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Tuvok was a Vulcan flag officer who held the rank of Vice Admiral and was the former director of Starfleet Security & Tactical. He had been the Chief of Security and Tactical Officer on board the USS Voyager during its voyage of the Delta Quadrant.



Tuvok along with the rest of the Voyager crew successfully returned to the Alpha Quadrant after seven years attempting to return home from the Delta Quadrant. Tuvok had been suffering from a degenerative neurological condition for some time. However he was soon treated with the help from his son, Sek who performed a Vulcan Mind Meld and removed the infection from his father's mind.

Tuvok was promoted to the rank of Commander and returned to Vulcan to his wife and family. He returned to Earth to teach at Starfleet Academy alongside former commanding officer and close friend Admiral Kathryn Janeway. Tuvok remained working with Janeway at the Academy and other assignments she was sent on. On one occassion he was sent by Starfleet Intelligence to Romulus to make contact with Ambassador Spock to deliever a message from the Federation Council for Spock to return to Earth at once. Spock rejected the message and told Tuvok to tell the Federation Council his work on Romulus was incomplete and would only return when he felt his work had been fullfilled. Tuvok was briefly captured on Romulus after he attempted to leave the capital world of the Romulan Star Empire. However he was rescued by the crew of the USS Titan, and after the Titan's own chief security & tactical officer was injured in an attack by Reman forces, Tuvok was briefly assigned as the Titan's chief tactical officer. Captain Riker asked Tuvok to remain on the Titan after his chief security & tactical officer returned to duty. Tuvok and Lieutenant Commander Ranul Keru shared responsbilities with Tuvok being appointed the Titan's chief tactical officer, with Keru taking the duties of chief security officer. Tuvok had his wife join him on the Titan, as he had spent too long away from her and the rest of their family when he was on Voyager.

When the Borg War had started Tuvok was asked to return to Earth and join a Think Tank assembled to fight the collective. By 2388 he was made a Rear Admiral and assigned the position as Head of Starfleet Security & Tactical by newly appointed Starfleet Commander In Chief, Fleet Admiral Kathryn Janeway.

In 2399 he was promoted to the rank of Vice Admiral and remained the head of protecting the Federation.


Tuvok remained the head of Starfleet Security & Tactical for several more years. Increasing tensions leading up to an inevitable war have caused Tuvok to fall out of favor with the Federation Council and Senate. Increasing pressures upon Fleet CnC Taylor and Federation President Spock to force Tuvok's resignation and internment of all Sol system Vulcans has caused Tuvok's future to remain uncertain.

Recently a series of death threats against the Vice Admiral have been received causing Tuvok to remain behind the compound walls of the Death Valley SF Security Headquarters. In early 2404 it was reported that the attempted an assassination of Fleet Admiral Taylor. Admiral Taylor defended himself and unfortunatly took the life of the former head of SF security. Tuvok's body was taken to Starfleet Medical to be stored in cryo-stasis by order of Admiral Paris.

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