Kira Nerys

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Vice-Admiral Kira Nerys

Kira Nerys is a Bajoran who became an important figure head in Bajor's restoration period after the end of the Cardassian Union occupation her homeworld. She is a noted Bajoran patriot and supporter of Federation integration and membership. She first rose to prominence as Executive Officer and later Commanding Officer of space station Deep Space Nine. Kira also has a deep belief in the Bajoran faith of their Gods, the Prophets.

She is presently Director of Fleet Operations in the Bajoran Sector with the rank of Vice-Admiral, and resides in the Bajoran capital province of Dahkur.


During the Occupation of Bajor Kira lived most of her childhood with her father and two younger brothers in a labour camp after her mother was taking away to be a comfort woman on Terok Nor. When she was old enough she was part of the Bajoran Resistance and part of the Shakaar resistance cell. She became quite the tactician after learning everything from her fellow resistance fighters and learning in the field.

After the Cardassian's withdraw from Bajor the Bajoran Provisional Government was established as well as the Bajoran Militia. Kira was made a Major and assigned to Terok Nor as its Executive Officer and Bajoran Liaison Officer after the Federation came in to administrate the station on behalf of the Provisional Government. For seven years Kira helped Bajor in rebuilding from her position on the base. At first she had some disagreements with Commander Benjamin Sisko, the Starfleet officer assigned to command the base. She soon realised that Bajor needed the Federation and after five years was proud of the work that both the Federation and the Bajorans had achieved for Bajor. Kira became Sisko's right hand woman and the two became close as friends. She, like many other Bajorans, believed that he was their Emissary.

During the start of the Dominion War, Kira was left to represent the Bajoran Government to the Dominion after they captured DS9 from the Federation. There she would lead a resistance cell on the station to thwart the Dominion's plan of conquering the Alpha Quadrant. Her resistance cell aided the Federation in retaking the station, preventing the Dominion from getting reiforcements from the Gamma Quadrant and pushing the Dominion in to Cardassian space.

In 2375 she was promoted to Colonel. Later on in the year she received a Starfleet commission of Commander and led a small team behind enemy lines to teach Legate Damar and his Cardassians resistance fighters to drive the Dominion out from Cardassian territory. Her mission was a success, and after the war she returned to Deep Space Nine to bear witness to the Dominion's surrender. After Captain Sisko left the linear realm to be with the Bajoran Prophets in the Celestial Temple, Kira was made commander of the station.

In 2382 Starfleet Intelligence received confirmation reports of a Borg invasion into Tholian space in the Beta Quadrant. As many Federation ships went on a round-the-clock yellow alert, Starfleet Command gave the order for all bases to begin upgrades to their tactical defence systems. Deep Space Nine was many bases to receive further refits as well additional ships to protect the station and Bajor.

By the time of the Borg's assault on Bajoran space in 2385, Kira was a Rear Admiral in command of Starfleet's defence of the sector. The number of ships under her command increased when the Seventh Fleet arrived to defend Bajor from a possible Borg attack. A day later the 6th December 2385 the Borg soon followed with three Tactical Cubes were met by the Federation Fleet. The Federation Alliance Fleet now stationed in Bajoran space were successful in repelling the Borg assault which resulted in the destruction of two of the cubes and forcing the third to retreat. The allies only lost one hundred and seventy six ships and Deep Space Nine was barely damaged.

By the start of 2396 Kira petitioned for Bajor's defences to be constantly improved, her petitioned was accepted and Starfleet deployed a massive orbital defence system in the Bajoran system. Kira was praised for her strategy thinking for the good of Bajor as the Borg launched a second assault this time after they had just invaded the Ferengi Alliance. Once again Kira represented the Federation as the Ferengi pledged to join in the fight to defend against the invaders. Hours after Grand Nagus Rom arrived at DS9 with nine Ferengi ships four Borg Cubes entered the system and began to fight the Federation Alliance Fleet stationed there as well as the new orbital defence platforms. The fight went poorly. Kira was about to signal for half of the remaining Federation fleet to retreat to Starbase 375 when the wormhole opened up and out poured nearly four thousand Dominion ships. The fight was a victory for the Federation and their new allies. Kira sat down across to the Dominion representatives and with Fleet Admiral William Ross and Captain Benjamin Sisko signed the Federation/Dominion Alliance treaty.

For two more years the Borg never tested Bajor's defensives, which allowed Kira to continue improving relations between all the new allies. At the request of Odo, four hundred Dominion ships were assigned to the sole protection of Bajor. Because of this new assignment Kira was able to re-structure Bajoran System Defence Strategy allowing more Federation vessels to fall back deeper in to Federation space as Dominion vessels replaced them and helped in the defence of Bajor. Although sceptical at first, Starfleet Command soon approved of Kira's radical plan to replace almost three quarters of DS9's security personnel with Jem'Hadar soldiers. It allowed those assigned to DS9 to be placed either on Bajor or other Starfleet ships assigned to the Seventh Fleet.

In May 2388 a Dominion fleet entered the Alpha Quadrant via the wormhole and reported that the Borg had attacked Dominion space, destroyed the Founder's homeworld, and ripped completely though their space. In light of this, and guidance from Captain Sisko and the Prophets, Kira made the judgement to seal the wormhole, though not before a small contingent of Borg forces made it through. DS9 took the brunt of the Borg assault. The station soon took heavy damage and was boarded by several Borg drones, who were repelled by the Jem'hadar. Kira then gave the order to abandon the station as its shields failed and its weapons were exhausted. The station was responsible for the destruction of seven Borg cubes. Kira evacuated the remaining of her crew on to her flagship the USS Gryphon. During the battle, the Gryphon took heavy damage and contact was lost with the admiral. Admiral Darian Chadwick, who had arrived in the Bajoran system an hour before DS9 was abandoned on board his own ship the USS Farragut, assumed command of the Federation Fleet. He quickly ordered for the fleet to fall back to Starbase 375. The Borg ships that hadn't been destroyed by the fleet were left behind to take on the Bajoran orbital defence system.

Although successfully defended, Bajor was cut off from the rest of the Quadrant. Over the years, the conclusion was reached that the Borg had successfully destroyed the other powers of the Alpha Quadrant, leaving Bajor as a last bastion of civilisation. A new Federation government was cobbled together to supervise the increasingly expanding sector of space. Kira was briefly established as Fleet Admiral of the Starfleet forces, appointed by the President.

In 2401, contact was made with the 'real' Starfleet and Federation. The government and military forces would be reintegrated by 2403, and Kira reassumed the rank of Vice-Admiral, as she had legally been before contact was cut off. Despite the re-established contact, Bajoran Starfleet Operations were left to operate much as they had for the past fifteen years, continuing under Kira's supervision.

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