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The Bolian people are native to Bolarus IX in the Bolarus system. The system is close to the Romulan Neutral Zone.


Bolians are distinguished by their blue skin with a vertical cartilaginous ridge bifurcating their heads and running the length of their bodies. A Bolian's pulse could be detected by feeling along this ridge. Their cobalt-based blood chemistry is compatible with Andorians, but toxic to Vulcans.


The typical Bolian is gregarious, hardworking, and meticulous. Bolians enjoy cooperative work of all kinds; this can make them busybodies or (when the work isn't going well) worrywarts. When chips are down, however, you can always count on a Bolian—their selflessness is legendary.

Bolians work well in professions that privilege group cooperation and group effort; every branch of starship service suits their desire for teamwork and structure. Bolians also make good merchants, scientists, and soldiers. Bolians enjoy diplomacy and some of them are quite good at it. Bolian nationalists have occasionally joined criminal gangs such as the Orion Syndicate—they make good rogues in those cases.

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