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Chakotay is a Native American who has served in Starfleet and was a former Maquis. He is now a member of the Federation Council and holds the title of Ambassador.

He served on board the USS Voyager NCC 74656 during its seven year mission attempting to travel through the Delta Quadrant, and assumed command of the vessel in 2378 after its successful return to the Alpha Quadrant. He commanded the vessel for seventeen years and left Starfleet with the flag rank of Vice Admiral. He became an Ambassador for the Federation Council and helped to deal with the many new species that had joined the Federation.



Chakotay had originally been the commanding officer of a Maquis Raider called the SS Zola before it was chased down by a Cardassian warship in to the Bajoran Badlands in early 2371. The vessel had then been displaced from the badlands region by a powerful entity called the Caretaker. His vessel was destroyed but his crew rescued by the crew of the Voyager. The Federation starship had suffered the loss of many of its crew and Chakotay had been appointed to the First Officer position by its commanding officer Captain Kathryn Janeway.

Seven years he remained Janeway’s trust worthy and right hand. During that time he developed a close relationship with his commanding officer. At the end of 2377 and shortly after Voyager had been in drydock for several months as members from the Starfleet Corps of Engineering and Starfleet Tactical reviewed and analysed every single molecule of the vessel, Chakotay assumed command of the vessel.


For several years Voyager conducted missions that assisted in the rebuilding efforts of the Federation since the end of the Dominion War. The ship had been stationed to work alongside Starfleet forces along the Cardassian border. Many admirals at Starfleet Command were concerned that with Chakotay’s past that the Cardassians may feel uneasy for having an ex-Maquis command one of the many prides of the Federation. The concerns were not required as Chakotay captained the vessel with no major problems from the Cardassian Union.

Chakotay’s first mission as Voyager’s captain was to lead a small group of Native American colonists back to their former homeworld of Loran II. The mission was simple, make sure the planet was safe for re-colonization, unload the settlers and return to Earth. His sister Sekaya even joined Voyager for this mission as a Spiritual Advisor for the colonists. However the mission didn’t proceed as it was planned. Chakotay’s executive officer one Commander Andrew Elias turned out to be a changeling collaborating with Cardassian Exobiologist Crell Moset known as the “Butcher of Bajor� .

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