M'rissi T'arren

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|      color = Operations
|      color = Operations
|       name = M'rissi T'arren
|   firstname = M'rissi
|      image = [[Image:mrissi.jpg|200px]]
|    lastname = T'arren
|    caption = M'rissi in [[2406]]
|      image = [[Image:Mrissi2.jpg]]
|    caption =  
|    species = [[Caitian]]
|    species = [[Caitian]]
|  homeworld = [[Cait]]
|  homeworld = [[Cait]]
|  ethnicity =  
|  ethnicity =  
|      gender = Female
|      gender = Female
|        born = July 9, 2384
|        born = July 9 2384
|        eyes = Emerald Green
|        eyes = Emerald Green
|        hair = Blonde
|        hair = Blonde
Line 15: Line 16:
| affiliation = [[Starfleet]]
| affiliation = [[Starfleet]]
|  assignment = [[USS Phoenix]]
|  assignment = [[USS Phoenix]]
|    position = Assistant Chief Engineer
|    position = Chief Engineer
|        rank = Lieutenant JG
|        rank = Lieutenant JG
|    insignia =  
|    insignia =  
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== Personality ==
== Personality ==
Taking after her mother, M'rissi can be a flirt and often takes the chance to get joy out of making men crazy. Realistically, she has no such interest most of the time, but does it for fun. She does not give out nicknames like her mother does, but makes sure to remember everybody's actual name. She recieved her gift for Engineering from her father, a Starfleet Engineer for his entire career which culminated in having his own command during the war's initial onslaught.
Most people that have met M'rissi's mother, [[M'esserri R'pas]] assume all 27 of her children are like her. M'rissi, or "Rissi" as she is called is not as gregarious as her mother, but a few of her siblings are. She does not give out nicknames like her mother does, but makes sure to remember everybody's actual name. She recieved her gift for Engineering from her father, [[K'ierran T'arren]], a Starfleet Engineer for his entire career which culminated in having his own command during the war's initial onslaught.
The R'Pas/T'arren family (Caitian marraiges do not require a name change, and more often then not, both partners retain their given names and children can recieve either name) has been very well setup thanks to the actions of General M'esserri R'Pas and Commodore K'ierran T'arren. Because of this, M'rissi and her siblings have had a rather "endowed" childhood with a large piece of land on Cait and everything they could need. While she may lack some of the down to earthness that most people have, she still does not feel she is "better" then anyone for it. Her parents made sure to emphasize that over the years.
The R'Pas/T'arren family (Caitian marriages do not require a name change, and more often then not, both partners retain their given names and children can recieve either name) has been very well setup thanks to the actions of General M'esserri R'Pas and Commodore K'ierran T'arren. Because of this, M'rissi and her siblings have had a rather "endowed" childhood with a large piece of land on Cait and everything they could need. While she may lack some of the down to earthness that most people have, she still does not feel she is "better" then anyone for it. Her parents made sure to emphasize that over the years.
Rissi has a short temper when her loyalty is questioned. It stems from her decision to join Starfleet. Most of the Caitian people resent the Federation after the war. Those who serve it are often considered traitors. Rissi is devoted to her people, but believes that they will have to put the past behind them and trust the Federation again. She hopes her service in Starfleet can do its part to heal old wounds.
== History ==
== History ==
(Coming Soon)
M'rissi T'arren was born on [[Cait]]. Her parents being in Starfleet, she was lucky to be born there instead of on a ship. Both had taken leave in order to have their first round of children, of which M'rissi was a part of. When she was 2, her parents decided to take another posting. Her father, a Lieutenant Commander in Engineering, and her mother, a Lieutenant Colonel in the Marine Corps, found it difficult to find postings together. They had refused to take separate postings due to their existing children, and the second batch which was on the way.
Once posted on a starship, the family grew up the way most shipbound families do. Rissi and her siblings played in the holodecks, and the corridors, and generally became well liked by most of the crew. As the only Caitian family on-board and with 11 children at the time, it was hard not to recognize them wherever you went.
Throughout her first 3 years, the family was posted on inner ships instead of front line vessels. However, the major incursions of the Borg changed everything. The family moved back to Cait due to the dangers of shipboard life now, and the children were left in the care of relatives. For the entire year, her parents were on their own separate assignments taking their part in defending the Federation.
For 7 long years, the family grew, and her parents came and went from one assignment to another, taking time off every so often to be home with the children. When Rissi was 10 years old, her parents decided to stay home. Despite Starfleet's pleading with them to take command of their own ships respectively, her parents declined and did all but go AWOL to stay with their family.
=== Borg War ===
Until she was 12, the R'Pas/T'arren family lived on [[Cait]], when they heard that the [[Borg]] had been spotted on the outer edges of their sectors. The belief was that they were going to attempt to seize Cait for its resources, and build construction facilities there. Both her parents immediately took up command of separate [[Starfleet]] vessels. Her father had been promoted to Captain, and her mother was now a Brigadier General. Both took up the task of forming up the fleet to defend Cait.
At that point, Cait was devastated by the orbital scorching designed to prevent it from being assimilated. The area the family lived in was not affected, but they did witness it happening. It was hard to miss from around the planet. Mass evacuations were necessary due to the airborne debris and they lived on an orbiting station for 3 months.
During this time, Rissi honed her appreciation for Engineering. Her father had been sure to teach all his children what he knew about it, but she did not fully understand why he loved it until then. She bode her time by repairing small things, taking devices apart, and researching everything she could on the subject from her current situation.
After the bombardment, the Borg attacked. Her parents fleet was successful in repelling the invaders, and were hailed as heroes. Her father was promoted to Commodore, and her mother received a second star. Despite this, they did not take part in the [[Battle of Sol]]. They were in charge of the flanks and a small group of ships, making sure they could cut off Borg reinforcements, which never did come. They did make an attempt to join the battle after 3 days of waiting, but arrived in time to only take part in the destruction of the last few ships. Her mother and father had both violated orders to take part in the fight, but no charges were brought up against them.
=== Joining Starfleet ===
After Starfleet declared victory, Rissi decided to join Starfleet along with her brother P'erran and her sister M'ressi Jr. Even though the losses had been devastating, Starfleet needed new recruits to fill their ranks. In fact, the three siblings were two weeks below the deadline in age to join, but Starfleet disregarded this and accepted all three.
The academy was fairly easy, at least to Rissi. The classes on Engineering were all about things she knew thanks to her father and her own ingenuity in discovering them. Overall, it was a straight forward four years, despite all that had happened.
After graduation, she was assigned to the Miranda. A nice little ship, she was content to sit there for a while and get a feel for things. The Chief Engineer found her enjoyable in more ways then one. Though she never actually did anything, she may have led him on at times. For one reason or another, he found it prudent to promote her to Lieutenant JG despite the fact that several Ensigns were up for the promotion. She caught it from them for this, but didn't care.
=== Assigned to the USS Phoenix ===
She was given the opportunity to transfer to the [[USS Casablanca]], one of the newer [[Akira Class]] ships in the fleet, but declined. She instead believed she could get faster up the ranks by transferring to the Phoenix. Though it was a ship for screw-ups, it was a chance to make it up to Assistant Chief Engineer only two years out of the academy.
Once there, the CEO never showed. Because of this, she got the chance (after a lot of convincing of the Captain) to take up the role. So, she took on a Chief Engineer position early in her career. Not that she thinks she does not deserve it. So as of now, she was promoted about four times as fast as she should have been in the normal order of things.
Because of this, her relationship with her brother (who is still an Ensign) is strained, but as she will tell you; "He's a hypocrite anyway", so it does not bother her all that much. Once on the Phoenix and in her new position, she proceeded to procure supplies for the ship in dock by raiding the disused corpses of several other New Orleans Class ships in a junkyard around Jupiter. This earned her a reprimand from the Captain, though her efforts got the ship a new sickbay and a lot of spare parts they would have not gotten otherwise. Funnily enough, the Captain did not so much berate her for her actions, but made it clear that future efforts of a similar nature should go through him first. This may leave the door open for future unique solutions.
She became involved with the Phoenix's CO, Captain [[S'rravl T'ssarra]] much to the behest of her brother P'erran fairly soon after being assigned to the ship. It started out with a dinner meeting to discuss her punishment for the piracy of the New Orleans fleet at Jupiter. The meeting was her idea, and to be perfectly honest.... an attempt to coerce him into reducing her "sentence" of menial labor in the less visited parts of the ship.
But, as with all things, the night went beyond that, and the two managed to make a connection on a personal level. Rissi managed to fall asleep on the Captain's couch, which of course caused her brother to notice that she did not come home that evening. Something he managed to have quite a bit of fun with.
Under Rissi's watch, the Phoenix was repaired, and shipped out on its way to Cait with relief supplies and the task of convincing the government to rejoin the Federation. Rissi was part of the away team assigned to install terraforming equipment on the surface. They were promptly ambushed, and Rissi was taken prisoner. After a successful rescue at the hands of an armed security detail and her brother [[Aa'reth T'arren]], and mother [[M'esserri R'Pas]] she was returned to the Phoenix. During all of this, Aa'reth was integral in a coup of the Caitian government, and became the new leader of the Caitian people and head of their reformed military.
The Phoenix was to move deeper into unexplored space and make contact with Bajor on their way to what was once Cardassian space. Their goal was to find and move an abandoned Nor Class station to Cait as a gesture of goodwill from the Federation. The station was easy enough to locate, but securing it was another matter. Rissi and the rest of the team ran into multiple booby traps and failing systems culminating in the need to eject the station's power cores to get it under control. After the station was stable, it was successfully towed back to Cait.
During this time, M'rissi and Captain T'ssarra continued their relationship, allowing it to run at its own pace. Despite consistent jabbing from her brother, she found herself growing increasingly close to the Captain, and the two routinely shared dinner and other activities with each other.
Upon returning from the mission to Cait, the Phoenix ran into a temporal anomaly that spat out the [[USS Eisenhower]]. For the purposes of this article, none of the information related to the Eisenhower has been retained, but due to the Eisenhower's appearance changing history, an alternate reality briefly existed in which M'rissi was a full Lieutenent, in charge of both Engineering and Operations on the Phoenix while also being second officer, and married to Captain T'ssarra. Once the timeline was restored, everything returned to normal, and nobody had any memories of the event.
== Starfleet Record ==
M'rissi reported with the rest of her class (including her siblings M'esserri Jr. and P'erran.) for Academy initiation. The R'Pas/T'arren siblings were lucky to get in with the class. Their birthday was inside the cutoff date by about a week, otherwise they would have had to wait an additional year.
M'rissi graduated from Starfleet Acadamy with a major in Starship Engineering. She was given her commission at the rank of Ensign.
M'rissi was assigned to the [[USS Miranda]] on the Engineering Staff. The Panther Class ship had been in space for a while, and was a fairly pleasurable post given the status of the Federation.
M'rissi was promoted to Lieutenant JG onboard the Miranda. She was chosen out of 5 Ensigns in the department to lead repair team beta. Truth be told... the Chief Engineer seemed to enjoy having her around for more then just her company. Not that she ever indulged him, but he liked what he saw. In more ways then one. Since she and her fellow Ensigns were at about the same skill level, rumors went around that this was the clincher. Nonetheless, she proved quite a capable officer in her job.
M'rissi was offered a transfer to the [[USS Casablanca]]. On the Akira Class ship, she would have an opportunity to get more experience. However, she chose to request transfer to the [[USS Phoenix]] and take up the ACEO position. When questioned why she wanted to be assigned to the misfit ship of the fleet, she cited personal reasons. Despite the ship's reputation for being the last chance for troubled officers, and M'rissi actuality being a fairly promising one, the transfer was granted. She came on-board as the Assistant Chief Engineer. She planned to use it to get experiance as a senior officer. On other assignments, she would not move up as fast, but if she transferred somewhere people did not want to be, she would get more responsibility. In addition, she felt a bit like ensuring her brother P'erran who was already on the Phoenix didn't do something stupid like almost get himself killed again. Not that she will ever admit it.
Almost as soon as she arrived on the Phoenix, it became clear that their Chief Engineer replacement was not going to arrive. M'rissi took it upon herself to petition the Captain to allow her to take the vacant Chief Engineer position. Despite his objections due to her being only 2 years out of the academy, they were left with little choice. Replacement officers were few and far between, and the Phoenix needed a CEO immediately. Reluctantly, she was granted the position she currently serves at. Over time, it because obvious that she can handle the work load. The Phoenix slowly but steadily became better maintained, and hasn't seemed this new in years. While not up to standards of the flagship perhaps, given the state of the aging workhorse and the slow flow of supplies from Earth, M'rissi has performed miracles.
== Family ==
== Family ==
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Father: [[K'ierran T'arren]]
Father: [[K'ierran T'arren]]
Brothers: [[P'erran R'pas]], 11 others
Sisters: [[L'arri T'arren]], 10 others
(First Group): [[P'erran R'pas]], [[Aa'reth T'arren]], [[L'arri T'arren]], [[M'esserri R'pas Jr.]] [[K'rrristina R'pas]]
(Second Group): 6 siblings
(Third Group): 4 siblings
(Fourth Group: [[K'arra T'arren]], 2 other siblings
(Fifth Group): 4 siblings
(Sixth Group): [[S'rrat R'Pas]], [[V'rrat R'Pas]], 3 other siblings
Relatives (with FE involvement): [[Yolen'da Surridge]]
Relatives (with FE involvement): [[Yolen'da Surridge]], [[M'karll R'pas]], [[L'san R'pas]], [[K'ndry R'pas]], [[J'al Grenn]]
[[Category: A to Z|T'arren,M'rissi]]
[[Category:Star Trek: Phoenix|T'arren,M'rissi]]

Latest revision as of 18:44, 30 November 2012

M'rissi T'arren







July 9 2384


Emerald Green






140 lbs.




USS Phoenix


Chief Engineer


Lieutenant JG

First Appearence:

M 2.5 - Refit and Intermission



[ Source ]



Most people that have met M'rissi's mother, M'esserri R'pas assume all 27 of her children are like her. M'rissi, or "Rissi" as she is called is not as gregarious as her mother, but a few of her siblings are. She does not give out nicknames like her mother does, but makes sure to remember everybody's actual name. She recieved her gift for Engineering from her father, K'ierran T'arren, a Starfleet Engineer for his entire career which culminated in having his own command during the war's initial onslaught.

The R'Pas/T'arren family (Caitian marriages do not require a name change, and more often then not, both partners retain their given names and children can recieve either name) has been very well setup thanks to the actions of General M'esserri R'Pas and Commodore K'ierran T'arren. Because of this, M'rissi and her siblings have had a rather "endowed" childhood with a large piece of land on Cait and everything they could need. While she may lack some of the down to earthness that most people have, she still does not feel she is "better" then anyone for it. Her parents made sure to emphasize that over the years.

Rissi has a short temper when her loyalty is questioned. It stems from her decision to join Starfleet. Most of the Caitian people resent the Federation after the war. Those who serve it are often considered traitors. Rissi is devoted to her people, but believes that they will have to put the past behind them and trust the Federation again. She hopes her service in Starfleet can do its part to heal old wounds.


M'rissi T'arren was born on Cait. Her parents being in Starfleet, she was lucky to be born there instead of on a ship. Both had taken leave in order to have their first round of children, of which M'rissi was a part of. When she was 2, her parents decided to take another posting. Her father, a Lieutenant Commander in Engineering, and her mother, a Lieutenant Colonel in the Marine Corps, found it difficult to find postings together. They had refused to take separate postings due to their existing children, and the second batch which was on the way.

Once posted on a starship, the family grew up the way most shipbound families do. Rissi and her siblings played in the holodecks, and the corridors, and generally became well liked by most of the crew. As the only Caitian family on-board and with 11 children at the time, it was hard not to recognize them wherever you went.

Throughout her first 3 years, the family was posted on inner ships instead of front line vessels. However, the major incursions of the Borg changed everything. The family moved back to Cait due to the dangers of shipboard life now, and the children were left in the care of relatives. For the entire year, her parents were on their own separate assignments taking their part in defending the Federation.

For 7 long years, the family grew, and her parents came and went from one assignment to another, taking time off every so often to be home with the children. When Rissi was 10 years old, her parents decided to stay home. Despite Starfleet's pleading with them to take command of their own ships respectively, her parents declined and did all but go AWOL to stay with their family.

Borg War

Until she was 12, the R'Pas/T'arren family lived on Cait, when they heard that the Borg had been spotted on the outer edges of their sectors. The belief was that they were going to attempt to seize Cait for its resources, and build construction facilities there. Both her parents immediately took up command of separate Starfleet vessels. Her father had been promoted to Captain, and her mother was now a Brigadier General. Both took up the task of forming up the fleet to defend Cait.

At that point, Cait was devastated by the orbital scorching designed to prevent it from being assimilated. The area the family lived in was not affected, but they did witness it happening. It was hard to miss from around the planet. Mass evacuations were necessary due to the airborne debris and they lived on an orbiting station for 3 months.

During this time, Rissi honed her appreciation for Engineering. Her father had been sure to teach all his children what he knew about it, but she did not fully understand why he loved it until then. She bode her time by repairing small things, taking devices apart, and researching everything she could on the subject from her current situation.

After the bombardment, the Borg attacked. Her parents fleet was successful in repelling the invaders, and were hailed as heroes. Her father was promoted to Commodore, and her mother received a second star. Despite this, they did not take part in the Battle of Sol. They were in charge of the flanks and a small group of ships, making sure they could cut off Borg reinforcements, which never did come. They did make an attempt to join the battle after 3 days of waiting, but arrived in time to only take part in the destruction of the last few ships. Her mother and father had both violated orders to take part in the fight, but no charges were brought up against them.

Joining Starfleet

After Starfleet declared victory, Rissi decided to join Starfleet along with her brother P'erran and her sister M'ressi Jr. Even though the losses had been devastating, Starfleet needed new recruits to fill their ranks. In fact, the three siblings were two weeks below the deadline in age to join, but Starfleet disregarded this and accepted all three.

The academy was fairly easy, at least to Rissi. The classes on Engineering were all about things she knew thanks to her father and her own ingenuity in discovering them. Overall, it was a straight forward four years, despite all that had happened.

After graduation, she was assigned to the Miranda. A nice little ship, she was content to sit there for a while and get a feel for things. The Chief Engineer found her enjoyable in more ways then one. Though she never actually did anything, she may have led him on at times. For one reason or another, he found it prudent to promote her to Lieutenant JG despite the fact that several Ensigns were up for the promotion. She caught it from them for this, but didn't care.

Assigned to the USS Phoenix

She was given the opportunity to transfer to the USS Casablanca, one of the newer Akira Class ships in the fleet, but declined. She instead believed she could get faster up the ranks by transferring to the Phoenix. Though it was a ship for screw-ups, it was a chance to make it up to Assistant Chief Engineer only two years out of the academy.

Once there, the CEO never showed. Because of this, she got the chance (after a lot of convincing of the Captain) to take up the role. So, she took on a Chief Engineer position early in her career. Not that she thinks she does not deserve it. So as of now, she was promoted about four times as fast as she should have been in the normal order of things.

Because of this, her relationship with her brother (who is still an Ensign) is strained, but as she will tell you; "He's a hypocrite anyway", so it does not bother her all that much. Once on the Phoenix and in her new position, she proceeded to procure supplies for the ship in dock by raiding the disused corpses of several other New Orleans Class ships in a junkyard around Jupiter. This earned her a reprimand from the Captain, though her efforts got the ship a new sickbay and a lot of spare parts they would have not gotten otherwise. Funnily enough, the Captain did not so much berate her for her actions, but made it clear that future efforts of a similar nature should go through him first. This may leave the door open for future unique solutions.

She became involved with the Phoenix's CO, Captain S'rravl T'ssarra much to the behest of her brother P'erran fairly soon after being assigned to the ship. It started out with a dinner meeting to discuss her punishment for the piracy of the New Orleans fleet at Jupiter. The meeting was her idea, and to be perfectly honest.... an attempt to coerce him into reducing her "sentence" of menial labor in the less visited parts of the ship.

But, as with all things, the night went beyond that, and the two managed to make a connection on a personal level. Rissi managed to fall asleep on the Captain's couch, which of course caused her brother to notice that she did not come home that evening. Something he managed to have quite a bit of fun with.

Under Rissi's watch, the Phoenix was repaired, and shipped out on its way to Cait with relief supplies and the task of convincing the government to rejoin the Federation. Rissi was part of the away team assigned to install terraforming equipment on the surface. They were promptly ambushed, and Rissi was taken prisoner. After a successful rescue at the hands of an armed security detail and her brother Aa'reth T'arren, and mother M'esserri R'Pas she was returned to the Phoenix. During all of this, Aa'reth was integral in a coup of the Caitian government, and became the new leader of the Caitian people and head of their reformed military.

The Phoenix was to move deeper into unexplored space and make contact with Bajor on their way to what was once Cardassian space. Their goal was to find and move an abandoned Nor Class station to Cait as a gesture of goodwill from the Federation. The station was easy enough to locate, but securing it was another matter. Rissi and the rest of the team ran into multiple booby traps and failing systems culminating in the need to eject the station's power cores to get it under control. After the station was stable, it was successfully towed back to Cait.

During this time, M'rissi and Captain T'ssarra continued their relationship, allowing it to run at its own pace. Despite consistent jabbing from her brother, she found herself growing increasingly close to the Captain, and the two routinely shared dinner and other activities with each other.

Upon returning from the mission to Cait, the Phoenix ran into a temporal anomaly that spat out the USS Eisenhower. For the purposes of this article, none of the information related to the Eisenhower has been retained, but due to the Eisenhower's appearance changing history, an alternate reality briefly existed in which M'rissi was a full Lieutenent, in charge of both Engineering and Operations on the Phoenix while also being second officer, and married to Captain T'ssarra. Once the timeline was restored, everything returned to normal, and nobody had any memories of the event.

Starfleet Record

M'rissi reported with the rest of her class (including her siblings M'esserri Jr. and P'erran.) for Academy initiation. The R'Pas/T'arren siblings were lucky to get in with the class. Their birthday was inside the cutoff date by about a week, otherwise they would have had to wait an additional year.

M'rissi graduated from Starfleet Acadamy with a major in Starship Engineering. She was given her commission at the rank of Ensign.

M'rissi was assigned to the USS Miranda on the Engineering Staff. The Panther Class ship had been in space for a while, and was a fairly pleasurable post given the status of the Federation.

M'rissi was promoted to Lieutenant JG onboard the Miranda. She was chosen out of 5 Ensigns in the department to lead repair team beta. Truth be told... the Chief Engineer seemed to enjoy having her around for more then just her company. Not that she ever indulged him, but he liked what he saw. In more ways then one. Since she and her fellow Ensigns were at about the same skill level, rumors went around that this was the clincher. Nonetheless, she proved quite a capable officer in her job.

M'rissi was offered a transfer to the USS Casablanca. On the Akira Class ship, she would have an opportunity to get more experience. However, she chose to request transfer to the USS Phoenix and take up the ACEO position. When questioned why she wanted to be assigned to the misfit ship of the fleet, she cited personal reasons. Despite the ship's reputation for being the last chance for troubled officers, and M'rissi actuality being a fairly promising one, the transfer was granted. She came on-board as the Assistant Chief Engineer. She planned to use it to get experiance as a senior officer. On other assignments, she would not move up as fast, but if she transferred somewhere people did not want to be, she would get more responsibility. In addition, she felt a bit like ensuring her brother P'erran who was already on the Phoenix didn't do something stupid like almost get himself killed again. Not that she will ever admit it.

Almost as soon as she arrived on the Phoenix, it became clear that their Chief Engineer replacement was not going to arrive. M'rissi took it upon herself to petition the Captain to allow her to take the vacant Chief Engineer position. Despite his objections due to her being only 2 years out of the academy, they were left with little choice. Replacement officers were few and far between, and the Phoenix needed a CEO immediately. Reluctantly, she was granted the position she currently serves at. Over time, it because obvious that she can handle the work load. The Phoenix slowly but steadily became better maintained, and hasn't seemed this new in years. While not up to standards of the flagship perhaps, given the state of the aging workhorse and the slow flow of supplies from Earth, M'rissi has performed miracles.


Mother: M'esserri R'Pas
Father: K'ierran T'arren

(First Group): P'erran R'pas, Aa'reth T'arren, L'arri T'arren, M'esserri R'pas Jr. K'rrristina R'pas
(Second Group): 6 siblings
(Third Group): 4 siblings
(Fourth Group: K'arra T'arren, 2 other siblings
(Fifth Group): 4 siblings
(Sixth Group): S'rrat R'Pas, V'rrat R'Pas, 3 other siblings

Relatives (with FE involvement): Yolen'da Surridge, M'karll R'pas, L'san R'pas, K'ndry R'pas, J'al Grenn

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