Snake's Scimitar (Hellhounds)

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"But then, madness like life was a disease... both were inevitable fatal..."
    — Raven

As the Renegades Fleet begins it's charge into Sol, a figure in the shadows watches the inevitable clash that will see a change to the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.



Act I: Battle of Sol

  • The Battle of Jupiter is observed by a mysterious figure.
  • John Houston sits in the Eleven-Forward area of the Venture Star, observing the ring given to him by Admiral Cash.
  • Raven's transmission is discovered by FMI security on Mars, her compound is raided by FMI soldiers and she is cornered, however manages to escape and sets off a nuclear warhead that throws Utopia Planetia in a panic.
  • Victor Ross flees from Deep Space Five in the wake of the nuclear detonation on Mars.
  • Raven ruminates on the carnage that she has unleashed and contacts Stargazer to report on the success of the transmission of the images regarding Kirok's administration.
  • Lieutenant Harper takes a runabout to pursue Ross following his flight from DS5.
  • Victor Ross continues to make his way to the Sol System, ruminating over his choice.
  • Raven escapes Utopia Planetia, slaying two guards before stealing a runabout and then venting the two corpses over the moon of Deimos, before making her way for the The Field.
  • Houston leads the attack again S2 during the Battle of Sol, disabling the station and permitting the Renegade forces a better chance.
  • Lieutenant Harper attacks Ross' shuttle, disabling the vessel and ultimately capturing him before being attacked by a patrol ship near The Field, forcing Harper to take her runabout into the Field to avoid destruction.

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