Star Trek: Phoenix

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Star Trek: Star Trek: Phoenix
Banner for Phoenix
GM: Aegis
Format: PBF
Setting: USS Pheonix
Year: 2406
[ Source ]

Star Trek: Phoenix is a sim set in the early 25th century which focuses around the USS Phoenix (aka the "Kittytown" due to the high number of Caitian characters).

The Phoenix itself is a "last-chance" vessel which is reputed to be staffed by Starfleet's unwanted and undesireables with many of the crew either having committed, or being accused of, a crime or negligence.



Player Characters

Notable Non-Player Characters

Mission Outlines

  • New Beginnings, A Prelude

The misfit crew of the USS Phoenix assembles at Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards. After weeks of work the Phoenix is finally outfitted and ready for her re-launching ceremony, even if she is a bit short-staffed and missing a bit in the weapons department.

  • Big Trouble on Little Holodeck

During her maiden cruise the Captain orders the crew of the Phoenix to assemble on the holodeck for a costume party. Little do they know that the holodeck has been sabotaged by one of the Phoenix's crew members, sending everyone into holodeck scenarios based on the costumes they were wearing. Eventually the saboteur is caught and order restored on the Phoenix, just in time for her re-launching ceremony.

  • The Altair IV Problem

As part of the ongoing war with the Vulcans the Phoenix is sent on a mission to Altair IV. A detachment of Vulcan troops captured a number of Federation citizens and tourists who were visiting the planet and holed up in a defensive position on Altair IV with plans to eventually kill the captives when they detonated an antimatter device in the planet's core. The only ship in range to reach Altair IV before the Vulcans carry out their plans is the Phoenix, which is ordered on station. During the engagement several members of the crew are killed by the Vulcans on the planet, including Assistant Tactical Officer Torana Brown. During the mission the Phoenix is ambushed by a Vulcan starship and suffers significant damage before being rescued at the last minute by the USS Casablanca and towed back to Utopia Planitia.

  • Repair and Resupply

Following being towed back into the fleet yards the Phoenix is berthed at dock seven, one of the few that hadn't been hit by terrorist attacks. While berthed the Phoenix undergoes a series of repairs and refits in an effort to bring the ship up to the current specs of Starfleet. In the process, several new crew members come aboard including: Executive Officer Riley Sutton, Chief Ops Officer Dorenna Tor, Chief Engineer M'rissi T'arren, Security Officer Ka'Tara, and new Chief Tactical and Security Officer Zoria Graffe. Additionally, a few members of the crew are re-assigned, including former Chief Security and Tactical Officer A'Lex T'Pol Aegeri, former Chief Science Officer Theodore Sheridan, and former Fighter Element Leader Aden "Spitfire" Fulton. During the process of the repairs Lieutenant T'arren re-allocates several parts from a Federation boneyard and the USS Kyoto without the proper authorization because she was frustrated at the minimal amount of parts the ship recieved for repairs.

  • Special Delivery - (*In-Progress*)

After repair and refit, the Phoenix is once again able to get underway and back to semi-normal. Upon leaving the Sol System, the Phoenix has been assigned to transport a cargo of terraforming equipment, computer cores, and several packages of aid to Cait. The hope is that the Caitian commanded Phoenix will be able to broker re-admission of the planet to the Federation. Near the Caitian system, the Phoenix came under attack by 3 ships of the Orion Syndicate, who attempted to steal their terraforming cargo. Two ships of the Crimson Claws intervened and assisted in repelling the Orions. After a brief discussion, it was agreed that the ships would escort the Phoenix to Cait. Upon delivering the equipment, it was stolen by raiders and Lieutenant T'arren was kidnapped. A surprise ally, Aa'reth T'arren, a high ranking member of the Crimson Claws and the brother of the kidnapped Lieutenant T'arren appears to offer assistance.


Adventure! | USS Phoenix | Deep Space Five | USS Excalibur
NPC Stations
Spacedock 2
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