Trishram Narva

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Trishram Narva, is the liaison between the Federation and Starfleet Operations. She is currently serving at Starfleet Operations located on the main command facility at Fort Baker.


Personal Details

Name: Trishram Narva

Date of Birth: 16th March, 2374 (30)

Place of Birth: Unknown

Species: Andorian / Aenar

Family: unknown

Interests: Political history, historical human entertainment

Personality: Though Andorians are a proud warrior race, the sub-species Aenar are known pacifists. Though biologically compatible this difference makes mating between the two genetic cousin races rare, and Trishram is one of the rare exceptions. Having been raised Aenar she is a comitted pacifist. However that does not mean that she is not motivated and politically ambitious.

Medical Details



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Career Record

  • 2390 Rank: N/A
    • Assignment: Jonathan Archer School of Government Andoria Notes: Political Science Major
  • 2394 Rank: Alderwoman
    • Assignment: Alderwoman Aenar City on V'Chan Colony
  • 2399 Rank: Govenor
    • Assignment: V'Chan Colony
  • 2399 Rank: None
    • Assignment: Evacuee V'Chan Colony
  • 2400 Rank: None
    • Assignment: Assistant to Andorian Ambassador to the Federation
  • 2404 Rank: None
    • Assignment: Assistant to Andorian Ambassador to the Federation & Starfleet Command Political Liason


Service Record:


Differences in culture between Andorians and Aenar are such that a mating between the two branches of the race are rare. Nothing is known how the mating between Trishram Narvar's parents came about, since they are unknown. She was discovered as a child in the cargo hold of a Ferengi transport ship by a Federation patrol.

She was returned to Andoria where she was taken in by the Aenar collective, living in the underground compound that most Aenar inhabit. There she developed her telepathic abilities, and was raised in the Aenar's pacifist culture. However since she was sighted, and looked more Andorian, she soon began to feel out of place. She decided to leave, and attend university amoung Andorians.

She attended the most prestigious school for political study on Andoria, the Jonathan Archer School Of Government and Diplomacy, and was amoung the top of her class. After graduation she moved to an Andorian Colony, V'Chan which had a small Aenar population. She became first an Alderwoman in the Aenar section of the colony, and rose to become Govenor of the colony.

When the Borg neared the colony, on their way to attack Earth in the Battle of Sol, Trishram faced a difficult decision. Defending the colony would not only be futile, given they had no defence force, but also against both her upbringing and that of the small Aenar population. However the majority Andorian population believed that the only option was to defend their homes, and remain on the planet.

Eventually Narvar negotiated a compromise, where a small defence group would allow the population to flee while engaging the Borg while the rest of the colony made their way to Andoria. Under her leadership 90% of the colony's population made it back to Andoria.

Following the war, and still quite young, however with nothing to govern, Thrishram Narvar accepted a post as the Assistant to the Andorian Ambassador to the Federation. This required a move to Earth, where she quickly settled. After a short time on Earth she was chossen to be the Federation's Political Liason to Starfleet Command.

OOC Background

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