Vanessa Hume

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Caption: Lieutenant Commander Vanessa Hume in 2403
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Father: Admiral Franklin Hume (retired)
Mother: Lieutenant Jennifer Hume (retired)
Husband: None

Vanessa Hume is the commanding officer on board the Federation medical starship Exeter, and the former commanding officer of the starhip Exploration. An experienced officer Lieutenant Commander T'Val has just recently taken command of the Exeter.

Personal Background

Prior To 2401

Born in Edmonton in the former nation of Canada Vanessa spent most of her childhood growing up either with her mother who served at Starfleet Command, or with her father who was the XO on the USS Hood. She was the first biological child of the Hume's who had also adopted the child of a Romulan defector that died aboard the USS Hood while being taken from the Neutral Zone to Earth. She would alternate where she lived every year, switching with her brother so neither parent was alone and each child had the sole attention of their parent.

She graduated from high school and entered Starfleet Academy in 2383, focusing her studies on tactical training, strategic operations and first contact. She took a few introductory medical courses during this time, and did well, but decided to go the command route instead hoping to follow in her father's footsteps as he had just been made commanding officer.

Vanessa served as an ensign on the USS Ben Nevis following graduation, working her way through the ship's ranks to become a full lieutenant and the Chief of Strategic Operations. Following this she served as the First Officer aboard the USS Explorer, and then was given her own command when she was promoted to Captain and put in charge of the USS Exploration.

She commanded the Exploration through the Borg War, fighting a rear guard action to protect the retreat of Starfleet's forces as they moved to defend Earth following loses throughout Federation space.

The Exploration took part in the Battle of Sol, the last ditch effort of Starfleet to protect Earth from a massive Borg fleet. The Exploration was critically damaged during the battle, and Hume barely managed to evacuate the crew before she aimed the Exploration at a Borg Cube and transported off the ship moments before it collided with one of the attacking Borg ships.

After 2401

T'Val was initially assigned to Deep Space One as its chief science officer to assist in cataloging the various gaseous anomomalies in the Briar Patch. She quickly rose through the ranks and became the Executive Officer. She continued to hold the position of Chief Science Officer as well until the death of Kentra Donrav and the joining of the Donrav trill symbiot and Meegen Ravax to form Megeen Donrav. The joined trill then took over as the station's Chief Science Officer, leaving T'Val to focus on her role as first officer. She was instrumental in helping the crew find the missing scientists of Project Harmony. During the mission The Vulcan Connection T'Val was tasked with leading the away team to find the Vulcan scientist Julok who was leading the Vulcan T’Pana-Hath movement, a movement dedicated to returning Vulcan to the path of Surak.

Though she does not always seen eye to eye with her human commanding officer Zack Marshall-Bennet, she is loyal to him and has yet to disobey an order. However recently she has been having personal problems. Since the death of her family she has been struggling to maintain control of her emotions, and her torture while captive on Vulcan has further upset her delicate Vulcan emotional balance. With the death of her only close friend Kentra Donrav she has become isolated socially and has struggled to keep her emotions in check while on duty. She is currently forming closer emotional ties with the Enterprise's second officer Commander Johnathan Marshall-Bennet, the brother of Zack Marshall-Bennet.

She has recently learned that she will be entering her pon farr cycle soon.

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