Star Trek: Threshold

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m (Deep Space Five Senior Staff)
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* Lieutenant [[Jo Harper]] - Chief of Security
* Lieutenant [[Jo Harper]] - Chief of Security
* Major [[Rha'Dev'nimek]] - Commanding Officer, FMI Delta Company
* Major [[Rha'Dev'nimek]] - Commanding Officer, FMI Delta Company
* Commander [[Bryan Horlocker]] - Commanding Officer, SFS-4 [[Jolly Rogers]]
* Commander [[Bryan Horlocker]] - Commanding Officer, SFS-3 [[Jolly Rogers]]
* [[Carl Manax]], Owner of Manax Shipping, NPC - [[Dante Manax]], Eldest Son, [[James Manax]], Middle Son
* [[Carl Manax]], Owner of Manax Shipping, NPC - [[Dante Manax]], Eldest Son, [[James Manax]], Middle Son

Revision as of 19:14, 18 May 2008

Star Trek: Threshold
Author(s): Cath
Format: PBF
Website: Threshold

Star Trek: Threshold is a sim revolving around the starbase Deep Space Five, and the crew's adventures standing on the newest frontier of the Futility's End universe, as the heart of the Federation's re-expansionism campaigns. Brought to FE by the same GM who gave it the Star Trek: The Angry Apes sim several years ago, Threshold brings another fresh, unique perspective on the setting and how to present it.




The stories told revolve around the idea that the Federation is being rebuilt as a galactic power again, and what this exactly entails. Issues of morality are tackled as former member worlds are re-contacted - how is it best to bring them back into the fold? Should they be treated with diplomacy, like any other planet? Or are they Federation territory that should be conquered if they refuse to rejoin? On a more personal basis, Threshold focuses on exactly how people live their lives in this new Federation, and on this new frontier. Between colonists trying to forge new livelihoods, industrialists and traders trying to find a profit in this area of space far from Sol, and even civilian scientists trying to uncover mysteries left behind in the war, there are many conflicting ideas on what it means to be a Federation citizen in the 25th century.

To reflect this, Threshold is run with a stronger contingent of NPCs than most sims. Although the action and the plot still revolve around the players, these PCs are surrounded by larger factions with their own intentions, desires, and ambitions for the player characters to help, hinder, double cross, or even be manipulated by themselves. Plots are also run differently to the 'freeform' habits of most other FE sims, with the mysteries of a mission presented as a challenge to the players themselves, rather than just their characters. Players are encouraged to be inventive and imaginative in tackling a mission, rather than simply writing towards a pre-determined conclusion - even if that means the difference between a mission's failure or success.

In Character

Deep Space Five is a newly-constructed starbase situated in the Algedi System and in orbit of Algedi IV, which boasts the very first colony founded since the war. It is also the headquarter of Starfleet's Second Fleet, the unit charged with the re-expansionism of Federation territory, and the reclaiming of former member worlds and resources.

The base is thus not only a base for the Second Fleet vessels which go forth on missions of exploration, diplomacy, or conquest, but it is also the furthest reach of current Federation territory. Any vessels wishing to explore or trade in the 'unknown' sectors must stop at DS5, and with resources within Federation space at an all-time low, such expeditions are considered risky, but potentially incredibly profitable.

Algedi itself not only boasts the fledgling colony of New Kashmir, but also one of the most abundant dilithium mines left in Federation space, before the war overlooked in favour of other, richer deposits. These factors combine to make the Algedi System one of the most strategically vital points in the entirety of the Alpha Quadrant, where before the war it had only ever been an ignored backwater.

It is the charge of the crew of DS5 to ensure that the Second Fleet will always have a home to come to - and to offer emergency support should any expedition go wrong, as offered by the attached ships of the USS Columbia and the USS Valiant. The volatile civilian factions are also Starfleet's responsibilities - the colony must be seen to succeed, or all faith in forging a life anywhere but Earth will be lost; traders must be able to travel across the border without being attacked by pirates or dodging the trade tariffs, and the mining facility in the system cannot afford to cease its operations.

It is hard to consider it an overstatement if one claims that Deep Space Five is the heart of the new Federation.

Player Characters

Deep Space Five Senior Staff


Episode 1: Pending

Information on this episode is pending

Adventure! | USS Phoenix | Deep Space Five | USS Excalibur
NPC Stations
Spacedock 2
Personal tools