USS Miranda

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There have been four ships named USS Miranda since 2377, all keeping the motto of "Fear Exists For One Purpose To Be Conquered..." originally said by Kathryn Janeway.



The USS Miranda (NCC-77001) was a Kelvin Class starship and was assigned to the Fourth Fleet's Task Force 21 under the command of James Ryan. The ship served the task force well for a year before being destroyed in orbit of Reltana 3 after the ship was trying to help the non aligned inhabitants from invasion from the C'Hakilians in late 2379. The crew were all resuced by the USS Odyssey, USS Texas and USS Cobourg.


USS Miranda (NCC-77001-A) was an Excalibur Class starship launched from Utopia Planitia Shipyards in early 2384 and back under the command of Captain James Ryan. The Miranda-A lived a short life before a design flaw was found and was exposed to the C'Hakilians. The ship was quickly returned to Earth and decommissioned from service.


The USS Miranda (NCC-77001-B) was a Charleston Class starship and lived a longer service life then its predecessor. Again command was given to James Ryan and the vessel was assigned to Task Force 21 in sector 611. The ship participated in a number of important events in the sector by maintaining the peace with the agressive Federation neighbour. The ship continued to sever Starfleet well until it was reported missing in action while fighting the Borg in the Alpha Centauri system in 2396.


USS Miranda (NCC-77001-C) is the current ship named Miranda and is a Panther Class starship under the command of Captain Kelly Ryan. The ship was launched from Utopia Planitia in 2402. The ship was assigned to the First Fleet and part of the Starfleet Rapid Response Task Force. In 2403 the ship was assigned to assist Andoria in defence in fears over a possible invasion from rogue forces from Vulcan (DS1: "Along The Stream"). The ship escorted members from the Project Harmony group to Deep Space One (DS1 & ENT-F: "A Good Day To Arise").

Current Crew

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