The Orb of Time

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The Orb of Time is the third mission of the first season of Star Trek: Temporal Investigations.



When the Temporal Investigations team locates a powerful artifact, Captain Enigma attempts to return it to its owners. Yet there are those in Starfleet who want to use it for their own gain.


The Vault

Having located The Vault, Captain Eden Enigma brings the Temporal Investigations team there, to inspect the artifacts left by the Department of Temporal Investigations. There, the team discovers a treasure trove of temporal artifacts - some harmless, such as a DeLorean inundated with chroniton radiation; others terribly deadly, such as the Temporal Investigations phasers capable of killing before they are fired. While inspecting a failed effort at a temporal shuttle, Chief Alyssa Caley and Lieutenant Commander Azrim Tain discover that others have been in the Vault since it was sealed, and have booby trapped the place. Enigma hands over the DeLorean to Lieutenant Taris, and locates a Mobile Holographic Emitter from the 29th century.

However, she is truly there for only one thing - the Orb of Time, which she and Taris locate in a back chamber. Once the team is reassembled at the main chamber of the Vault, Enigma announces her intention - to return the Orb of Time, taken by the Department of Temporal Investigations to protect it from the Borg nearly twenty years earlier, to Bajor.

Starfleet Special Investigations

Back on Earth, Enigma contacts Vice Admiral Julian Bashir of the Bajoran Starfleet to tell him about the Orb and offer to return it. The two of them agree on a rendezvous in the Betazed system to transfer the Orb from the USS Foresight to the USS Shakaar to be transported back to Bajor. After the communication ends, however, Eden is contacted by Lieutenant Broht of Starfleet Special Investigations.

Broht informs Enigma that there is a pending investigation of members of her team - in particular, herself, Tain, Doctor K'Vack, and Ensign Noran Gyle. They are ordered to prepare to surrender themselves to SSI's custody.

Enigma calls a meeting of the Temporal Investigations team in Jackson Square, attended by the entire senior staff except Lieutenant Feathers, who Enigma asked separately to begin preparing legal briefs to defend the members of the team under investigation. Once the team is assembled, Enigma lays out a plan of action for them.

She asks Taris, along with Professor Sopek and Petty Officer Vanna Cyria, to take Sopek's shuttle, the SS Franklin, to Betazed to deliver the Orb to Bashir. Meanwhile, Caley and Ensign Reino Manak are to call in various favors owed to Enigma, while those charged with crimes surrender, not to SSI, but to Starfleet Security, under a deal to place them under surveillance and allow them to continue working during the investigation. Feathers is to continue her research, to help the team out of their predicament.

The Franklin Escapes

Once everyone has their assignments, Sopek, Cyria, and Taris make their way to the Franklin, to leave for Betazed. While takeoff goes without any unexpected difficulty, once they are passing through the Field, two Earth Defense Force impulse ships begin to pursue them, demanding their surrender. Quick thinking on the part of all members of the shuttle's crew allows them to escape the Field into open space, where the shuttle easily outruns the impulse ships, and go to warp.

Reino in San Francisco

Reino Manak had split the list in twain, keeping half to herself and giving the other half to Caley. Her first stop was to be the Starfleet Academy. Alyssa Caley had informed Reino of another possible contact that might help Eden Enigma's plight. Eden's old roommate, Arcadia.

Reino was able to meet with the janitor, Mr. Roberts, who promised to aide Eden however he can. Than the trill went to confront Arcadia. Immediately the two rubbed each other the wrong way, and said rather harsh things to each other, but Reino did manage to convince Arcadia to contact Eden.

A short time later, Reino was contacted via her civillian Comm by a voice she had never heard before. This voice informed her that there were some SSI members on her tail, their phasers set to kill. Following the voices instructions, and some quick thinking and wrestling moves on Reino's part, she was able to escape the SSI members and make it to Mars to meet with the Klingon on Enigma's list.

Pardek's Aide

Having been contacted covertly by his brother, Taris, the wealthy romulan Pardek came to Eden Enigma and Temporal Investigations' aide. Taris's elder brother was independantly wealthy from a comet mining buisness. He came to the Temporal Investigations offices in New Orleans, accompanied by his son, Little Pardek.

He gave Eden access to one of his many accounts that had been set up by his ferengi accountants. He asked nothing in return, and just wanted to help.

Little Pardek managed to charm the Captain, playing with the special toys his Uncle Taris had made for him.

Words to a Fire Fight

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