Project Harmony

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Project Harmony was created to allow all ships in the Federation adapt easily with all of the technology available. It was headed by an El-Alurian woman, one Commander Rebeki. Her team were able to create the first ever Federation Tetryon Reactor. A new energy source that could assist in powering colonies and starbases.

The Harmony development team had created the first few subroutines in the Harmony computer program that allowed different technologies to interact with each other. Shortly before the Battle of Vulcan the team was split up to prevent the Borg from learning about the project. Each engineer, scientist and technician from the main group were assigned to one starship each that were sent out to secret locations to develop their own part of the Harmony Project.

In 2403 Fleet Captain Zack Marshall-Bennet set out with the crew of the USS Enterprise-F to search for the missing team members. By the end of the year he had found them all and returned them to Earth and later to Deep Space One to assist in improving the station's systems. (DS1: "The Miracle Workers", "The Vulcan Connection", "Along The Stream").

Development Team Members

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