Ariennye S'anra

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S'anra in 2406

















United Federation of Planets


USS Enterprise-F


Chief Tactical Officer


Brevet Captain / Lieutenant


SFCom-Captain2.png R-o3.png

First Appearence:

"Prelude: Blackened Dawn"


"The Doc"

[ Source ]

Ariennye S'anra was the Chief Tactical Officer of the USS Enterprise, following her reassignment from the USS Ozymandias in the aftermath of the Battle of Sol in the early 25th century.



Born on the world of Vendor, little is known about the past of San'ra before the aftermath of the Borg War due to the loss of information with the fall of Romulus. What is known was that she joined the ranks of the Romulan Navy a young age, with whatever recovered records that were found in the aftermath showing signs of physical abuse, though the lack of records and San'ra's silence on the matter have yielded little to no investigation into these injuries. She was known to have come from a family of "patriots", with half of her family either serving in the navy as loyal officers of the Romulan Empire while others worked as members of the Tal Shiar. It was a tradition that was said to have dated back since the Romulan-Earth Wars close to two-hundred years past.

During the war, she had served on seven vessels, many of them were of warbird size and generally the frontlines of the war as an assault commando. Her tours of duty at times both challenging and re-enforcing her belief in the power of the Romulan war machine against the Borg, yet none moreso when she was drafted for strikecraft training during a time when fighter pilots within the Empire were being decimated at an alarming rate.

Yet the war was quick to also shed San'ra of the belief that the Empire was invincible, while a loyal officer she was not one to follow all of the rules or to conform to the concept of a "honourable soldier of the Empire". She was merely determined to prove herself, and survive in the bloody war in the process. During her service, she was quick to establish herself as one of the best pilots of her squadron, but all too often had to deal with overly ambitious seconds. Her methods having caused to be promoted to Sub-Commander twice and the demoted before finally reassuming the rank at the end of the war, it would be purely by her own talent and the need for soldiers that saw her retained in the Imperial Navy.

Her last assignment, aboard the RIS Star of Empire would have seen her assume the role of the vessel's weapon's officer during one of the final battles of the Borg War. This would be a position that she would have retained until the end of the war until 2407 when she was reassigned to the Ozymandias as one of several Romulan officers as a means of strengthening the alliance with the then-incumbent Kirok administration. Accepting a reduction in rank for the duration of the tour, she would quickly make a place for herself upon the vessel during the leadup to the shakedown.

However, during the Battle of Sol, the Ozymandias would be one of the vessels that was struck more severely in the final stand over Earth. With the vessel towed back to dock bear days after it's completion, San'ra would be reassigned to the Enterprise to continue her tour in the exchange with the new Stark administration.

Personality Profile

San'ra was known to be dry and almost disinterested to those whom observed her, yet at the same time she was disciplined and professional with a commanding presence. Far from outgoing, her quiet nature yet intense personality lead many to believe her arrogant and over-confident in her own skills.

A dedicated officer, she was a neat and organised person to the point of being a "neat-freak" with whatever meager belongings she kept. She was a solitary creature, bearing little in the way of social skills with some doctors believing her bearing some measure of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder during her experiences during the Borg War, to those whom actually are able to make it through her shell, she was known as a compassionate person and aware of the needs others. Her experiences and primary training as an Assault Commando often causing her to view fellow pilots with disdain, especially Federation pilots for their lack of professionalism and disclipine.

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