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Pronounced Hew-man

The Human race is the primary species that originates from Earth in the Sol System. Sometimes referred to as Terrans, the human race (most commonly known as Humanity) is one of the most distinct group of sentient beings involved with the United Federation of Planets.

Humans descend from primates and by the 25th Century have an average life span of 140 years. The human species has two genders, male and female. Humans are bilaterally symmetrical bipeds and warm blooded. Their skin colour and facial features varies among different racial diversities. Humans are naturally suited for Class M environments but have been known to adapt to different environments.

The Human race has a long history of fine art, music and literature. Humanity is known for its excellences in sports and scientific studies. The race also has a large varied amount of religious beliefs, views, values and myths that stretch through out its entire history.

Humanity like many other sentient life forms has had a bloody and violent past. The race went through three world wars which ended with billions killed. However after making first contact with the Vulcans in 2063 humanity changed for the good. Humans realised they were no longer alone in the galaxy and within a few generations war, poverty, famine, disease and hunger was wiped out. Humans now consider the importance of self improvement and exploration as the primary motivation in their lives. This more enlightened mood has meant the previous incentive for personal acquisition no longer exists within human cultures.

From the 22nd Century and the birth of the Federation, Humanity has spread rapidly across the Milky Way Galaxy. Humans have settled on planets close and far from Earth. Come the 25th Century Humanity was one of the last surviving races from the Borg War to have its population in the billions.

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