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Template:Civilian Character

""How long have you been standing there?"
""Long enough"
""Go meet our guest and welcome him nicely"
"Nicely, yeah
    —Jefferson and Wyatt, prior to his assignment to Davies.

Wyatt was a mercenary hired out to Captain Davies aboard the SS Starlight in the early 25th century in the aftermath of the Borg War.

It is generally suspected that Wyatt was once a Starfleet officer who reached the rank of Commander

Little is known about Wyatt, not even his real name. that is something he plays close to his heart, just like the reason he was drummed out of Starfleet. As he joined the crew of the Starlight it became apparent that Wyatt has a prosthetic hand, this came to light when he was attacked by Aegis another member of Starlights crew. During their altercation the Caitian ripped one of Wyatt's digits off. This made Wyatt declare his intent to kill the creature if it ever came close to him again.

Wyatt has a thing for older weapons, on Scardia he has built himself quite an armoury of guns and rifles ranging back to old flint lock models and stretching as far forward as early Starfleet Plasma weapons. Wyatt's personal side arm is a vastly modified plasma based weapon.

During Starlights mission to Frost Station Wyatt assasinated Commodore Yolet the Denobulan Commanding Officer of the station, as he did so he mentioned the name Arianne. Only Kayvin was present at this time and it is not yet known if she picked up that detail. She did however pick up the fact that Wyatt's surname is O'Rourke, a fact she agreed to keep quiet as Wyatt has a secret of hers he's keeping. In Wyatt's mind his secret is as important if not more so than Kayvin's.

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