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Shi’Kahr, Vulcan






Dark Brown






212 lbs.


Victor Ross

[ Source ]


Personal Details


Sevok fits the stereotype Vulcan almost perfectly; sporting the traditional Vulcan haircut, high eyebrows, and pointed ears. Although most times he shows a strong emotionless demeanor, he seems surrounded by an almost tangible aura of calm confidence which is often mistaken for arrogance.


Although he is a Vulcan, one of Sevok's greatest interests is socialization; interacting with others, and observing their thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors. Among his other interests are astronomy, Kal-toh, Vulcan martial arts, and strangely; Klingon Opera.

One of the most dangerous interests a Vulcan could pursue would be the ideas of love and romance; ideas that Sevok shows great interest in, to the point of remaining unbonded and rejecting his betrothed wife.


On the surface Sevok appears to be typically Vulcan; emotionally flat, and strictly logical. On a deeper level, however, Sevok is frequently sarcastic and social; passionately dedicated to those he grows to like.

Although he once held complete control over his emotions, Sevok has had occasional outbursts over the years; side effects from his war-time experiences. These outbursts appear to be happening more and more frequently, accompanied with constant nightmares. Often, Sevok will remain awake for several days without rest because of these nightmares.

Despite these emotional displays, Sevok’s dedication to logic has remained unchanged. Through logic Sevok finds peace and confidence in all that he does, allowing it to guide his actions and decisions. If it weren’t for logic, it is likely that Sevok would have killed himself by now; something he still considers more and more frequently.


Marital Status: Single

Father: Sevik (deceased)

Mother: T’Van

Siblings: Staek, Sivek, T’Pim

Decorations / Reprimands

Service Record



Born in 2321, Sevok was the son of Sevik and T’Van, both Starfleet Officers. The oldest of four children, it was often Sevok’s responsibility to care for his siblings later in life when his parents were away on duty. Born and raised in the city of Shi’Kahr on Vulcan, Sevok was at first an unruly child. His father was absent from his birth, and the majority of his childhood, communicating only by long-range transmission. An emotionally violent child, Sevok’s earliest memory was when he destroyed his favorite toy; a model of the USS Galahad, his father’s starship. Before long, Sevok began his training to purge all emotion, and although difficult at first, it progressed without incident.

At the age of 7 Sevok was betrothed to a wife named T’Rek, an arrangement that Sevok would reject. Despite being a Vulcan, Sevok’s father was outraged. His mother, on the other hand was much more supportive of Sevok’s decision. Eventually Sevok’s forefather Sovak would convince his son that he should not force Sevok to marry somebody that he did not want to be with; and although he eventually agreed, this brought the dangerous ideas of love and romance to Sevok’s mind.

Starfleet Academy

With a predominantly uneventful childhood, Sevok moved to Earth in 2329 to attend Starfleet Academy. Despite his father’s urgings that he study Warp Design, Sevok took classes focusing on Survival Strategies and Starship Security. Spending his time well, Sevok memorized, and often recited every general order and regulation in the Starfleet rulebook. Among his favorite speakers were Commander Uhura, and Ambassador Sarek. Although his time at the Academy was primarily uneventful, Sevok did engage in the habit of racing shuttles with some of his Academy friends, igniting in him a noteworthy interest in small-vehicle piloting. This led him to take courses in both shuttle and fighter piloting in addition to his studies in the Security department.

Graduating from Starfleet Academy in 2333 third in his class, Sevok undertook a post-graduate course in Starship and Starbase Security. Over this time Sevok studied both Phaser arms and close combat weaponry. Although he did well in all of his studies, he excelled in the counter-boarding action scenarios.

Early Career

In 2339 Sevok was given his first assignment as a Security Officer onboard the USS Berlin as it studied gaseous anomalies in the Beta Quadrant for 10 years. This assignment was almost totally without incident, with the exception of an attack by a Pirate vessel in 2337 in which he played his part defending the Berlin when it was boarded. The attack was quickly quelled, and Sevok sustained no long-term injuries.

After the 10 year mission onboard the Parker, Sevok was reassigned to Spacedock One in orbit of Earth where he saw little action for the entire 10 year stint. His peaceful time aboard Spacedock gave him farther appreciation for piloting fighters; often going out and performing stunts with his close friend, Ryan Lytham the CAG onboard Spacedock, but never taking part in anything combat-oriented.

The Dominion War

In 2359 Sevok was reassigned to the Excelsior-class vessel, USS Fearless , during the course of which, he lost his left hand while on an away mission to a supposedly derelict Gorn vessel. Shortly after the incident that lead him to have has hand replaced with a bionic substitute, tragedy struck: His father’s ship, the USS Galahad was destroyed during Wolf 359 along with all hands. Outwardly Sevok handled his father’s death as a Vulcan would; with carefully concentrated calm and control. Internally, however he was deeply remorseful – regretting the fact that he spent little time with his father throughout the course of his life and would never have the opportunity to grow close to him.

By 2373, when the Dominion War broke out, Sevok had found himself promoted to Chief of Security and transferred to the USS Noble . A medical vessel, the USS Noble was often called to the front lines serving as a mobile hospital for wounded. Although she survived multiple encounters during the war, the crew of the USS Noble was eventually captured by the Breen during the Dominion’s attack on the Chin’toka system when she was struck by the Energy Dampening Weapon. Sevok, along with the rest of the crew who had served on board the USS Noble found themselves taken to an internment camp where they all received interrogation, and some were forced to combat Jem’Hadar troops. Sevok refused to fight, and was nearing execution when the USS Noble's commanding officer, a close friend of Sevok’s, took his place despite Sevok’s objections. Mocking him, the Jem’Hadar forced him to watch the fight; a trying experience for Sevok despite his emotional control. Watching intently, Sevok maintained his control during the fight; afterward however, his control faltered leading him to be overtaken with a rage of guilt, remorse, and anger. Screaming challenge to his Captain’s murderer, he was mocked and forced back into his cell where he fell into a deep depressive meditation. The following day he and the other prisoners were rescued by Klingon Forces. To this day Sevok will not discuss his internment with anybody, although he often reflects upon that incident regretfully.

In 2375, prior to the end of the war, Sevok was given promotion to Lieutenant Commander and given position as Executive Officer onboard the USS Ellington, a Charleston-class vessel. Days into his new assignment, Sevok proved himself to be a capable commander when he assumed control of the USS Ellington temporarily when the ship’s captain was incapacitated during the final battle of the war.

Post-Dominion War / The Borg War

Following the war, Sevok continued to serve as the Executive Officer on board the USS Ellington, assigned to aiding the relief of the Cardassian people until she was recalled to Federation territory in 2380 following the loss of diplomatic relations with Cardassia. Following her return to Federation space, the USS Ellington was refitted with the newest upgrades for the Charleston class since the Dominion War. When the Borg invaded, the USS Ellington was assigned to border-patrol, keeping a watchful eye out for any indication of attack.

In 2384 the USS Ellington was ordered to Bajor to join the defensive fleet. Prior to the Dominion joining the Battle of Bajor in 2385 the USS Ellington was boarded by several drones. During the conflict on board, Sevok and several other crew members became incapacitated when injected with Borg Nanoprobes. The assimilation process took merely hours to manifest itself within Sevok, who for a brief time had become part of the collective. Following the destruction of the attacking Borg fleet when the Dominion joined the battle, Sevok’s link with the collective was severed, and with medical treatment he made a full physical recovery.

After his experience at the Battle of Bajor, Sevok was temporarily relieved of duty and monitored at an emergency hospital on Earth along with many other Starfleet personnel ‘rescued’ from the grasp of the Borg Collective.

Although he recovered physically, the experience has had lasting psychological effects on Sevok; affecting his emotional control and plaguing him with nightmares that still occur frequently. Like most of the ‘recovering’ personnel, Sevok was given a “quieter” assignment early in 2386, serving as part of a team of tactical strategists; a think-tank of sorts responsible for providing higher ranking officers with potential strategies to combat the Borg.

Despite the relative safety of his new assignment Sevok was eager, for more emotional reasons than logical ones, for a more active assignment. After several requests, he was granted transfer to the USS Tucker as Chief of Security in 2389 just after The Second Battle of Bajor.

On board the Tucker, once again serving in a Security vocation, Sevok saw numerous conflicts including conflict with the Tactical Cube at The Battle of Qo'nos in 2390 and the failed attack on the Borg shipyard in Cardassian space in 2391. By 2393 Sevok had become the Executive Officer of the USS Tucker under a new commanding officer when both the commanding and executive officers were killed from falling debris on the Bridge. Falling back to the Core Worlds with the rest of the fleet, the USS Tucker saw little conflict following the First Attack on Sol, instead patrolling the core worlds without any encounters until 2398 when the Borg made their final assault on Earth.

Post-Borg War

Following the Borg war, Sevok maintained his position as the Tucker’s Executive Officer until 2404 when the entire crew was transferred to various other assignments while the USS Tucker underwent an overhaul.

Over the next two years Sevok spent his time trying to recover from the war on Earth, throwing himself into his meditations; attempting to reclaim complete emotional control and to conquer his reoccurring nightmares. Despite this continuous practice, it appears Sevok is slowly losing ground in terms of emotional control. To date, none of his outbursts have been noticed publicly; although once Sevok can isolate himself he has, on more than one occasion, destroyed materials within his quarters in a fit of rage.

USS Triton

Following an offer to command the Luna-Class vessel USS Triton, Sevok has returned from his two-year sabbatical from Starfleet and given a promotion to Commander. He has not revealed his potential instability to anybody, but personally has some doubts about his own ability to command a vessel.

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