The Best Is Yet To Come

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Eager to know what happened to [[Bajor]] the [[USS Enterprise NX 1701 – F]] is sent out with its new crew to find what happened. While on the station new defence systems are installed to [[Deep Space One]].
Eager to know what happened to [[Bajor]] the [[USS Enterprise|USS Enterprise-F]] is sent out with its new crew to find what happened. While on the station new defence systems are installed to [[Deep Space One]].

Latest revision as of 05:05, 23 July 2008

"The Best Is Yet To Come"
Star Trek: Deep Space One episode

Old Friends Return

Episode no. DS1-02
Start Date June 04
Finish Date August 04
Story Paul Redford
Director Paul Redford
Guest star(s) None
Previous episode
"Back To The Final Frontier"
Stardate 77208.743 Year 2401
Next episode
"Just In Time"

Eager to know what happened to Bajor the USS Enterprise-F is sent out with its new crew to find what happened. While on the station new defence systems are installed to Deep Space One.



After recovering the attack against the station Admiral Paris orders Captain Bennet to proceed to Bajor and investigate what happened to the planet and its people.

On arrival the ship finds out that Bajor continued to flourish through the Borg War and became a multi-cultural society with numerous refugees taking home on the planet. The Bajorans are delighted to see the flagship of the Federation and invite the crew to visit the planet.

The crew discovers the remains of those Starfleet ships that had helped in defence of Bajor against the Borg created a Bajoran Starfleet headed by former Deep Space Nine commanding officer Kira Nerys. Eager to return to the Federation, Fleet Admiral Kira introduces Captain Bennet and his crew to the Bajoran leader, President Leeta.

President Leeta requests help from the Enterprise-F crew in aiding the Bajoran Starfleet in investigating bizarre readings coming just beyond the Denorios Belt. They believe it maybe the Bajoran Wormhole but it was sealed by Captain Benjamin Sisko in 2388.

The Enterprise investigates with Fleet Admiral Kira joining them as well Ambassador Jake Sisko. After approaching the wormhole the Enterprise is confronted by a small Cardassian-Dominion group of ships. Captain Bennet meets with the Cardassian leader, Legate Garak on the Enterprise. Garak soon tells his former friends from Bajor as well Bennet what happened to Cardassia and why they are here in the Bajoran system. They too observed the unusual anomalous readings coming from the Denorios Belt and came to investigate as well make contact with Bajor.

In a spectucalur display of energy, gravity and radiation the Bajoran Wormhole does re-open in an unstable condition and release a single Federation Escape Pod. The Enterprise brings the pod on board to discover a single occupant and the pod coming from the USS Defiant-A which was destroyed in the last Battle of Bajor. The occupant is in fact Ben Sisko, the Bajoran Emissary who was rescued by the Prophets before the Defiant-A’s destruction.

Back on the station new crewmembers begin to arrive from Earth but the installations of new weapons create havoc for the kit-bashed station as it suffers from a massive power failure. At the same time a Yridian craft approaches the station crammed with survivors from Yridia. However the Yridian’s actions against the station are taken as hostile as they beam on board to make contact. Commander Bennet opens fire on the Yridian’s as they begin to retreat from the station. However eager to defend Ba’ku as well the Briar Patch from the “hostile�? Yridians the commander takes the USS Tokyo which is docked at the station in hot pursuit.

On their return home the Enterprise-F is forced to disable the Tokyo from destroying the Yridians. Captain Bennet angered by his brother’s action is forced to have his brother taken back to Earth and appoints a new first officer.

Special Played Guest Characters

  • None

Non Played Guest Characters

Special Non Played Guest Characters

Noted Ship Appearances

Memorable Quotes

"Zaccccck, Im going to make you meet your maker..." (in a ghostly voice)
"AAA!" (spins around on his feet) "DON'T DO THAT JONNY!"
(laughing) "Zack you crack me up! You don't believe all that haunting nonsense do ya? If you do your more of a sissy than I already know you are."

- Johnathan Marshall-Bennet, Zack Marshall-Bennet

"If there is one thing I've learnt over the centuries is that when so many people get together, share a common goal then there is nothing that can get in their way. Either way the Federation will live on. If it only be in the Sol system or on Deep Space One, what the Federation is about shall survive. You've already proved that by fighting off and defeating the Borg"

- Andrel

(extended his hand) "Captain Bennet a pleasure, permission to come on board?"
"Permission granted captain. Welcome on board the Enterprise." (shakes Sisko's hand)
"Thankyou. Enterprise you say?"
"Yes sir. USS Enterprise NX 1701 F."
"F, huh? Did Captain Picard get promoted at last?"

- Benjamin Sisko, Zack Marshall-Bennet

Background Out Of Character Information

  • This is Deep Space One’s first solo mission and second mission since its launch.
  • This wasn’t a popular mission in post counts for the simm. This was down to the fact many of the station’s crew were CO’s from Bravofleet who wanted to be part of FE. The mission was quickly wrapped up.
  • The mission literally discovers what happened to the whole DS9 canon characters since the Borg War. A lot of canon characters were brought back!
  • This was also to be the starting stage for the Star Trek: Tokyo sim which was planned to be launched from DS1. However this never happened due the crew recruited for the sim never actually posting.

Other Related Topics

Briar Patch Effect, Borg Remnants, Deep Space Nine

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