San Francisco Chronicle

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The San Francisco Chronicle is the leading newspaper in San Francisco and the surrounding area, and often carries globally read stories regarding the Earth and Starfleet, specifically Starfleet Command. When prominent Starfleet officials grant one-on-one interviews, they are most often given to the Chronicle.


On January 6th 2404, the paper carried a story detailing supposedly leaked plans of Fleet Admiral Taylor for Starfleet in the coming year. The article claimed amongst other things, that tribbles were to be introduced into the population in southern Spain, a twenty foot statue of former Fleet Admiral Picard was to be erected on the Starfleet Command campus and the USS Challenger was making an action adventure holo-novel whilst scanning the Field. The same article was correct in stating that Starfleet Command had plans to introduce firearms control leasures in the city. (SFC: "A Tale of Two Cities")

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