Rebecca Reyes Ronax

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Rebecca Reyes Ronax

1/2 Human, 1/2 Trill






February 10th, 2383






5' 4"


102 Pounds


United Federation of Planets, Starfleet


USS Enterprise-F


Chief Medical Officer


Lieutenant j.g.





[ Source ]



Rebecca is a bright an energetic person. She has a warm bedside manor, treating every patient like they’re her most important and will do everything she can to help them. She doesn’t take the suffering of others lightly. She hates the Borg for what they've taken from her.


Rebecca Reyes-Ronax, was born to two Starfleet officers during the onset of the Borg War. Growing up she was exceptionally bright and showed an aptitude for the sciences. Her mother, Margaret Reyes, believed her daughter was destined to be a doctor just as her mother, who Rebecca is named after, and Rebecca's father had been. While Margaret encouraged her daughter's skill she selfishly wished Rebecca would follow her family tradition of being Marines.

While her parents were away fighting in the Borg War, Rebecca grew up on Earth in the care of her aunt Lynka Ronax. She hated not being able to see her parents more, but loved staying with Lynka. Lynka shared with Rebecca many stories about both her father and how much trouble Margaret and her would get into at Starfleet Academy. Rebecca also learned a lot about Trill from her aunt. Being on Earth she was exposed to more Human culture than anything else. Having Lynka around to tell her about Trill society helped Rebecca understand that part of her.

In 2388 Rebecca’s father was killed in combat defending Trill. For a short time after her father’s death Rebecca’s mother, Margaret Reyes, stayed on Earth with her daughter. For the first time since she was a young child Rebecca was able to spend an extended period of time with her mother. While she enjoyed the time beyond words, Rebecca only wished that her father didn't have to die for her to be reunited with her mother.

Rebecca met her mother one last time before the final battle of the Borg War. By that time Margaret was CO of an Akira Class vessel, the USS San Diego. Margaret, who didn’t know when or if she’d see her daughter again told Rebecca to not worry about her and to follow her own path in life.

When Rebecca found out that her mother was dead she was devastated. Her aunt helped console Rebecca after Margaret died. She was the only family Rebecca had left. Her Trill relatives, save Lynka, and human relatives were all lost during the war. Though she hated feeling it Rebecca couldn’t help but hate the Borg for what they’ve done to her family and to so many others.

A year after her mother died, Rebecca applied to Starfleet Academy. With the war over and the lack of man power in Starfleet the Academy was taking cadets of younger ages. Rebecca didn’t have to think about what career path she wanted to choose. For as long as she could remember she wanted to be a doctor. It was a profession that was in her blood. Her maternal grandmother and several generations of her father’s family had all been doctors. Being a doctor was her calling.

In 2403 after completing her final medical training Rebecca was assigned to Deep Space One. After a short while on the station Rebecca was recalled by Starfleet Medical to undergo an evaluation process. Rebecca returned to duty in 2404 when the evaluations were completed. She was quickly recalled to Starfleet Medical for another series of evaluations.

Rebecca was annoyed that someone at Starfleet Medical still believed she wasn't qualified for her posting. After passing examinations, for a second time, she asked to be assigned to Starfleet Medical full time. Rebecca wanted to prove to the higher ups at SFM that she could perform her duties so she wouldn't be evaluated for a third time.

In early 2406 all doubts about her abilities were laid to rest. Rebecca and her friend, Eva Adams, were in the city of Los Angeles for some R&R. The two women had just finished having lunch when a series of explosions were set off along the street. After she came to her senses, Rebecca helped the wounded as best she could. Once the paramedics began to arrive she directed them to people in need of immediate attention.

While she wasn't able to save everyone, Rebecca's actions saved quite a few people. Her actions also proved to her doubters at Starfleet Medical that she wasn't an incompetent medical officer. A few weeks after the incident Rebecca was informed that she would be able to transfer to a starship posting when one became available.


Both Rebecca's parents are missing and presumed dead. Her only living relative is her aunt, Captain Lynka Ronax. Captain Ronax is a counselor working at Starfleet Medical.

Personal Life

Rebecca has never had a problem making friends, but she has only gotten close to a few people. The hours she works plays a part in her not keeping in touch with people. She also has problems maintaining relationships because of her dedication to work. Rebecca knows she needs to slow down at some point in order to have a fuller social life, her aunt has told her this many time, but for now she continues to work hard.

Rebecca still remains close to her best friends from Starfleet Academy and with her instructors at Starfleet Medical.


Rebecca enjoys playing Trill piano, swimming, and yoga. During her time at Starfleet Academy she also gained a taste for Klingon blood wine. She's never discussed how she gained this taste.

Service Record

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