to account for the lack of full-crew.


Dramatis Personae


  • Commander Sevok - Commanding Officer
  • Lieutenant Commander Ryan Lytham - Executive Officer

Flight Control

Security / Tactical

Engineering / Operations


Medical and Counseling

Recurring Characters





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