Hector Montemejor

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Hector Jose Montemejor
Montemejor as a Civilian





July 19th, 2365








205 lbs.




1st Special Projects Battalion Team 1 Hell Hounds


Hell Hounds Commanding Officer


Lieutenant Colonel





[ Source ]



Hector can be described as being calm and collected when the world is exploding all around him. Seeing the harshest of combat during the Borg War caused him to become a very cold person who doesn't talk unless he absolutely has to. His apathy to the general public has earned him a reputation as a musician who is better left alone. His recent recall to service has shown the other side of his personality. Not only is he a fantastic guitar player, but an incredible leader with the talent and tenacity to accomplish missions that would be deemed as impossible.

Early life

Born in the Tlalpan district of Mexico City, Earth, he enjoyed a childhood free of poverty and demonstrated his talent for athleticism and music. At the urging of his mother, he decided to focus on his studies instead of the guitar. Through his young life, he could be seen escaping from the drudgery of math and science and instead learning the intricacies of his Ibanez acoustic guitar.

The Borg War

The Borg war changed all of his plans. In 2382, at the age of 17, Montemejor applied and was accepted to the Marine Corps Academy in Alpha Centauri. He was a newly accepted freshman when the Borg engaged the Krazzle. The mobilization of the Federation was slow at first until August when the Battle of Raeya occurred. It was after that the Federation realized that total war was imminent. The Academy offered programs for higher learning but the focus was to create officers that were ready to lead the men and women of the Federation into combat against an enemy that would stop at nothing but total annihilation.

After graduating, Montemejor scored average in most major categories, eliminating his chances for a career in starship command. He accepted his commission as a Second Lieutenant in the Federation Marines and was stationed with the 99th Marine Regiment as the 2nd 1st BN, Bravo Company, 1st Platoon Commander.

The 99th Marine Regiment

Already 4 and a half years into the war, Montemejor had yet to see actual combat of any sort. That would change with his assignment. Stationed aboard Starbase 99 under the command of Brigadier General Michael Brancer and his 4th Marine Expeditionary Force. Montemejor was sent into several combat situations. Brancer's aggressive 'get in and get out' style of combat set the ground work for many of the space borne infantry assaults on Borg assets over the course of the war. Montemejor was on the ground during multiple incursions during the defense of Qualor, Cestus, Canterra, and the eventual evacuation of Starbase 99 itself.

As part of the 99th Marines, Montemejor earned a reputation for himself as a man who would be the first to volunteer for the hardest missions in the interest of saving lives. After the mission, when his squad/platoon was celebrating, he could always be seen in the corner of the bar/cantina playing his old Ibanez, entertaining the patrons who have come to relax with his ethnic, relaxing music.

Marine Corps Cross

As the war started to grow desperate, Montemejor was promoted to Captain and executive officer of the 'First Born' under Colonel William Black. The First Born had the highest mortality rate of any unit in the Marine Corps, but soon earned a reputation of being able to accomplish the impossible. Much of that was due to the leadership of Colonel Black and Captain Montemejor. During the Battle of Alpha Centauri, Montemejor was garrisoned on Starbase 13 as part of the rapid-response unit. His regiment was to prevent the assimilation of Starbase 13's internal systems, allowing the Spacedock class station to wield it's enormous firepower against the enemy in defense of the allied fleet. This plan would have failed had it not been for the tenacity of the First Born.

During the defense of the station, Colonel Black was able to discern that only one of the Borg Diamond's was assualting the station with Drones. This was to allow the full focus of the rest of the Borg armada to attack the defenders. The drones were assaulting in the thousands on many of the decks of the station and Black knew that without taking it out, the station would fall. Unable to focus any of the firepower of the station towards the diamond, Black knew that a sucidal infantry-demolition assault was the only way to take it out. Without providing any method of escape, Montemejor took a platoon of Marines from the station and beamed directly aboard the diamond. Fighting viciously thorough the twisted corridors of the Borg Ship, often resorting to melee weapons, Montemejor was able to place tri-cobalt charges in key places. The resulting explosion caused the diamond to decend towards the planet below.

In his final act before assimilation, Black was able to order the teleportation of the team back to Starbase 13. Even with the diamond out of the picture, the station's condition was in dire straits. The shields were failing and graviton torpedoes were pounding the outer hull causing hundreds of breaches on many of the starbase's decks. With no other means of escape and the vast majority of life pods inaccessible, used, or damaged, Captain Montemejor took command of the remaining Marines and ordered them towards the marine garrison itself. Prior to the battle, Black had stationed 200 of the Marine's new Low-Orbit, Low-Opening jump suits on the station. With little training to use it, Montemejor ordered his remaining marines to don the suit and proceed to a planet-oriented cargo bay.

As hull integrity and internal explosions rocked the station, Montemejor ordered the emergency decompression of the cargo bay, thus propelling what was left of his regiment towards the planet below at a very high speed. The transit between station to the ionosphere was a half hour and Montemejor gave what little training he knew to the members of his team during this transit. The regiment proceeded to enter the atmosphere of Alpha Cenaturi at a acute, ballistic entry angle. The suits functioned perfectly as the reentry, while blazing hot, didn't change the interior temperature of the suits at all.Free falling from orbit, Montemejor continually reminded his marines to open the specially designed parachute at a lower altitude so that they can remain close to each other and not scattered across the continent.

At 2km, Montemejor ordered the deployment of the parachute and the regiment landed within a 100 mile radius of each other on the northern Alpha Centauri pangaea. There was only one loss in the entire deployment and many believe it was due to operator error from having deployed the parachute too early and thus being subject to the movements of the wind.

Discharge and Guadalupito

Circa 2400

Montemejor continued to serve as the commanding officer of what was left of the First Born until the end of the war. On January 3rd 2400, Montemejor was discharged from the Marine Corps as a Major. Not much is known about Montemejor's activities over the last five years but many believe that he 'retired' to a small Mexican village where he continues to play his guitar today.

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