Andrew Johnson

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Andrew Matthew Johnson was the son of Starfleet officers Captain Irene Johnson (USS Widmore) and Lieutenant Commander Frederick Johnson (USS Delvon). He was born in 2376 and was the youngest brother of Michael Johnson. He entered Starfleet Academy and became quite an ace pilot. His final posting was on board the USS Voyager, as the ship's chief flight control officer during the Battle of Sol. He was presumed killed in action but in 2402 he was found barely alive by the USS Red Robin in a stasis field on the wreck of a Borg vessel in The Field (DS1: "The Miracle Workers"). He later left Starfleet to spend time recovering after the trauma of his experience on the Borg vessel (DS1: "The Vulcan Connection"). He was cared by his older brother who took the time away from Starfleet to be with him.

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