T’Plana-Hath Movement

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The T’Plana-Hath Movement is an underground movement on Vulcan who are working on returning the way of life for all Vulcans is to return to the teachings of Surak, with emotionless logical at the centre of life. It is named after T'Plana-Hath, who was was an ancient Vulcan known as the matron of Vulcan philosophy. One of her commonly quoted sayings is, "Logic is the cement of our civilization, with which we ascend from chaos using reason as our guide."

In 2403 the movement had gained a lot of popularity among the civilians on Vulcans, including the non-Vulcans living on the planet. The Vulcan government at the time were trying to make the movement appear to be against the Vulcan people, however this only caused a lot of distrust between the civilians and the government as well as military. The civilians who were not members of either the government or military had mostly remained to the teachings of Surak, however most of the government and military supported the use of emotions alongside logic. It wasn't until the arrival of the Federation starship USS Enterprise-F did the situation with the movement become severe for many on the planet. An away team from Enterprise discovers that the movement is being led by a woman called Julok. It’s not long until the government begins to brand the movement a terrorist organisation and begins plant evidence of the movement bombing several cities on Vulcan. However after a civilian uprising on Vulcan, many government officials are taking out of power and arrested for treason and going against many Vulcan customs the movement is herald as the catalyst for a new era for the Vulcan people (DS1: "The Vulcan Connection").

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