Dominion Dreadnought

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A Dominion Dreadnought is one the largest classes of ships designed and created by the Dominion.

One of these ships which was presumed lost from the Borg War, but was salavaged and modified by the use of Romulan Admiral Alak tr'Kervek by 2403. Modifications included include thirty nine polaron emitters and twelve torpedo launchers. Primary and secondary shielding with a re-enforced tritanium hull armour. The ship was also outfitted with a cloak and an experimental Tetryon Reactor. The ship opened fire on the USS Enterprise-F and was engaged in a heated battle with the Federation flagship and its escort vessel the USS Warhawk above Weytahn. The Dreadnought was disabled and it crash landed on the planet. (DS1 "Along The Stream").

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