Star Trek: Adventure

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Star Trek: Adventure!
GM: Albert
AGM: Taylor/Irish
Format: PBF
Setting: Starship Adventure
Year: 2410
Status: Developing
[ Source ]
"Where the Starlight ends Adventure! Begins."
    —Motto of the USS Adventure

Star Trek: Adventure! is a sim revolving around the adventures of a Starfleet vessel of the same name in the early 25th century.

Created by Albert with a desire to explore more of the awe and mystery of FE. From a perspective not entirely of Starfleet or any other galactic power. Plans include adventures not traditional to a start trek setting. Adventure will focus on exciting tales set with tons of character development.

Adventure is about the mystery in such a huge galaxy and just what can happen when flying around a ruined galaxy after the borg apocalypse. Space in the FE universe is big dark scary and filled with more horror and danger then anyone could ever imagine. Adventure will attempt to answer several big mysteries during her travels and will do so with a crew made up mostly of civilians with the skills necessary and desperate enough to sign on to the mission to escape the daily struggles of life in the sol system.


Overview (IC)

Earth was the last safe stronghold in the Galaxy, the rest of it is more dark and dangerous than anyone will ever know, some planets are still rich and packed to the gills with technology and resources, most ain't. Earth,Alpha Centauri, Vega and a few last remains, they still form the Federation, A so called war raged to "protect" everyone under Federation rule from a race of nefarious types called the Borg; The idiots tried to fight it, everyone lost. I used to be Bryan Davies, Captain of Starlight. She was a good ship, Ju'Day Class. But she was lost and i thought my struggle to just survive was over.

I've been called back into the struggle by a good man who needs a rowdy bad man like me to do a certain job. I'm not sure we all can make it back alive but I'm sure gunna try. I'm takin back a lot of things i thought i lost or gave up. First is my name. I'm Captain Bryan Cash just like my father before me and the man who gave his life to save all the souls in the sol system. My ship is named Adventure. Helluva good name for a ship given the task set before me. I'm bringing along some old friends From Starlight and a good helping of civilians from the sol system trading the hell of daily life there for the better conditions of life aboard the Adventure.

We've got a job, we hope we can do it, God help you all if we can't.


Dramatis Personae

Recurring Characters




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Adventure! | USS Phoenix | Deep Space Five | USS Excalibur
NPC Stations
Spacedock 2
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