Daniel Frosst

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Sergeant Daniel Frosst is currently assigned to Zephyria Base in the capacity of Chief Mechanic for the 12th EDF Squadron, The Angry Apes and Crew Chief to Colonel Joseph Ryan.


Personal Details

  • Full Name: Daniel Eric Frosst
  • Nickname: Red
  • Species: Human
  • DOB: September 16, 2370
  • Place of Birth: Montreal, Canada, Earth
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Family:
    • Mother: SSGT Michelle Frosst (KIA)
    • Father: MCPO Richard Frosst (KIA)
    • Uncle: George Frosst
    • Aunt: Helena Frosst



Born September 16, 2370 in Montreal, Canada, Earth to then Cpl. Michelle Frosst and Petty Officer First Class Richard Frosst, Daniel spent most of the first 13 years of his life aboard the USS Farragut where his parents were assigned. With the exception of late 2373 thru 2375, the Dominion war, when he was sent to earth to live with relatives. After the Dominion War Daniel returned to the Farragut where he lived until 2383 when his parents were re-assigned to the USS Paladin and he was again sent to Earth the live with his aunt and uncle in his birth city of Montreal.

Starfleet Career

In 2388 at the age of 18 Daniel enlisted in Starfleet. By late 2389 he had completed both the engineering and starfighter maintenance NCO programs and achieved the Rank of Crewman. Upon completion of his training Daniel was assigned to the USS Antietam as a Mechanic 2nd Grade for the 87th SFD the Hell Hounds. In 2390 he made crew chief assigned to Lt. Helen “Gopher�? Hargrave. Daniel excelled in his role as crew chief. He was responsible for the implementation of several highly successful aftermarket modifications to her fighter, most of which were quickly adopted by the rest of the squadron. In 2392 the USS Antietam was destroyed in the Second Battle of Wolf 359. Daniel survived with minor injuries. He was awarded the Purple Heart.

After the destruction of the USS Antietam. Daniel was assigned to the 536th SFD, The Grim Reapers, aboard Starbase 1, as crew chief to Lt. Tenek “Hustler�? Seryl. In 2393 Daniel completed the Advanced Small Craft Maintenance and Repair course and was promoted to the rank of Petty Officer 3rd Class. In 2394 Daniel lost both his parents when the Borg destroyed the USS Paladin at Outpost 5004. In 2395 Daniel was made Assistant Chief Squadron Mechanic under Petty Officer 1st Class Roger Dowling. In 2398 Daniel received his second Purple Heart during the Battle of Sol when an EPS conduit exploded in his face. His wounds cost him his left eye and right hand and he spent the next two years in recuperating from his injuries. He was promoted to Petty Officer Second Class shortly after the battle, while still in the hospital.

In 2400 Daniel was declared fit for limited duty and was assigned to Starfleet Academy teaching Starfighter Repair and Maintenance. He enjoyed teaching but wanted to return to line service. In 2402 he was declared fit for duty. In 2404 he was granted a transfer to the 12th EDF Squadron.


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