Martin Mayfair

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Captain Martin Mayfair was the commander of the Sovereign-class heavy cruiser USS Hood from her initial launch to her destruction in the Battle of Sol in 2398. Mayfair earned a reputation onboard for being a capable commander in combat, but one who would prefer to explore rather than fight. On occassion however, Mayfair demonstrated that if the times dictated it, he would promote his crew according to their prowess in combat, regardless of his wish for exploration. This caused friction between him and various crewmembers, including Anthony Brooks who despite being a capable officer, was denied the position of ship's XO because his wife, Susan Bennet had more tactical experience.

These confrontations aside, Mayfair was known for being personable with his crew, and made friends with many of the officers who served on the ship, including Cameron Ferguson, one of the vessel's fighter pilots during the late years of the War.

Following the declaration of peace in 2400, Mayfair took an extended leave of absense from Starfleet and journeyed as part of a small independant relief group to former Federation colonies - an activity Starfleet was as yet unwilling to take upon itself. In late 2403, Mayfair returned to the Sol System and is now awaiting a command assignment whilst stationed aboard Spacedock.

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