Alexei Obrenovic

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Alexei Obrenovic
Obrenovic in 2406





Eastern European




June 10th, 2354






190 cm




Cerberus Institute





First Appearence:

"The Andorian Gambit"


"The Doc"

[ Source ]

"All components in symmetry, frankly I always thought that Plato's Republic was a little too positive for my tastes. I can be either your O'Brien or your Winston"
    —Obrenovic speaking to Captain Beckett.

Alexei Obrenovic was the Coordinator of the Cerberus Institute following the Federation Civil War in 2406, given the role as one of the final commands of Admiral Cash shortly before his demise in the Battle of Sol.

Obrenovic is almost always seen operating with his personal "right-hand", Alyssa Sidorova.


Personal History

Wounded in Utopia

Born in the streets of Belgrade, Alexei's life was one of great hardship and difficulty, originally abandoned at a young age as a result of an unwanted pregnancy and left to fend for himself on the streets of Belgrade.

The life of the youth however was only worsened as he fell into the grip of the local crime syndicates. Throughout much of his early youth, he learned to survive in the harshness of the streets, yet this left him with a cruel disposition and cold, distant personality. However as the early teens enroached upon the young Alexei, a gang war erupted amongst the shadows. The young boy was an early causality in the incident, having been attacked by several rival gang members. He was later found by a family over the corpse of a man with a knife on his hand.

The first few weeks of his co-habitation were difficult, the boy often causing fights with various family members in an attempt to leave the home, it was not until he wounded his supposed sibling in a dash to the door that he managed to escape, it was not until a year later that was he was caught by the authorities and sent into a juvenile detention centre.

Disillusioned with his life and frustrated with the general happiness and fortune of others that he encountered around him, he searched for a method of escape. The young man quickly making an application for Starfleet, primarily in the field of intelligence, requesting specifically to be assigned to work with the Starfleet Marines rather than the 'pen-pushers' as he would call them of Starfleet. For the next six years he was assigned to various caretaking assignment with regards to the Maquis, serving primarily as the head of his detachment's intel, his task focusing around the location of the various hidden Maquis bases, in addition to dealing with Cardassian activities in the Demilitarised Zone.

The Dominion War

However it was then that news of the Dominion War came to Earth, the former criminal turned officer made a strong impression with his peers in his first assignment to the wild Chintoka System, earning a reputation for being ruthless and sadistic in his methods of information gathering and the operations that he personally commanded.

As time continued during the Dominion War, Obrenovic was often assigned to the more suicidal units because of his caustic attitude and psychopathic personality, quickly rising through the ranks to attain the rank of Lieutenant Commander, leading one of the frontline marine intelligence units. Yet during the final battle of war, Obrenovic was injured during one of his operations against a Jem'Hadar stronghold on the frontlines, losing the use of his left arm as a result of a hit from a Jem'Hadar Poloron Laser, this caused him to spend several months within recovery, every nerve requiring to be regrafted.

In the time following this incident, he returned to the corp to once again undertake in the various peacekeeping operations following the end of the Dominion War, particularly around Cardassia Prime where he was assigned as the Assistant Head of Marine Intelligence for the Cardassian Sector, , however his methods steadily caused trouble with his superiors, causing him to be transferred to an Akira Class cruiser, the U.S.S Valiant, during it's role in supression of rogue Jem'Hadar elements in the Sirius Sector, his methods having not changed much from his days as a Intelligence Officer for the Marine corp, showing a ruthless efficency, his methods steadily caused doubt amongst his peers, yet his results allowed him to be tolerated throughout the campaign.

The New Era

During a pursuit by the last elements of the rogue Jem'Hadar, Obrenovic would disappear and be labelled as missing in action for the next 22 years, where eventually the records of his loss would have been lost. The earliest sighting of him was in 2400 were he served as a frontline agent for the newly formed Starfleet Special Investigations, apparently rejuvenated to a far younger age or simply kept in cryostasis until that time.

Following this appearance, little is known other than he spent a majority of the six years since his reappearance operating as an assassin for SSI more clandestine events including the assassination of the Andorian politican and member of the Council of Eight, Kravizorahi th’Shroa on Wey'tahn

It would be learnt that he also served as a "mole" for the Renegade Starfleet, for reasons currently unknown.

This continue until he would be assigned to Empok Nor and later to Deep Space Five in 2406 as an "observer" and partial detective. Though in the few months that he served aboard the station, he served as the Renegades' eyes and ears in the Second Fleet, gathering information before returning to the Briar Patch several days before the Battle of Sol onboard his personal runabout Cerberus. It would be there that he reported in and thus offered to join the fleet heading to Sol, leading Shahal Wing and providing an anti-fighter screen for the capital ships of the armada.

He would also serve as one of the witnesses to the destruction of the Dissension in the closing minutes of the battle.

New Responsibilities

Close to a week following the battle, he would be summoned to Starfleet Command mysterious by a message from Captain Chadwick regarding the final orders of the late-Admiral Cash, to become the commander of the new strike force intended to serve as a "police agency" for threats beyond the borders and mandate of the Federation, such as the Harvesters and other related threats.

Psychological Profile

A meticulous person, noted at times for an indifferent personality that seems to flicker behind a veneer of geniality and kindness. At times it had been suggested that he shares a Romulan lineage due to his preference for keeping those around him constantly questioning his motives.

He is known as an admirer of an eclectic collection of philosophies ranging from the works of Cicero to Sun Tzu to Aristotle and other such philosophers of various disciplines with a strong preference towards pragmatism. He is a methodical tactician and strategist in almost all arenas of his life, from combat to his interrogative methods, and, some would argue, to his personal life. Often he can be found partaking in games of strategy, such as chess, shougi and go. His particular favourite though was the Vulcan game of Kal'toh.

Additional Notes

  • When speaking, he was soft-spoken despite his hard Slavic accent.
  • He bore a scar over the right hand side of his jaw and throat, narrowly missing his carotid artery.
  • He carried a tattoo of the old symbol of the Starfleet Marines upon his right bicep.
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