Edward Jellico

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[[Image:58m.jpg|thumb|right|President Edward Jellico]]
[[Image:EdwardJellico2369.jpg|thumb|right|Captain Jellico 2369]]
|      color = Civilian
|  firstname = Edward
|    lastname = Jellico
|      image = [[Image:58m.jpg|200px|President Edward Jellico]]
|    caption =
|    species = [[Human]]
|  homeworld = [[Earth]]
|  ethnicity =
|      gender = Male
|        born = 2311
|        eyes = Brown
|        hair = Grey
|      height =
|      weight =
| affiliation = [[United Federation of Planets]]
|  assignment =
|    position = [[Federation President]]
|        rank =
|    insignia =
|firstmention =
| firstappear =
|  lastappear =
|      player = [[User:Taylor|Taylor]]
|     status =
|     status2 =
|        im2 =
|    caption2 =
'''Edward Jellico''' was the [[president]] of the [[United Federation of Planets]] in the years following [[2403]], following his assumption of office following the death of [[Spock|President Spock]], under whom he had served as Vice-President via a personal request from the now-deceased leader.
Former Starship CO and [[Starfleet]] Admiral. Injured in [[Borg]] conflicts over the last decade. Retired from Starfleet to pursue a career in politics and lobbied for inclusion in the elections of 2388. Appointed [[Federation]] Vice-President for his vast Fleet knowledge as an important aide to President [[Spock]]. Currently disatisfied with the state of affairs on Earth and the massive alien presence in [[Sol system|Sol]].
Noted as a hardline traditionalist and career military officer, the centrepiece of Jellico's administration often pressed the concepts of security and safety, at times even when those same concepts breached the liberties and rights of non-Federation and sometimes even Federation citizens.
===The "Jellico Doctrine"===
:''He is often noted as a heated rival with one [[Fleet Admiral]] [[Dan Taylor]], following the challenge of the latter in [[2403]].''
Due to Jellico's political prominence and his percieved preference for security over civil liberties, such a position has been labelled the "Jellico Doctrine" by the media, and the phrase continues to be used widely. The Jellico Donctrine has large numbers of supporters and detractors throughout the Federation with the Fleet, particularly the [[Starfleet Security|Security]] division tending to support both the ex-admiral and his views though Jellico has a larger number of opponents in other Fleet divisions.Vice president Jellico was sworn in as president on January 11 0740 hours after confirmation of the death of Federation president spock.Edward Jellico is now free to serve out the remainder of spocks term.
== History==
===Military Career===
==== Early Career ====
After graduating from [[Starfleet Academy]] in 2333, [[Ensign]] [[Edward Jellico]] began his career as a shuttle pilot on the [[Jovian Run]] in the Sol system. Jellico didn't stay an [[Ensign]] for long.
By 2357, Jellico was once again serving aboard the Cairo as first officer, after a short stint at Starfleet Academy as the Dean of Students. In that year, Captain Ashford, the current Commanding Officer of the Cario was killed during a Cardassian attack, and Jellico was promoted to captain for his "efficient, demanding style of command".
By early 2360, Jellico held the rank of captain and had established a family for himself, in 2359 he married a human woman named [[Deborah Jellico|Deborah]], and two years later, their son, [[Franklin Paul Jellico]] was born.
In 2367, Jellico was instrumental in the peace treaty negotiations between the United Federation of Planets and the Cardassian Union. By 2369, he was assigned to the USS Cairo as its commanding officer.
==== Captain of the Enterprise ====
In 2369, Vice Admiral Alynna Nechayev gave Jellico command of the USS Enterprise-D after re-assigning [[Jean-Luc Picard|Captain Jean-Luc Picard]] to a covert mission. Jellico's experience in dealing with the Cardassians was thought to be invaluable, given the developing potential for conflict between the two powers at that time.
As captain of the Enterprise, Jellico was a very stern and authoritarian officer, demanding several changes from the Enterprise crew who were not used to such a strict command style. He preferred a certain formality on the bridge, insisting that Deanna Troi wear a standard uniform and that his presence be announced whenever he entered. In contrast to the strict standards he expected on the bridge, he revealed a more personal side by putting up pictures drawn by his son in the Enterprise's ready room. However, he ordered the removal of Livingston the fish.
[[Image:EdwardJellico2369.jpg|thumb|left|Captain Jellico, 2369]]Though his manner of command is connected with high efficiency, Jellico ran into numerous confrontations with Enterprise's first officer, [[William T. Riker|Commander William T. Riker]]. The initial problems between them stemmed from Jellico's desire to see the Enterprise run on a four shift rotation when it had previously run on three. The change was difficult to implement, but Jellico refused to accept Riker's reasons for not having made the change. The friction between the two came to a head after a major disagreement on how to deal with Picard's abduction by the Cardassians on Celtris III. Jellico relieved Riker and installed Lieutenant Commander Data as his new XO.
In an attempt to gain an upper hand against the Cardassians, Jellico intended to plant mines on the Cardassian ships hiding in the McAllister C-5 Nebula. Chief Engineer Geordi La Forge was willing to take on the mission but recommended to Jellico that the most skilled pilot on board Enterprise was Riker. After a frank conversation, Riker accepted the mission, content with his knowledge that Jellico still needed him. Riker admitted that he saw Jellico as someone who wound his crew up too tight, leaving them unable to perform their jobs with any efficiency.
With the anti-matter mines in place, Jellico contacted the Cardassian fleet and demonstrated his ability to destroy it at will. From his position of strength, he demanded that the Cardassian fleet eject their primary phaser coils, withdraw to the nearest Cardassian starbase, and immediately release Picard, who was being held prisoner by the Cardassians. The Cardassians complied completely.
After Picard's release and subsequent reassignment to the Enterprise as CO, Jellico returned to command the Cairo.
His actions during this episode in Federation history coloured his career from then on in, Starfleet decided Jellico was the hard hitting Starfleet Officer they needed in tight situations.
==== Rising through the Ranks ====
Between leaving Enterprise and being placed in command of Deep Space 5 Jellico had a colourful career, involved in several domestic and foreign issues each solved with his now trademark efficient and demanding command style. Again these events brought Jellico's career to the eyes of Starfleet Command, his promotion to [[Commodore]] came 6 months before Edward left the [[USS Cario|Cario]] at the same time Jellico found himself put in charge of a small task group which was tasked with chasing down several reports of Romulan Vessels in Federation space. (It later turned out to be a Borg scout, but this wasn't discovered until the war was well under way)
==== The War ====
The war broke out a few short years after Jellico took command of Deep Space 5, because of the stations proximity Starfleet immediately dispatched [[USS Columbia],] a [[Sovereign Class]] vessel, to DS5 in an effort to bolster its defenses. Barely 6 months passed before Jellico was forced to abandon the station. Taking command of USS Columbia Admiral Jellico used his small task group to get everyone off of the station, an operation that was completed scant hours before the first [[Borg Sphere]] was detected on long range sensors.
Jellico’s last task before leaving was setting the stations self destruct system to destroy the station as the Sphere was set to arrive. Watching his station disappear from the observation lounge of the Columbia was, to this day, one of the hardest moments in his life. Deep Space 5 was one of the few places he had ever felt at home and there he was destroying it.
As he returned to Sol with the refugees from DS5 Jellico was hailed a hero, he and his crew were given a weeks liberty by Starfleet Command which they all promptly turned down knowing that they couldn’t relax while their friends and colleagues battled the Borg out in space.
Unlike other commanding officers, Edward Jellico wasn’t sent to the front line, throughout the war he remained in command of the Columbia and continually found himself assigned to the area of space around Deep Space 9. Edward and his crew were involved in many major engagements but through luck or skill they always survived without any major damage or loss of life.
The end of Jellico’s war came during the defense of Cardassia in 2385, not only was the Columbia lost with almost all hands Edward was injured as the Borg invaded his ship. He was forced to watch many crew members and friends being assimilated, a fate he was almost subjected too. Only the efforts of one of Columbia’s marine teams saved Jellico from assimilation.
==== Injury and a new life ====
The road to recovery was long and arduous for Jellico; he seemed to everyone to be a changed man. Once a happy officer Jellico became sullen and reserved, although his injuries had caused significant concern there was no physical reason for his personality shift. That left one other reason the psychological aspect of the attack on Columbia.
Refusing any counselling Edward spent many months dwelling on events that had passed, and possible futures. His realisation of his own insignificance against the Borg onslaught almost broke him; in fact many people in Starfleet had written Edward Jellico off by the time he finally got himself back on his feet. Their views on him were reinforced by his sudden resignation from Starfleet.
Several months later they were shattered once more. Rather than fading away Jellico re-imagined himself and moved in to a new arena in life one where he felt he could finally make a difference against the Borg. Edward Jellico entered the words of politics.
Although well respected, Jellico remained a voice on the fringe for many years. His history was enough to earn him the respect of the Federation Council but it wasn’t enough to allow him to break on to the scene.
In 2392 that all changed when now President [[Spock]] requested that Edward Jellico serve as his Vice President, Jellico was bowled over by the Vulcan’s request. Not believing himself capable of such a task he politely declined, a decision he would later reverse.
=== Political Career ===
==== New Friends ====
Spocks request brought many new people in to Jellico’s life; the most important of these was [[Sam Kirok]]. Kirok and Jellico’s friendship was never public knowledge it took many years for Edward to convince his friend to enter the public eye.
It took less than 6 months for Kirok to convince Jellico that he should take up Spock’s offer, playing on Jellico’s hopes and fears it wasn’t difficult for Kirok to manoeuvre him in to the best position for both of them.
In 2393 Edward Jellico was officially sworn in as Vice President of the United Federation of Planets.
==== The [[Jellico Doctrine]] ====
As soon as Jellico took office it became frighteningly apparent that Jellico had his own views on how the Federation should protect itself. Under his guidance several secret projects came to life, each designed to enhance the security of the Federation in ways the council would never approve of if they knew.
This isn’t to say Edward broke the law, far from it, everything he did was within his remit as Vice President and anything that wasn’t became legal through an executive order from President Spock. However, many of his projects bordered on immoral a fact that Jellico wouldn’t agree with if you pressed him on the issue.
There have been several official comments from Vice President Edward Jellico about his policies, each time he has been forthright in saying he truly believes the only way to protect the Federation is to throw every resource at its defence, he has further elaborated that every ounce of natural resource that is siphoned away from the Federation’s defensive needs is another dead Federation citizen.
==== Security and Safety ====
Following the death of President Spock Jellico took on the office of the President; this really couldn’t have come at a worse time for him with it being an election year. Spocks death sparked the campaigns of many people who simply wouldn’t have dreamed against running previously knowing that they wouldn’t be able to dislodge the much loved President Spock.
The much maligned President Jellico was a much easier target, lacking the popular appeal of Spock Jellico’s campaign would be easy to sideline. Edward declared his intent to run in May 2405, his campaign slogan was a simple statement of his doctrine Safety and Security – The Jellico promise.
In July 2405 [[Fleet Admiral]] [[Dan Taylor]] dealt a heavy blow to Jellico’s campaign after he went public with a veritable laundry list of crimes committed by Edward since he took on the office of Vice President. At this time it is unknown what effect these revelations will have on Jellico’s presidency, there is always the possibility he will be impeached for his actions.
In the same month it became apparent that Borg drones had some how landed on Alpha Centauri, an event which caused Jellico to call a halt to his mindless war on the Vulcan people. Although Jellico has shown his horror to the public regarding the events on Alpha Centauri he hopes that no one will discover what eats away at his conscience each day, the knowledge that his own knee jerk reaction to loosing in the mid year polls caused the Borg to be released on Alpha Centauri.
Yet more ghosts in Edwards’s closet that he will have to square up to one day.
== External Links ==
* [http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/Edward_Jellico Edward Jellico] at [http://www.memory-alpha.org/ Memory Alpha], the canon Star Trek wiki.
* [http://startrek.wikia.com/wiki/Edward_Jellico Edward Jellico] at [http://startrek.wikia.com/wiki/ Memory Beta], the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
[[Category:characters|Jellico, Edward]]
[[Category:characters|Jellico, Edward]]
[[Category:NPC characters|Jellico, Edward]]
[[Category:NPC characters|Jellico, Edward]]

Latest revision as of 20:39, 26 September 2009

Edward Jellico
President Edward Jellico













United Federation of Planets


Federation President



[ Source ]

Edward Jellico was the president of the United Federation of Planets in the years following 2403, following his assumption of office following the death of President Spock, under whom he had served as Vice-President via a personal request from the now-deceased leader.

Noted as a hardline traditionalist and career military officer, the centrepiece of Jellico's administration often pressed the concepts of security and safety, at times even when those same concepts breached the liberties and rights of non-Federation and sometimes even Federation citizens.

He is often noted as a heated rival with one Fleet Admiral Dan Taylor, following the challenge of the latter in 2403.



Military Career

Early Career

After graduating from Starfleet Academy in 2333, Ensign Edward Jellico began his career as a shuttle pilot on the Jovian Run in the Sol system. Jellico didn't stay an Ensign for long.

By 2357, Jellico was once again serving aboard the Cairo as first officer, after a short stint at Starfleet Academy as the Dean of Students. In that year, Captain Ashford, the current Commanding Officer of the Cario was killed during a Cardassian attack, and Jellico was promoted to captain for his "efficient, demanding style of command".

By early 2360, Jellico held the rank of captain and had established a family for himself, in 2359 he married a human woman named Deborah, and two years later, their son, Franklin Paul Jellico was born.

In 2367, Jellico was instrumental in the peace treaty negotiations between the United Federation of Planets and the Cardassian Union. By 2369, he was assigned to the USS Cairo as its commanding officer.

Captain of the Enterprise

In 2369, Vice Admiral Alynna Nechayev gave Jellico command of the USS Enterprise-D after re-assigning Captain Jean-Luc Picard to a covert mission. Jellico's experience in dealing with the Cardassians was thought to be invaluable, given the developing potential for conflict between the two powers at that time.

As captain of the Enterprise, Jellico was a very stern and authoritarian officer, demanding several changes from the Enterprise crew who were not used to such a strict command style. He preferred a certain formality on the bridge, insisting that Deanna Troi wear a standard uniform and that his presence be announced whenever he entered. In contrast to the strict standards he expected on the bridge, he revealed a more personal side by putting up pictures drawn by his son in the Enterprise's ready room. However, he ordered the removal of Livingston the fish.

Captain Jellico, 2369
Though his manner of command is connected with high efficiency, Jellico ran into numerous confrontations with Enterprise's first officer, Commander William T. Riker. The initial problems between them stemmed from Jellico's desire to see the Enterprise run on a four shift rotation when it had previously run on three. The change was difficult to implement, but Jellico refused to accept Riker's reasons for not having made the change. The friction between the two came to a head after a major disagreement on how to deal with Picard's abduction by the Cardassians on Celtris III. Jellico relieved Riker and installed Lieutenant Commander Data as his new XO.

In an attempt to gain an upper hand against the Cardassians, Jellico intended to plant mines on the Cardassian ships hiding in the McAllister C-5 Nebula. Chief Engineer Geordi La Forge was willing to take on the mission but recommended to Jellico that the most skilled pilot on board Enterprise was Riker. After a frank conversation, Riker accepted the mission, content with his knowledge that Jellico still needed him. Riker admitted that he saw Jellico as someone who wound his crew up too tight, leaving them unable to perform their jobs with any efficiency.

With the anti-matter mines in place, Jellico contacted the Cardassian fleet and demonstrated his ability to destroy it at will. From his position of strength, he demanded that the Cardassian fleet eject their primary phaser coils, withdraw to the nearest Cardassian starbase, and immediately release Picard, who was being held prisoner by the Cardassians. The Cardassians complied completely.

After Picard's release and subsequent reassignment to the Enterprise as CO, Jellico returned to command the Cairo.

His actions during this episode in Federation history coloured his career from then on in, Starfleet decided Jellico was the hard hitting Starfleet Officer they needed in tight situations.

Rising through the Ranks

Between leaving Enterprise and being placed in command of Deep Space 5 Jellico had a colourful career, involved in several domestic and foreign issues each solved with his now trademark efficient and demanding command style. Again these events brought Jellico's career to the eyes of Starfleet Command, his promotion to Commodore came 6 months before Edward left the Cario at the same time Jellico found himself put in charge of a small task group which was tasked with chasing down several reports of Romulan Vessels in Federation space. (It later turned out to be a Borg scout, but this wasn't discovered until the war was well under way)

The War

The war broke out a few short years after Jellico took command of Deep Space 5, because of the stations proximity Starfleet immediately dispatched [[USS Columbia],] a Sovereign Class vessel, to DS5 in an effort to bolster its defenses. Barely 6 months passed before Jellico was forced to abandon the station. Taking command of USS Columbia Admiral Jellico used his small task group to get everyone off of the station, an operation that was completed scant hours before the first Borg Sphere was detected on long range sensors.

Jellico’s last task before leaving was setting the stations self destruct system to destroy the station as the Sphere was set to arrive. Watching his station disappear from the observation lounge of the Columbia was, to this day, one of the hardest moments in his life. Deep Space 5 was one of the few places he had ever felt at home and there he was destroying it.

As he returned to Sol with the refugees from DS5 Jellico was hailed a hero, he and his crew were given a weeks liberty by Starfleet Command which they all promptly turned down knowing that they couldn’t relax while their friends and colleagues battled the Borg out in space.

Unlike other commanding officers, Edward Jellico wasn’t sent to the front line, throughout the war he remained in command of the Columbia and continually found himself assigned to the area of space around Deep Space 9. Edward and his crew were involved in many major engagements but through luck or skill they always survived without any major damage or loss of life.

The end of Jellico’s war came during the defense of Cardassia in 2385, not only was the Columbia lost with almost all hands Edward was injured as the Borg invaded his ship. He was forced to watch many crew members and friends being assimilated, a fate he was almost subjected too. Only the efforts of one of Columbia’s marine teams saved Jellico from assimilation.

Injury and a new life

The road to recovery was long and arduous for Jellico; he seemed to everyone to be a changed man. Once a happy officer Jellico became sullen and reserved, although his injuries had caused significant concern there was no physical reason for his personality shift. That left one other reason the psychological aspect of the attack on Columbia.

Refusing any counselling Edward spent many months dwelling on events that had passed, and possible futures. His realisation of his own insignificance against the Borg onslaught almost broke him; in fact many people in Starfleet had written Edward Jellico off by the time he finally got himself back on his feet. Their views on him were reinforced by his sudden resignation from Starfleet.

Several months later they were shattered once more. Rather than fading away Jellico re-imagined himself and moved in to a new arena in life one where he felt he could finally make a difference against the Borg. Edward Jellico entered the words of politics.

Although well respected, Jellico remained a voice on the fringe for many years. His history was enough to earn him the respect of the Federation Council but it wasn’t enough to allow him to break on to the scene.

In 2392 that all changed when now President Spock requested that Edward Jellico serve as his Vice President, Jellico was bowled over by the Vulcan’s request. Not believing himself capable of such a task he politely declined, a decision he would later reverse.

Political Career

New Friends

Spocks request brought many new people in to Jellico’s life; the most important of these was Sam Kirok. Kirok and Jellico’s friendship was never public knowledge it took many years for Edward to convince his friend to enter the public eye.

It took less than 6 months for Kirok to convince Jellico that he should take up Spock’s offer, playing on Jellico’s hopes and fears it wasn’t difficult for Kirok to manoeuvre him in to the best position for both of them.

In 2393 Edward Jellico was officially sworn in as Vice President of the United Federation of Planets.

The Jellico Doctrine

As soon as Jellico took office it became frighteningly apparent that Jellico had his own views on how the Federation should protect itself. Under his guidance several secret projects came to life, each designed to enhance the security of the Federation in ways the council would never approve of if they knew.

This isn’t to say Edward broke the law, far from it, everything he did was within his remit as Vice President and anything that wasn’t became legal through an executive order from President Spock. However, many of his projects bordered on immoral a fact that Jellico wouldn’t agree with if you pressed him on the issue.

There have been several official comments from Vice President Edward Jellico about his policies, each time he has been forthright in saying he truly believes the only way to protect the Federation is to throw every resource at its defence, he has further elaborated that every ounce of natural resource that is siphoned away from the Federation’s defensive needs is another dead Federation citizen.

Security and Safety

Following the death of President Spock Jellico took on the office of the President; this really couldn’t have come at a worse time for him with it being an election year. Spocks death sparked the campaigns of many people who simply wouldn’t have dreamed against running previously knowing that they wouldn’t be able to dislodge the much loved President Spock.

The much maligned President Jellico was a much easier target, lacking the popular appeal of Spock Jellico’s campaign would be easy to sideline. Edward declared his intent to run in May 2405, his campaign slogan was a simple statement of his doctrine Safety and Security – The Jellico promise.

In July 2405 Fleet Admiral Dan Taylor dealt a heavy blow to Jellico’s campaign after he went public with a veritable laundry list of crimes committed by Edward since he took on the office of Vice President. At this time it is unknown what effect these revelations will have on Jellico’s presidency, there is always the possibility he will be impeached for his actions.

In the same month it became apparent that Borg drones had some how landed on Alpha Centauri, an event which caused Jellico to call a halt to his mindless war on the Vulcan people. Although Jellico has shown his horror to the public regarding the events on Alpha Centauri he hopes that no one will discover what eats away at his conscience each day, the knowledge that his own knee jerk reaction to loosing in the mid year polls caused the Borg to be released on Alpha Centauri.

Yet more ghosts in Edwards’s closet that he will have to square up to one day.

External Links

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