Gerrard Warne

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Warne in 2406



Alpha Centauri


April 7, 2338










United Federation of Planets


Federation Council


Representative for Alpha Centauri




NPC originally created by Paul Redford

[ Source ]

Gerrard Warne (born April 7, 2338) is a Councillor on the Federation Council, and is the current representative for Alpha Centauri on the council. Gerrard Warne served as Federation Atorney General under Presidents Bacco and Spock. He was the fifth longest running Attorney General in Federation history. He agreed to join Shannon Keaton as her running mate for the 2405 Federation Presidential Elections.


Professional Career

Before the 25th Century

Warne had been a political lawyer for many years on Alpha Centauri and became Alpha Centauri’s Governor Counsel in 2376. During his time on the governor’s staff he aided Governor Richard Barr in many legal issues including the Federation Council’s pressure on Alpha Centauri to accept over a half of a million of refugees from Federation planets close to the Romulan Star Empire during the Borg War. He worked closely with the Federation Justice Department as well as the Department of the Interior to prepare the governor as well as the colonies government for the large intake.

He remained in that position for another eleven years before President Nanietta Bacco asked him to consider becoming the new Federation Attorney General when she ran for her third and final term as President. Warne accepted the offer, after she won the election and was confirmed to the position as the highest law enforcer in the Federation on November 24th, 2387. During his first four years Warne dealt with reducing crime and violence within the civilian sectors to ease pressure on Starfleet Security, so they can focus more on the Borg War. Warne’s methods were effective and were supported by many across the Federation. When Spock ran for the presidency Spock requested that Warne stay in his position as he was well liked by the electorate. Ward agreed but told Spock he would only remain in office for Spock’s first term. Warne’s final four years in the office of the Attorney General was overwhelmed with the amount of new states joining the Federation. His closing two years he worked on enforcing civil rights laws to ensure equal opportunity for all in the Federation, particular for those new members joining. However in late 2393 Warne resigned as Attorney General in protest over the president as well as other members of the president’s cabinet refused to give Jem’Hadars the same rights as other member races of the Federation.

Warne returned to Alpha Centauri, where for a year he retired from the political side of things. Nevertheless he was asked by Governor Richard Barr to become Alpha Centauri’s representative on the Federation Council after Councillor Huang Chaoying passed away. Warne agreed and was appointed the new representative for his homeworld on the Federation Council in 2395.

After the 25th Century

Like many other councillors, Gerrard Warne was representing a world which had apparently been deemed a lost cause by the government. Contact was re-established with Alpha Centauri, as the first planet to be re-explored by Starfleet in 2400. Alpha Centauri had become a disserted planet with only a few people actually surviving the final battle that took place there. The planet was re-populated during the rest of 2400 and Starfleet began to deploy some sort of defence network in orbit. Warne proposed to the Federation Council & Senate for a much larger number of ships be assigned to the colony; however he only received a minority of support from the government. His detractors on the Council and Senate were later criticised in 2401 after elements of the Vulcan High Command launched a successful invasion of the planet and took complete control of the system from the Federation. Warne became a sort of hero for many citizens and received a large civilian support for him to petition for the Federation to declare war on the Vulcans, however once again his recommendations were rejected by a majority from the Federation Senate and Council. Instead Warne applied political and diplomatic pressure on the Council and president to endure some sort of action to retake Alpha Centauri from the Vulcans. He knew that the Federation didn’t have the resources at the time to take on the Vulcan fleet and continue with other defence operations. He received support from Federation Vice President Edward Jellico for the Federation to apply a stronger force on dealing with the Vulcan issue. Warne supported more security efforts to be placed around the Federation after the Vulcan conquest of his homeworld, citing not wanting to see it happen elsewhere. He also supported the more aggressive expansionist policies in securing all Federation worlds that contact is re-established with. In 2402 Warne finally had a proposal agreed by the Council which fully endorsed for a Federation blockade to be set up around Alpha Centauri cutting off the Vulcan fleet which remained in the system from other support. A tighter security net was placed around the Federation/Vulcan border too because of Warne’s plan. The affect his proposal had made Warne perceived by the media as one of the more hawkish members of the Federation Security Council.

Warne supported Councillor Glav and his proposal to dissolve the Federation Senate. During that time Warne became political allies with Councillor Shannon Keaton, his counterpart from Earth.

After a meeting with President Spock, Warne convinced the president to pledge full diplomatic and political pressure on the Vulcan government in coming to the bargaining table over Alpha Centauri. In late 2403 the Vulcans agreed to meet, and after the Klingon Empire launched a surprise incursion against Vulcan in mid 2404 the Vulcan government was eager to meet with the Federation and hammer out some sort of peace accord. Warne was a full supporter for the talks to go ahead, and appeared on several political talk shows on the Federation News Service while the talks went under way assuring the Federation people at how highly productive the talks were going. When the final accords were discussed, Warne supported both Councillors Keaton and Robshanna for the Federation Council to endorse the peace accord which Alpha Centauri would be handed back over to Federation control.

Presidential Election

By mid 2405 he agreed to become Shannon Keaton’s running mate in her bid to become President of the United Federation of Planets.

Personal Life

An avid soccer fan, during his free time Gerrard Warne enjoys being able to step away from the political arena, and always finds time for his family.

Alison and Joel Warne

Alison and Joel Warne brought their family up believing that the Federation was the greatest thing to ever happen to the galaxy, and made them pure Alpha Centauri loyalists. Both had been part of Starfleet, Alison was killed in action while she was the first officer on board one of the ships that engaged the first Borg incursion of the Federation at Wolf 359. Joel retired and later died of old age in 2386.

Jim Warne

The youngest brother to Gerrard, he followed in his parent’s footsteps and became a Starfleet officer. He was killed during the battle of Sol in command of an Intrepid Class starship.

Leslie Warne

Originally named Leslie McCloud, Leslie married Gerrard in 2364 when they met through friends on Alpha Centauri. Leslie like Gerrard was a lawyer and remained in that position before she finally decided to retire and work as a volunteer on Alpha Centauri in helping the many refugees arriving on the colony from the Romulan border. Since then both have been happily married for over forty years now.

Shawn-Tyler Warne

The only child of Gerrard and Leslie Warne, Shawn-Tyler was born in 2380 on Alpha Centauri. Unlike his parents he decided to follow in his grandparent’s footsteps and join Starfleet. He current serves as an engineer on the USS Enterprise-F.

Political Views

Gerrard Warne is seen as one of the light weight hawkish types on the Federation Council to date. A keen a law enforcer, due to his previous occupations Warne follows the views of the Federation having to stand strong united and that it can only be achieved by the greater good pitching in. He feels the Federation requires tighter security precautions to prevent any more incursions in to Federation space.

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