Alexander Stark

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Councillor Alexander Stark is the representative on the Federation Council for [[Darek III]]. A politician and academic who entered the Marine Corps on the outbreak of war out of a sense of patriotic duty, he is considered to be one of the driving forces behind many aggressive policies the Council embraces. He has recently announced his nomination for the Presidential elections of 2405, and is certainly one of the more hawkish candidates.
|      color = Civilian
|  firstname = Alexander
|    lastname = Stark
|      image = [[Image:StarkA.jpg|200px]]
|    caption =
|    species = [[Human]]
|  homeworld = [[Darek III]]
|  ethnicity =
|      gender = Male
|        born = 2354
|        eyes = Blue
|        hair = Black, Greying
|      height = 6'2"
|      weight = 176 lbs.
| affiliation = [[United Federation of Planets]]
|  assignment = [[Earth]]
|    position = [[Federation President]]
|        rank = President
|    insignia =
|firstmention =
| firstappear =
|  lastappear =
|      player = [[User:Edge|Cath]]
|      status =PNPC
|    status2 =
|        im2 =
|    caption2 =
==Personal Information==
President Alexander Stark is the sitting president of the United Federation of Planets. A politician and academic who entered the Marine Corps on the outbreak of war out of a sense of patriotic duty, he has pursued policies of assertive expansionism as both the President and when he sat on the Federation Council.
'''Species:''' Human
'''Place of Birth:''' Darek III
===Roy Stark===
'''Age:''' 51
Stark's father Roy, 78, is a retired former Professor of Mathematics from the University of Darek III. He remains on the colony with his wife, primarily assisting in local support schemes for the waning community. Although a soft-spoken academic, he has always been supportive of both his wife and son's political careers, and has ever offered a voice of compassion and thoughtfulness to aid in any dilemmas that may face them.
'''Date of Birth:''' 2354
===Andrea Cowden===
Stark's mother Andrea, 75, is one of the oldest city councillors on the Darek III Quarter of Ardorn. She has served there for many years, and retired for a brief time until the Federation continued to collapse with the Borg Conflict and she believed that the local populace would need a guiding hand again. The main source of inspiration and encouragement of her son's political career, it had often been suggested that she aim for a higher political office. However, her sense of community spirit has kept her locked into Ardorn, a decision she has never regretted.
==Family Details==
===David Stark===
Father: Roy Stark, Retired, Darek III (78)
Elder brother to Alexander, Doctor David Stark, 54, remains a Professor of Marine Biology at the University of Darek III. Considered to be the more intelligent of the brothers, David has inherited more of their father's thoughtfulness than their mother's enthusiasm, and even through the hard times being faced by his homeworld is steadfast in his desire to further educate and enrich the youth of Darek III. He is married to the Dean of the University, Doctor Vera Bridges, and the pair have two daughters.
Mother: Andrea Cowden, Retired, Darek III (75)
===Julia Fadden===
Brother: Doctor David Stark, Professor of Marine Biology at University of Darek III (54)
Stark met his wife Julia, 48, when they were both students at the Vulcan Science Academy. She was a Business student with the same political ambitions as he, though went on to enter the corporate sector in the outbreak of war. With Alexander's time in the Marines and the Council, the two have had a marriage which has often been distant in geography, though is clearly close in emotions. She is one of the few people who can talk him down from one of his notorious bad moods. Currently, Fadden holds a position as a senior executive in Millennia Construction, a civil engineering corporation holding most of the contracts for the building work on Earth requiring reconstruction, rather than cheap prefabs.
Sister-in-Law: Doctor Vera Bridges, Dean of University of Darek III (54)
===Karen Stark===
Wife: Julia Fadden, Head of Federal Transit Administration (48)
Elder daughter of Alexander and Julia, Karen, 26, is currently a Medical Student at the University of Io. Although powered by the same desire of her parents to help people, Karen is more interested in medical research than practice, combatting diseases and biological threats which have arisen as a result of the war. She is set to graduate within a year.
Daughter: Karen Stark, Medical Student, University of Io (26)
===Alexander Stark Junior===
Son: Alexander Stark Junior, Political Science Student, Oxford University (24)
Alexander, 24, prefers to be referred to simply as 'Lex' to avoid confusion with his father, and is the younger child. He is currently reading for a Masters in Political Science at Oxford University, and too many people for his comfort have repeatedly compared him favourably with his father.
==Physical Appearance==
Alexander Stark is one of the rare individuals who possesses the ability, eminently useful in politics, to have everyone pay attention to him when he enters a room. Tall and powerful in build, it is not however his physical stature alone which brings this distinctiveness. He is said to crackle with a certain energy which draws the eye, and is certainly perfect for poster campaigns and other such photo opportunities.
Aging but still attractive, his features are strong, his health remains vigorous, and Stark will always appear neat and presentable. Yet with this powerful image is also a greatly polished air, a refinement in his words, gestures, and body language which lend the power a certain amount of control. Although he can be intimidating and foreboding, there is little doubt with Stark that he will only ever be so exactly when he chooses.
=History and Credentials=
Line 34: Line 71:
*2372 – 2375: University of Alpha Centauri, Political Science Bachelors
*2372 – 2375: University of Alpha Centauri, Political Science Bachelors
*2375 – 2379: Vulcan Science Academy, Political Science Doctorate
*2375 – 2379: Vulcan Science Academy, Political Science Doctorate
*2379 – 2380: Press Secretary, Garret for Darek III Campaign
*2379: Press Secretary, Garret for Darek III Campaign
*2380 – 2383: Press Secretary for Governor Garret of Darek III
*2379 – 2383: Press Secretary for Governor Garret of Darek III
*2383 – 2387: Mayor of Ardorn, Darek III
*2383 – 2387: Mayor of Ardorn, Darek III
*2387 – 2388: Starfleet Marine Officer Candidacy Training, Earth
*2387 – 2388: Starfleet Marine Officer Candidacy Training, Earth
Line 44: Line 81:
*2395 – 2399: Starfleet Command; Tactical Advisor (Lieutenant Colonel)
*2395 – 2399: Starfleet Command; Tactical Advisor (Lieutenant Colonel)
*2399 – 2405: Federation Council; Darek III Representative
*2399 – 2405: Federation Council; Darek III Representative
*2405 – Present: Presidential Candidate; [[Stark for the Federation]] Campaign
*2405: Candidate for UFP president under the [[Stark for the Federation]] Campaign
*2405 – Present: Presidential of the United Federation of Planets
===Academic Qualifications===
*Bachelors in Political Science from the University of Alpha Centauri (2375)
*Doctorate in Political Science from the Vulcan Science Academy (2379)
===Political Credentials===
*Press Secretary for Governor Garret of Darek III (2379-2383)
*Mayor of Ardorn, Darek III (2383-2387)
*Federation Council Representative for Darek III (2399-2405)
===Military Decorations===
*Starfleet Purple Heart (2390)
*Starfleet Bronze Star (2392)
*Starfleet Silver Star (2395)
==Civilian Life==
Alexander Stark was born the younger son of Roy and Andrea Stark on the urban colony of Darek III. His father was an academic, a professor of Physics at the planet's prestigious university, whereas his mother held a seat on the local council for many years. Whilst he had a keen mind and an academic interest like his elder brother David, Alex was, on the other hand, somewhat more inclined to follow in his mother's footsteps when it came to changing the galaxy and making a difference.
He attended the University of Alpha Centauri, well known for its student activism and enthusiastic political education, and became heavily involved in the university politics. He was offered a job continuing work for the Student's Union when he graduated, but instead decided to push his studies even further.
It was considered an impressive feat to be accepted at the Vulcan Science Academy for post-graduate study of Political Science, but even at that strenuous institution, Stark continued to excell. Such was the prestige of the Academy and Stark's successes that, ever active in the political world and somewhat more capable as a post-graduate student to remain in-touch with his homeworld, he accepted the offer from John Garret to serve as his Press Secretary in the campaign for Governorship of Darek III when he graduated.
==Pre-War Political Life==
[[Image:StarkD.jpg|thumb|250px|Alexander Stark as Mayor of Ardorn, 2386]]
In his first actual job in politics and on a campaign, Stark became something of a poster-child for Garret's bid for Governor. He was capable of thinking quickly on his feet, and deftly guided the campaign through the press in what was ever remembered as a bitterly vicious election. When Garret was voted in as Governor, Stark remained as his Press Secretary, particularly competent as he was in managing people.
He did, however, reject Garret's offer to aid him in re-running when his term ended, and instead embarked upon what many considered to be an overly-ambitious and foolhardy venture in attempting to run as the Mayor of his home quarter of the colony. Stark won by a very narrow margin, primarily campaigning on the notion of fresh ideas which would bring in influential trade and benefit the economy, faced as he was by far more traditional candidates who focused significantly more on rather low-key tourism.
Some say he reinvigorated Ardorn with new influence and wealth - others, that he ruined one of the final pockets of Darek III which was not a part of the colony's massive investment in trade and trade routes. Regardless, his term was such that many encouraged Stark to run again for election.
However, the still relatively-youthful Mayor had other ideas in mind. He had observed the increasing hostilities of the Borg Conflict, and how the Federation was faltering. Aware that he did not have the experience to find himself in a political position where he would feel he could make a difference, Stark could not abide the notion that he would sit back and be useless, when he had entered politics to help improve the universe in the first place.
Thus, in what was initially accused of being a publicity stunt, Stark refused to run again for election as Mayor, or even to move up to - as some had suspected - making a shot for Governor. Instead, to mass amazement, Stark publicly declared that he was going to resign from the political world, and sign up with the Starfleet Marines.
==Military Life==
Stark spent almost a year undergoing training in the rather frenzied process of preparing qualified individuals to serve as officers on the front line of the increasingly futile war. When he finished training, he was assigned as a Platoon Leader to the USS ''Ivanhoe'', an ''Akira''-class starship hitting the front lines on a regular basis.
It was sometimes a considered tactic when, if a starship did not think it could match the Borg vessels in space, to take combat to the ground, where manpower could sometimes win-out over technology. Thus on regular occasions, Lieutenant Stark and his men found themselves facing the Borg in close ground combat - and if not, it was on a ship's corridors. In 2390, Stark was injured in one such ground battle, for which he won the Purple Heart - but the Company's XO had been less fortunate, missing and presumed assimilated, and thus Stark was rapidly promoted to 1st Lieutenant in what would prove to be a continuous promotion trend of Dead Man's Boots.
He continued to serve on the ''Ivanhoe'' until 2393, rising to the rank of Captain and Company CO, and being awarded the Bronze Star for bravery in rescuing civilians during the evacuation of a colony. Then he was promoted to Major, and elevated to the position of Battalion XO on the ''Sovereign''-class USS ''Suez''.
Primarily and advisor and tactician in these regards, it was here that Stark particularly began to develop his military reputation. He was a competent strategist, uncomplicated in his methods but effective in employing pure brute force against the correct areas for devastating results against the Borg forces. It was not until the infamous Battle of Delonois III, with its massive casualties but impressive victory, that Stark saw ground combat again.
This was considered the height of his military career, as he directed troops from the front line with bravery and competence, and was awarded the Silver Star for his actions. But after so long spent with competence as a tactician, he was removed from the front lines, promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, and assigned as a tactical advisor in Starfleet Command.
He spent the final years of the war, including the Battle of Sol, directing strategy and tactics. He was one of the final co-ordinators remaining in Command during the Battle of Sol, not taking to a starship - instead, his ability to co-ordinate the fighting without direct threat to his own life was considered to have been instrumental in holding many task groups together, where commanders could be killed, injured, or simply too focused on the problems with their own starships to necessarily direct their task force.
However, when the war ended, Stark recognised that the time for fighting might not be over - but that his place was no longer in the military. With the reforging of the Federation and its government, Stark was quick to hand in his resignation, and run for the office of Darek III Representative on the Federation Council.
==Post-War Politics==
[[Image:StarkE.jpg|thumb|229px|Councillor Alexander Stark as Darek III Representative, 2402]]
Stark was elected as the Darek III Council Representative with minimal problems, and immediately set about championing two particular causes - the first, re-expansion to assist, rediscover, and recapture lost colonies of the Federation. Darek III had remained in contact with Earth, but was suffering greatly as a frontier colony, rather than as the trade hub it had always flourished as.
The second was the plight of the homeless refugees of Earth. Stark immediately threw his lot in with organisations such as the Refugee Health Initiative and the Earth-Share Committee, prepared to ensure that the refugees saw funding and support. He never argued in the name of charity or altruism, however - rather, publicly stated that the people of the Federation deserved the same respect and dignity as ever, and ensuring they had a space to live and work was a basic right he would fight for.
Stark also became one of the bigger hawks on the Federation Council, enthusiastic at the notion of war with Vulcan when tensions arose, insistent that the Federation could not allow another enemy to trample them, and that the best defense would be a strong offense that would send the Vulcans packing and frighten away any other potential enemies. Although he assisted and supported many aspects of the Spock administration, he often argued to the same extent against certain points of the Jellico Doctrine, disliking the silencing which had occurred to many Federation citizens.
When Spock died and it seemed that Jellico was set to run for the Presidency, Stark was known to not emerge from his office for two straight days until Doctor [[Ryuss]], at the time the Director of the Refugee Health Initiative, effectively broke in to see him.
The next time Stark was seen in public, it was alongside Ryuss in front of the media outside of the Federation Headquarters, announcing his intention to run for the Presidency.
==Presidential Election==
The [[Stark for the Federation]] campaign was marred with upsets. He put together a crack team of political experts, which would be branded by the press as rendering his campaign soulless - geared to win, rather than to pursue an ideal. The appointment of Vice-Presidential candidate [[James Mendez]] was thought to bring some humanity and warmth, a move undermined entirely by Mendez' tragic death within the opening months.
No replacement was ever named, despite the consideration of many candidates. Ironically, Mendez' death brought the sympathy vote to Stark, who abused such attention for all it was worth. In his grief he won the public's affection; with their eyes upon him he sold himself, and his policies.
Such popularity was almost his undoing. In the succession crisis upon the election itself, he and the other candidates were seen as such a threat to [[Sam Kirok]]'s power that they were taken into custody. Formally this was for their own protection; in practice this was a house arrest so they could not oppose him.
Regardless, the election was carried through. And when the dust settled after the uprising of the Renegade Armada, the formal finding was that Stark had won the popular vote. When freed by rebelling forces, he acted quickly to encourage a platform of moving the Federation past the internal conflict and distrust of the post-war years.
[[Category:characters|Stark, Alexander]]
[[Category:characters|Stark, Alexander]]
[[Category:NPC characters|Stark, Alexander]]
[[Category:NPC characters|Stark, Alexander]]

Latest revision as of 21:54, 27 September 2011

Alexander Stark



Darek III








Black, Greying




176 lbs.


United Federation of Planets




Federation President







[ Source ]

President Alexander Stark is the sitting president of the United Federation of Planets. A politician and academic who entered the Marine Corps on the outbreak of war out of a sense of patriotic duty, he has pursued policies of assertive expansionism as both the President and when he sat on the Federation Council.



Roy Stark

Stark's father Roy, 78, is a retired former Professor of Mathematics from the University of Darek III. He remains on the colony with his wife, primarily assisting in local support schemes for the waning community. Although a soft-spoken academic, he has always been supportive of both his wife and son's political careers, and has ever offered a voice of compassion and thoughtfulness to aid in any dilemmas that may face them.

Andrea Cowden

Stark's mother Andrea, 75, is one of the oldest city councillors on the Darek III Quarter of Ardorn. She has served there for many years, and retired for a brief time until the Federation continued to collapse with the Borg Conflict and she believed that the local populace would need a guiding hand again. The main source of inspiration and encouragement of her son's political career, it had often been suggested that she aim for a higher political office. However, her sense of community spirit has kept her locked into Ardorn, a decision she has never regretted.

David Stark

Elder brother to Alexander, Doctor David Stark, 54, remains a Professor of Marine Biology at the University of Darek III. Considered to be the more intelligent of the brothers, David has inherited more of their father's thoughtfulness than their mother's enthusiasm, and even through the hard times being faced by his homeworld is steadfast in his desire to further educate and enrich the youth of Darek III. He is married to the Dean of the University, Doctor Vera Bridges, and the pair have two daughters.

Julia Fadden

Stark met his wife Julia, 48, when they were both students at the Vulcan Science Academy. She was a Business student with the same political ambitions as he, though went on to enter the corporate sector in the outbreak of war. With Alexander's time in the Marines and the Council, the two have had a marriage which has often been distant in geography, though is clearly close in emotions. She is one of the few people who can talk him down from one of his notorious bad moods. Currently, Fadden holds a position as a senior executive in Millennia Construction, a civil engineering corporation holding most of the contracts for the building work on Earth requiring reconstruction, rather than cheap prefabs.

Karen Stark

Elder daughter of Alexander and Julia, Karen, 26, is currently a Medical Student at the University of Io. Although powered by the same desire of her parents to help people, Karen is more interested in medical research than practice, combatting diseases and biological threats which have arisen as a result of the war. She is set to graduate within a year.

Alexander Stark Junior

Alexander, 24, prefers to be referred to simply as 'Lex' to avoid confusion with his father, and is the younger child. He is currently reading for a Masters in Political Science at Oxford University, and too many people for his comfort have repeatedly compared him favourably with his father.

Physical Appearance

Alexander Stark is one of the rare individuals who possesses the ability, eminently useful in politics, to have everyone pay attention to him when he enters a room. Tall and powerful in build, it is not however his physical stature alone which brings this distinctiveness. He is said to crackle with a certain energy which draws the eye, and is certainly perfect for poster campaigns and other such photo opportunities.

Aging but still attractive, his features are strong, his health remains vigorous, and Stark will always appear neat and presentable. Yet with this powerful image is also a greatly polished air, a refinement in his words, gestures, and body language which lend the power a certain amount of control. Although he can be intimidating and foreboding, there is little doubt with Stark that he will only ever be so exactly when he chooses.

History and Credentials


  • 2354 – 2372: Civilian, Darek III
  • 2372 – 2375: University of Alpha Centauri, Political Science Bachelors
  • 2375 – 2379: Vulcan Science Academy, Political Science Doctorate
  • 2379: Press Secretary, Garret for Darek III Campaign
  • 2379 – 2383: Press Secretary for Governor Garret of Darek III
  • 2383 – 2387: Mayor of Ardorn, Darek III
  • 2387 – 2388: Starfleet Marine Officer Candidacy Training, Earth
  • 2388 – 2390: USS Ivanhoe; Platoon Leader (2nd Lieutenant)
  • 2390 – 2391: USS Ivanhoe; Company XO (1st Lieutenant)
  • 2391 – 2393: USS Ivanhoe; Company CO (Marine Captain)
  • 2393 – 2395: USS Suez; Battalion XO (Major)
  • 2395 – 2399: Starfleet Command; Tactical Advisor (Lieutenant Colonel)
  • 2399 – 2405: Federation Council; Darek III Representative
  • 2405: Candidate for UFP president under the Stark for the Federation Campaign
  • 2405 – Present: Presidential of the United Federation of Planets


Academic Qualifications

  • Bachelors in Political Science from the University of Alpha Centauri (2375)
  • Doctorate in Political Science from the Vulcan Science Academy (2379)

Political Credentials

  • Press Secretary for Governor Garret of Darek III (2379-2383)
  • Mayor of Ardorn, Darek III (2383-2387)
  • Federation Council Representative for Darek III (2399-2405)

Military Decorations

  • Starfleet Purple Heart (2390)
  • Starfleet Bronze Star (2392)
  • Starfleet Silver Star (2395)


Civilian Life

Alexander Stark was born the younger son of Roy and Andrea Stark on the urban colony of Darek III. His father was an academic, a professor of Physics at the planet's prestigious university, whereas his mother held a seat on the local council for many years. Whilst he had a keen mind and an academic interest like his elder brother David, Alex was, on the other hand, somewhat more inclined to follow in his mother's footsteps when it came to changing the galaxy and making a difference.

He attended the University of Alpha Centauri, well known for its student activism and enthusiastic political education, and became heavily involved in the university politics. He was offered a job continuing work for the Student's Union when he graduated, but instead decided to push his studies even further.

It was considered an impressive feat to be accepted at the Vulcan Science Academy for post-graduate study of Political Science, but even at that strenuous institution, Stark continued to excell. Such was the prestige of the Academy and Stark's successes that, ever active in the political world and somewhat more capable as a post-graduate student to remain in-touch with his homeworld, he accepted the offer from John Garret to serve as his Press Secretary in the campaign for Governorship of Darek III when he graduated.

Pre-War Political Life

Alexander Stark as Mayor of Ardorn, 2386

In his first actual job in politics and on a campaign, Stark became something of a poster-child for Garret's bid for Governor. He was capable of thinking quickly on his feet, and deftly guided the campaign through the press in what was ever remembered as a bitterly vicious election. When Garret was voted in as Governor, Stark remained as his Press Secretary, particularly competent as he was in managing people.

He did, however, reject Garret's offer to aid him in re-running when his term ended, and instead embarked upon what many considered to be an overly-ambitious and foolhardy venture in attempting to run as the Mayor of his home quarter of the colony. Stark won by a very narrow margin, primarily campaigning on the notion of fresh ideas which would bring in influential trade and benefit the economy, faced as he was by far more traditional candidates who focused significantly more on rather low-key tourism.

Some say he reinvigorated Ardorn with new influence and wealth - others, that he ruined one of the final pockets of Darek III which was not a part of the colony's massive investment in trade and trade routes. Regardless, his term was such that many encouraged Stark to run again for election.

However, the still relatively-youthful Mayor had other ideas in mind. He had observed the increasing hostilities of the Borg Conflict, and how the Federation was faltering. Aware that he did not have the experience to find himself in a political position where he would feel he could make a difference, Stark could not abide the notion that he would sit back and be useless, when he had entered politics to help improve the universe in the first place.

Thus, in what was initially accused of being a publicity stunt, Stark refused to run again for election as Mayor, or even to move up to - as some had suspected - making a shot for Governor. Instead, to mass amazement, Stark publicly declared that he was going to resign from the political world, and sign up with the Starfleet Marines.

Military Life

Stark spent almost a year undergoing training in the rather frenzied process of preparing qualified individuals to serve as officers on the front line of the increasingly futile war. When he finished training, he was assigned as a Platoon Leader to the USS Ivanhoe, an Akira-class starship hitting the front lines on a regular basis.

It was sometimes a considered tactic when, if a starship did not think it could match the Borg vessels in space, to take combat to the ground, where manpower could sometimes win-out over technology. Thus on regular occasions, Lieutenant Stark and his men found themselves facing the Borg in close ground combat - and if not, it was on a ship's corridors. In 2390, Stark was injured in one such ground battle, for which he won the Purple Heart - but the Company's XO had been less fortunate, missing and presumed assimilated, and thus Stark was rapidly promoted to 1st Lieutenant in what would prove to be a continuous promotion trend of Dead Man's Boots.

He continued to serve on the Ivanhoe until 2393, rising to the rank of Captain and Company CO, and being awarded the Bronze Star for bravery in rescuing civilians during the evacuation of a colony. Then he was promoted to Major, and elevated to the position of Battalion XO on the Sovereign-class USS Suez.

Primarily and advisor and tactician in these regards, it was here that Stark particularly began to develop his military reputation. He was a competent strategist, uncomplicated in his methods but effective in employing pure brute force against the correct areas for devastating results against the Borg forces. It was not until the infamous Battle of Delonois III, with its massive casualties but impressive victory, that Stark saw ground combat again.

This was considered the height of his military career, as he directed troops from the front line with bravery and competence, and was awarded the Silver Star for his actions. But after so long spent with competence as a tactician, he was removed from the front lines, promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, and assigned as a tactical advisor in Starfleet Command.

He spent the final years of the war, including the Battle of Sol, directing strategy and tactics. He was one of the final co-ordinators remaining in Command during the Battle of Sol, not taking to a starship - instead, his ability to co-ordinate the fighting without direct threat to his own life was considered to have been instrumental in holding many task groups together, where commanders could be killed, injured, or simply too focused on the problems with their own starships to necessarily direct their task force.

However, when the war ended, Stark recognised that the time for fighting might not be over - but that his place was no longer in the military. With the reforging of the Federation and its government, Stark was quick to hand in his resignation, and run for the office of Darek III Representative on the Federation Council.

Post-War Politics

Councillor Alexander Stark as Darek III Representative, 2402

Stark was elected as the Darek III Council Representative with minimal problems, and immediately set about championing two particular causes - the first, re-expansion to assist, rediscover, and recapture lost colonies of the Federation. Darek III had remained in contact with Earth, but was suffering greatly as a frontier colony, rather than as the trade hub it had always flourished as.

The second was the plight of the homeless refugees of Earth. Stark immediately threw his lot in with organisations such as the Refugee Health Initiative and the Earth-Share Committee, prepared to ensure that the refugees saw funding and support. He never argued in the name of charity or altruism, however - rather, publicly stated that the people of the Federation deserved the same respect and dignity as ever, and ensuring they had a space to live and work was a basic right he would fight for.

Stark also became one of the bigger hawks on the Federation Council, enthusiastic at the notion of war with Vulcan when tensions arose, insistent that the Federation could not allow another enemy to trample them, and that the best defense would be a strong offense that would send the Vulcans packing and frighten away any other potential enemies. Although he assisted and supported many aspects of the Spock administration, he often argued to the same extent against certain points of the Jellico Doctrine, disliking the silencing which had occurred to many Federation citizens.

When Spock died and it seemed that Jellico was set to run for the Presidency, Stark was known to not emerge from his office for two straight days until Doctor Ryuss, at the time the Director of the Refugee Health Initiative, effectively broke in to see him.

The next time Stark was seen in public, it was alongside Ryuss in front of the media outside of the Federation Headquarters, announcing his intention to run for the Presidency.

Presidential Election

The Stark for the Federation campaign was marred with upsets. He put together a crack team of political experts, which would be branded by the press as rendering his campaign soulless - geared to win, rather than to pursue an ideal. The appointment of Vice-Presidential candidate James Mendez was thought to bring some humanity and warmth, a move undermined entirely by Mendez' tragic death within the opening months.

No replacement was ever named, despite the consideration of many candidates. Ironically, Mendez' death brought the sympathy vote to Stark, who abused such attention for all it was worth. In his grief he won the public's affection; with their eyes upon him he sold himself, and his policies.

Such popularity was almost his undoing. In the succession crisis upon the election itself, he and the other candidates were seen as such a threat to Sam Kirok's power that they were taken into custody. Formally this was for their own protection; in practice this was a house arrest so they could not oppose him.

Regardless, the election was carried through. And when the dust settled after the uprising of the Renegade Armada, the formal finding was that Stark had won the popular vote. When freed by rebelling forces, he acted quickly to encourage a platform of moving the Federation past the internal conflict and distrust of the post-war years.

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