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The Bajorans are the primary species from the planet of Bajor in the B'hava'el system. The Bajoran race has been around for several millennia, and has the one of the richest cultures in the Alpha Quadrant. The Bajorans suffered greatly from the Cardassian Union during the 2360s. Once they forced the Cardassians off their planet the Bajorans worked hard for over eight years alongside their Federation allies in rebuilding and becoming a key race in galactic affairs after the discovery of the Bajoran Wormhole which led to the Gamma Quadrant.

Bajor joined the Federation in 2376 and became one its most important members in helping many civilisations who suffered from the Dominion War with rebuilding efforts, including their former invader's homeworld Cardassia.

During the Borg War the Bajoran’s became hosts to many races who had become refugees from the invasion from the Delta Quadrant.

After contact was lost with Bajor, the Bajoran people invited those that had lost everything in to their homes on Bajor. In 2401 the USS Enterprise NX 1701 - F re-established contact with the planet to find the Bajorans hosting a multi cultural society. The Bajorans’ religion in the Prophets has remained with them, and their beliefs have been shared with others who reside with them.

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