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Cerberus in 2406
Affiliation: UFP
Navy: Cerberus Institute
Type: Runabout
Class: Volga Class
CO: Alexei Obrenovic / Alyssa Sidorova
First Appearence: "The Andorian Gambit"
Status: Active
[ Source ]

The Cerberus was an Volga Class runabout utilised by Sidorova and Obrenovic during the early 25th century


The history of this vessel predating 2406, it was first sighted over Wey'tahn following the assassination of an Andorian senator, apparently during the tenure of Obrenovic as Starfleet Special Investigations assassin. It would later find it's way to Deep Space Five following Obrenovic's reassignment along with Alyssa Sidorova as per the orders of Bryan Cash and Logan Callahan and ultimately Deep Space One during his absence from the station.

It would later serve as Obrenovic's flagship during the Battle of Sol where it lead Shahal Wing in defending the capital ships and would also serve as a target for various guided kamazaki weapons in the form of asteroids in the Asteroid Field following the final push of the Renegade fleet to Earth along with saving various escape pods following the destruction of the Stargazer.

A week following the battle, it would be used by Alyssa Sidorova as a means of transport to locate Raven, and ultimately form the first cell of the Cerberus Institute, The "Hellhounds".

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