Tristan Viego

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m (New page: {{FEchar | color = Command | name = Tristan Viego | image = 200px | caption = Viego in 2406 | species = El-Aurian | homeworld = El-...)
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|      color = Command
|      color = Cerberus
|        name = Tristan Viego
|        name = Tristan Viego
|      image = [[Image:Tristan-V.jpg|200px]]
|      image = [[Image:Tristan-V.jpg|200px]]
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| affiliation = [[Cerberus Institute]]
| affiliation = [[Cerberus Institute]]
|  assignment = [[Cell Alpha|The Hellhounds]]
|  assignment = [[Cell Alpha|The Hellhounds]]
|    position = (Pending)
|    position = Engineer
|        rank = Lieutenant (ret.)<br>Senior Chief (ret.)
|        rank = Lieutenant (ret.)<br>Senior Chief (ret.)
|    insignia = [[Image:R-o3.png]]<br>[[Image:R-e8.png]]
|    insignia = [[Image:R-o3.png]]<br>[[Image:R-e8.png]]

Revision as of 18:39, 2 March 2009

Viego in 2406







Date Unrecorded, 2272








197 lbs


Cerberus Institute


The Hellhounds




Lieutenant (ret.)
Senior Chief (ret.)





[ Source ]

An El-Aurian survivor rescued from the Nexus by the USS Enterprise in 2293, Tristan Viego has lived in the Alpha Quadrant for more than a hundred years, and has lived through several careers and lifetimes over the course, including stretches as an Archaeologist, Astrophysicist, and Fighter Pilot. During the Borg War he volunteered as a member of the Deck Crew aboard the USS Valkyrie.

Currently, he is working with the Cerberus Institute.


Character History

Early Years

Tristan was among the survivors of the SS Lakul beamed aboard the USS Enterprise-B on her shakedown cruise in 2293. The son of an El-Aurian Ambassador aboard the vessel, Tristan lost both of his parents to the Nexus energy ribbon; that emotional turmoil weighed heavily on his memories of the Nexus itself, negating the usual desire to return there held by many of the other survivors.

Orphaned by the ordeal, Tristan was taken in by one of the Engineers from Spacedock who was stationed aboard temporarily until the full crew was brought aboard. Lieutenant Pendergast and his wife helped him to integrate into Federation society: the two had been unable to concieve a child of their own, and the Lieutenant hoped his new son would follow in his footsteps and join Starfleet. Unfortunately, Tristan became fixated on learning about the society into which he had been deposited and - with the help of his Foster Mother - enrolled in Mars University to study Archaeology and Ancient Cultures.

Archaeology soon dominated Tristan's life; striking a close friendship with one of his lecturers - Jonathan Jackson - he assisted him on numerous expeditions across the quadrant, learning as he went. When Jackson accepted a Professorship at the University of Alpha Centauri, Viego travelled there with him and became one of his first Postgraduate students, eventually earning a Doctorate in Archaeology in 2304.

Tristan soon found himself leading his own expeditions, and for the next twenty years was happy with the career he had fallen into. However, after three decades studying the same field, he felt that a change was in order. Having uncovered secrets about the people and cultures of the Alpha Quadrant he chose to learn about the Quadrant itself, and enrolled on an Undergraduate course at the Vulcan Science Institute studying Quantum and Cosmological Physics. He excelled, impressing his Vulcan lecturers - or at least, coming as close to doing so as it was possible to get. For a few years he returned to Archaeology, before being contacted out of the blue by the Trill Science Ministry who, on the basis of a recommendation by one of his former Professors, invited him to join one of their research teams.

After achieving a Doctorate in Astrophysics from the Ministry, Tristan was offered a teaching post. During the twenty-five years that followed, Tristan published numerous papers, often combining both of his fields of expertise into Astro-Archaeology, which he lectured in for several years. He also met and married Alicia Vendaan - a fellow researcher at the Ministry - and became close friends with Joolar Lin, a Mathematics Professor. However, both relationships came to a tragic end - Alicia left Tristan for (ironically) an "older" man, while Joolar died of old age.

His life an emotional mess, Tristan found himself swept up in the adventurous exploits of Joolar's successor as host to the Lin symbiote: Tetga.

Cardassian War

Tetga Lin encouraged Tristan to join Starfleet. Reports vary on whose idea it was initially, and exactly how much alcohol was involved; however, Tristan's enrolment in Starfleet Academy came just in time to satisfy Tristan's bed-ridden Foster Father, who died of old age while Tristan was still a Cadet.

Tristan and Tetga trained as Fighter Pilots, both showing a surprising affinity for the pursuit. The two graduated, and eventually found themselves caught up in the Cardassian War. They flew well as a pair, and often boasted of their invulnerability in combat; ironically, it was a barfight that claimed the life of Tetga, leaving Tristan without any "family" yet again.

Lieutenant Viego continued to serve well into the sixties, spending a brief tour working with Starfleet Tactical as part of a number of classified operations. It was during his service there that he was contacted by a Cadet at Starfleet Academy who claimed to be his son. It soon emerged that his ex-wife had been pregnant when they'd separated. His son - Ian - informed him that his mother was slowly dying, and that she wanted to make up for her mistakes before she was unable to. Tristan took an extended leave of absense from Starfleet, both to care for his wife and to get to know his son. Tristan spent much of those years visiting his elderly Foster Mother as well; his absense from Starfleet ended when she was killed in an accident at her home on Luna.

Dominion War

The death of yet another relative had a profound impact on Tristan, that damaged his relationship with his son. Ian accepted a new assignment away from Earth, "abandoning" his father; Tristan realised that the only way to cope would be to return to the one thread of his life that hadn't yet come unstitched.

In 2371, Tristan reported aboard the USS Apollo, and joined the crew as a Shuttle Pilot. With the outbreak of the Dominion War, his duties were altered to make him a dedicated pilot for the Marine Corps troops aboard the ship. For the majority of the conflict, he served under Tycho Garrok, the Commander of 2 Company.

Though more than capable of performing the role he was assigned, the piloting that Tristan spent the war performing wasn't the same as he remembered: shuttlecraft didn't provide the same rush as fighters did. During the war he'd remained where he was because of a sense of duty, but with the conflict resolved he felt that he could make his own job satisfaction a priority once more. Tristan resigned his commission, and calling on favours from some of the contacts from his earlier careers, managed to secure himself an assignment to Starbase 51 as a Civilian working with Starfleet R&D.

Tristan became involved with a number of projects, ranging from the study of Trilithium as a nuclear inhibitor to the development of new shuttlecraft designs, and a variety of Astrophysics and Engineering projects in between. Along the way he submitted a thesis to Starfleet Sciences that earned him a Doctorate in Aerospace Engineering.

Borg War

In 2382, Research & Development projects from across the Federation were moved to a central facility at Xavier Fleet Yards. Tristan continued to work on a number of his projects, but grew increasingly disillusioned with what he was doing; he felt that his skills could be better applied on the front line, rather than cowering in the safety of the lab. He submitted numerous applications for assignments as part of active fighter units, but was declined by Starfleet on the grounds that it was a "poor use of resources" to move him away from his Research, and to invest time and manpower in familiarising himself with modern fighter craft; after all, it had been more than twenty years since he'd flown a combat mission.

After assisting in the project to seal the Bajoran Wormhole in 2388, Tristan made a last-ditch effort, directly contacting the Executive Officer of one of the carriers in the area - the USS Valkyrie. While Jacen Parami did not have any space on his roster for an outdated pilot, he empathised with Tristan's plight, and arranged for him to join the crew as part of the Air Group's Deck Crew.

Tristan was given Enlisted status, and joined the Crew as a Petty Officer. His experiences with R&D helped him to guide the Crew through a variety of upgrades to their ships that gave them an important tactical edge. His contributions were recognised after an engagement claimed the life of several members of the crew; with Parami promoted to Commanding Officer in the wake, Tristan was appointed the new Chief of the Deck.

Chief Viego continued to serve until the very end of the war; the Valkyrie was one of the vessels that participated in the Battle of Sol. Another vessel that participated in the battle was Captained by Tristan's son; unfortunately, Ian was killed when his ship was destroyed. Tristan remained aboard the Valkyrie for the next two years, until the Federation declared victory over the Borg in 2400; then he retired, intending to live out the next few years in isolation.

Cerberus Institute

In 2406, Tristan was approached by Raven of the Cerberus Institute, who offered him the opportunity to put his several lifetimes of accumulated skills and experience to use defending the Federation.

Psychological Profile

Tristan Viego has suffered a great deal of loss over the years, in terms of close friends, colleagues, and relatives. Unfortunately it is an inevitable burden placed upon species that are so long-lived. Over the years he has spent numerous sessions with Betazoid and Vulcan Counsellors who have been able to help him confront his loss honestly, and have provided him with a number of meditation techniques that help him to 'cope'.

As a result of his mental training, Tristan can appear to be somewhat subdued at times. In his earlier years he was somewhat reckless and impulsive; while he is still capable of experiencing emotion - and showing it - he tends to avoid doing so, hiding behind a mask of stoicism from which he only emerges occasionally to fire off shots of deeply cynical humour.

Additional Information


Ambassador Jansen Viego - Father - Deceased, 2293
Lady Laurana Viego - Mother - Deceased, 2293

Admiral William Pendergast - Foster Father - Deceased, 2349
Sophia Pendergast - Foster Mother - Deceased, 2371

Alicia Vendaan-Viego - Wife - Deceased, 2369
Captain Ian Vendaan-Viego - Son - Deceased, 2398 (KIA: Battle of Sol)

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