Alak tr'Kervek

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Alak tr’Kervek was the former head of the Romulan Tal Shiar. He had commanded a Romulan fleet during the Dominion War before taking over as head of the Romulan secret police in the late 2380’s. His methods of gaining power was renowned through out the Star Empire. He won the Praetor’s Medal For Esteemed Service for capturing a Dominion Dreadnought during the Dominion War.

In 2382, the third most senior member of the Tal Shiar defected to the Federation. The scandal rocked the orginazation to its very core, and several Senators called for tr'Kervek's resignation. His career was saved when Talis Sciven, the mentor and friend of the traitor, stepped forward to take the blame. Two months later, the Borg invaded the Alpha Quadrant, and the incident quickly faded into the background as the full scale of the current crisis became apparant. Desicive and efficent leadership during this period allowed tr'Kervek to regain some of his lost influence, however he would never completely escape the shadow of the defection scandal.

Later on in the the war, he was made scapegoat by the Romulan Senate and blamed when his mentor and predecessor was revealed to be a Federation spy. The lingering political damage he suffered in 2382, along with the new revalation that he had be unaware of his predecessor's deception doomed his career.

He planned to pay revenge against the Federation and started by using the Dreadnought and capturing the members of Project Harmony. He also made an alliance with Vulcan High Command leader Loval. Kervek provided him with the resources and equipment to defend Vulcan and Loval agreed to support his plans of destroying the Federation. His plans were thwarted by the crew of the USS Enterprise-F in 2403. He was taken prisoner by the Federation and charged with treason (DS1: "The Vulcan Connection", "Along The Stream").

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