Broht Adislo

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[[Category:characters|Adislo, Broht]]
[[Category:Characters|Adislo, Broht]]
[[Category:NPC characters|Adislo, Broht]]
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[[Category:Bolians|Adislo, Broht]]
[[Category:Starfleet Personnel|Adislo, Broht]]
[[Category:Males|Adislo, Broht]]
[[Category:Captains|Adislo, Broht]]

Revision as of 10:31, 28 May 2008

Template:Command Division CharacterBroht Adislo is a Bolian officer in Starfleet and currently commands the USS Akira. Adislo is a famed commanding officer and is renowned for his great diplomatic skills. He took command of the Akira in early 2403.

In 2403 he spent time representing the Federation on Axanar as Starfleet re-enforcements had finally arrived to provide aid and support for the member world. Shortly afterwards Adislo was ordered to calm down a possible civil war on another Federation member world by Admiral Paris (ENT-F:"Along The Stream").

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