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Large Romulan ch'Haven Class Station in orbit of Earth. Vriha serves as the base of operations for the former government of the Romulan Star Empire. For a short time it also served as home to the Romulan Senate, the few senators that survived. It's also one of the few stations in the current Federation that can house, repair and even build Romulan vessels. Vriha has also be outfitted to service several other ship classes including Defiant, Akira, B'rel and Dominion Attack Ships.

Currently Vriha houses a large number of the Romulan people in the Sol System as well as those Romulan Senators who went on to have a seat on the Federation Council. Rear Admiral Donatra also currently has her primary office on the station as well as commanding the Starfleet Rapid Response Task Force from here with her flagship the Valdore. All of these factors combine to make this the de facto primary staging area for the Romulan forces that make up Starfleet.

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