Spacedock II

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*[[Cranston Fuller]] - [[Fire Birds|7th EDF Fighter Squadron]] CO
*[[Cranston Fuller]] - [[Fire Birds|7th EDF Fighter Squadron]] CO
===Former Crewmembers===
*Lt. Cmdr. [[Anthony Brooks]] - Operations Manager (2393-2398)
==See Also==
*[[Spacedock Class]]
*[[Spacedock One]]

Latest revision as of 14:33, 26 April 2006

Spacedock II (often referred to simply as S2) is the second Spacedock-class starbase to have been contructed in orbit of Earth. Construction began following the destruction of the original Spacedock in 2398 during the Battle of Sol. Though based upon the same basic design as the original, it is slightly larger and has a number of refinements in hardware components, the better to deal with the larger capital ships of the day and the increased population in the Sol System.



S2's construction began in 2399, following the Battle of Sol. The desperate attempts to provide a stable military platform with which to defend Earth meant that a number of contracters were employed alongside Starfleet's own Engineering Corps, including the Yoyodyne Division, which had previously operated at a number of Starship construction facilities. Though the exterior of the station is now complete and it closely resembles the original Spacedock, much of the interior is incomplete, with work having slowed or even stopped on non-military areas.

Technical Information

In line with more recently built Spacedock-class starbases, S2 is larger than the original design created in the 23rd century. It is approximately 6000m in height with a diameter at its widest point of 4145m. A larger, third set of schematics was considered which would have made S2 the largest starbase ever constructed by the Federation, but this idea was discarded due to lack of resources and as such it is almost visually identical in construction to the phase-2 Spacedocks seen outside of the inner systems, despite its differences from Spacedock One.

Like its forebearer, S2 is similar in shape to an elongated spinning top with a rounded base and mushroom top, and the upper dome alone is capable of housing a number of capital ships within its hollow interior. Vessels generally enter and exit through a number of massive doors similar in style to an airlock hatch. These doorways are over five hundred metres wide when fully opened, and can accommodate the largest Starfleet vessels in service. Some non-Federation vessels such as the Romulan D'Deridex and Valdore-classes and the Dominion Dreadnaught are unable to enter S2.

With continued supplies and only rare refittings, S2 can be expected to last for an indefinate period. Even without external help, the station could function and cater for a full compliment of crew and guests for much longer than a Starship due to new design implementations such as a hydroponics deck.

The station is capable of housing hundreds of thousands of people, and cannot adequately function without a crew numbering at least ten thousand. Currently, the Starfleet crew count is roughly 9000, with low level maintenence tasks and the like being assigned to civilian experts in exchange for housing and Fleet rations on the station, though a number of civilian restaurants were allowed to be set up by Starfleet in the completed central hub in early 2403.

Auxilliary Carft

The station has hundreds of small craft assigned and houses within its bulk, and more come and go every day from supplying starships and Earth. There are two capital ships assigned at all times to the station's command, and the station also plays home to three fully active Earth Defence Force fighter squadrons.


Starfleet has refused to release the exact specifications of S2's tactical systems, however leaked reports indicate around 600 phaser arrays, with over 200 pulse cannons. A torpedo launcher count of 90 has not been confirmed by the station's commanding officer.

It is confirmed that the stations is equipped with a massive network of shield emitters which utilise the MLSS hardware and are supported by a number of redundant, independantly powered installations for the event of primary systems failure.


Senior Staff

Fighter Squadrons

See Also

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