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Vulcan is located within twenty light years from Earth and is the primary homeworld of the Vulcans. It was a founding member of the United Federation of Planets in 2161.

Status in 2400

Contact was lost with Vulcan in 2396. However in 2400 the USS Pegasus NCC 1702 - C was ordered to Vulcan to find out what happened to the Vulcan people. Captain K'Wor reported that during the Futility, the planet Vulcan was saved from the Borg by the USS Pegasus NCC 1702 - B. In response to the near-assimilation of their homeworld, the Vulcans developed a planetary shield and fighters (similar to the Redemption class).

In 2403 the USS Enterprise NX 1701 - F visited Vulcan to retrieve two important scientists to assist in the rebuilding efforts of the Federation. However hostilities arose between the flagship and the Vulcans. The Vulcans have renounced their Federation membership and a state of conflict now exists between the two old allies. Contact with the Enterprise was also lost as the ship attempted to depart Vulcan space. Contact was re-established shortly afterwards and it was found that the ship was attacked by the Vulcan Defence Fleet and captured. With after a stamd off the ship was re-claimed by the crew, however this did not improve relations between the Federation and Vulcan. A few weeks later it was discovered that the leader of Vulcan and of the Vulcan High Command was corrupt and attempted to lead an invasion against the Federation with aide from an alliance from the former head of the Romulan Tal Shiar. In light of this evidence discovered by Starfleet and the Vulcan High Command, the current Vulcan leadership signalled for an end to all conflicts between Federation and Vulcan forces.


Recent skirmishes between the forces of the Federation and the Vulcan High Command have lead to an escalation in tensions between the two galactic powers. Recently there has been an attempted theft of Federation property by Vulcan forces and a border conflict both of which lead to exchanged fire are what has caused the increased levels of alert on both sides.

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