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Surak was a Vulcan philosopher and pacifist who introduced logical teaching to his people. Many believe he is the greatest Vulcan who ever lived as he is considered the father of Vulcan philosophy and civilization. His teachings brought an end to war, conflict and control to his fellow brothers and sisters. His way of logical thinking allowed the Vulcan people to suppress their emotions and improve their mental abilities.

By 2400 many Vulcans had gone astray from the teachings of Surak due to the adverse effects of the Borg War, including at the time Chief Administer Loval, leader of the Vulcan High Command. It had turned out this influence over the Vulcans was down to a Romulan plot to re-unify Vulcan, Romulus and Remus together. The plans were foiled by interference by the Federation. The followers of the T'Plana-Hath Movement believed in re-unify the whole Vulcan population who had gone astray to emotional turmoil back on to the path of logical enlightenment with the teachings of Surak (DS1: “The Vulcan Connection�). Slowly the teachings of Surak and emotional control are spreading through the Vulcan population. However many Federation strategists and annalists have noticed that the more unstable Vulcans are those in the military. This maybe due to the lack of meditating and rest available to them.

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