Tom Paris

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Admiral Paris

Thomas Eugene Paris currently holds the rank of Admiral, and oversees the day to day running of Fleet Operations at Starfleet Command Headquarters.




Tom Paris served on board the USS Voyager NCC 74656 for over seven years while it attempted to travel home after being stranded in the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker. He was assigned as the vessel's chief flight operations officer. While on board he married B'Elanna Torres in 2377 and a nine months later the two had their fist child, Miral Paris. Miral was born the same day the vessel successfully returned to the Alpha Quadrant.


Paris was later promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander along with several other Voyager crew members at their "welcome home" ceremony. Tom had to care for his daughter for a couple of months after B’Elanna had to visit the Klingon colony of Boreth to find out what happened to her mother. Tom resided on a Klingon ship for a little amount of time before B’Elanna insisted he and their daughter return to Earth. Back on Earth Paris assisted his former captain, Kathryn Janeway and others from Voyager in preventing another Borg threat from assimilating all of Earth.

Paris with his daughter left Earth and joined with his wife on Boreth. During his time there Paris alongside his wife endured various Klingon customs and rituals. While there the two studied the ancient scrolls to see if their daughter was the Kuvah'Magh.

Tom was later contacted by Admiral Janeway as she tried to get him a position as an Executive Officer on a Starfleet ship. The Admiral soon invited Paris to join her and Commander Tuvok to a diplomatic conference to broaden his horizons. Before and during the conference Janeway had trained Paris up on all diplomatic protocols and taught him the way of a diplomat. The conference was cut short for Paris as Janeway soon had to send him on a dangerous mission to help the USS Voyager. The ship had been infiltrated by a Changeling who was posing as its commanding officer, Captain Chakotay and several other senior officers including the executive officer.

Paris along with the Voyager crew were successful in overthrowing the Changeling, and he temporarily assumed command of the vessel to help in retrieving Captain Chakotay and other members of the Voyager crew. Paris was later assigned to Voyager as its Executive Officer.

He was later promoted to the rank of Commander.


Tom remained on board Voyager as its XO for some time before Admiral Janeway soon offered him his own command in late 2380. He took several months off to work alongside Janeway at Starfleet Command as she prepped him for his first command. He returned to Voyager as its XO and kept the position until 2382 when he transferred to his first command, the Excelsior Refit class starship USS Archer NCC 44278. Tom was joined by B’Elanna (and Miral) who became the ship’s Chief Engineer.

In 2382 Captain Tom Paris was the first Starfleet officer to make first contact with the Arc’kerians. Paris also participating in escorting Admiral Janeway to a diplomatic meeting with the Tzenkethi which resulted in both the Federation and Tzenkethi agreeing to augment trade routes between their peoples. During the mission Janeway had been kidnapped by small faction of Tzenkethi officials who didn’t want to agree to the new treaty. Paris sorted out the dilemma, rescued his superior officer and sat across the table with her as the treaty was signed. He was later promoted to the rank of Commodore for his work.

The Archer continued to serve Starfleet well under Paris’ command straight until its destruction in 2391. The Archer had been escorting several Romulan starships through Federation space to Earth when they were attacked by a Borg Tactical Cube. The Archer along with several other Federation starships and the Romulan task group engaged the Cube. Paris had been able to develop a strategy to defeat the Cube by using tactics used by Voyager during its time in the Delta Quadrant. However the Cube was able to penetrate the Archer’s defensives after the plan was carried out. Paris was forced to order his crew to abandon ship as both the Archer and the Cube started to crumble under the pressure of destruction.

Commodore Paris soon returned to Earth with his family where he took up at a position on Admiral Janeway’s staff.


In 2392 Paris was on board the next starship to bear the name Archer, the new Explorer class starship. Paris conducted the ceremony as he transferred command to the vessel to its new commanding officer and his former Executive Officer, newly promoted Captain Andrew Hayden.

Paris remained working with Admiral Janeway and the Think Tank in developing tactics to fight the Borg. At this same time Paris had the pleasure with his wife to see their daughter finally graduate from Starfleet Academy as a Starfleet officer.

2394 Paris developed a plan to attack the Borg forces in Cardassian space and destroy their ship construction facilities. The plan worked resulting in the Borg’s building efforts destroyed. Paris was promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral for his work in co-ordinating the attack.

In 2395 Paris was on board the USS Rhode Island when news reached him the USS Archer was attacked by two Borg spheres as it attempted to get supplies to Tellar. The ship had been destroyed and all hands lost.

Paris soon oversaw several development projects to outfit Starfleet vessels with the best weapons and defence technologies to fight the Borg. Eager to return to the captain’s chair, Admiral Janeway allowed Paris to assume command of newly built Sovereign class starship USS Archer NCC 44728 – B. In 2397 Paris led the allied fleet in repelling the Borg invasion in sector 441, the Briar Patch. The defence had been a success but only three allied vessels returned from the mission. For his quick thinking in tricking the Borg to chasing his ship in to the Briar Patch at full impulse which resulted in their ship’s being destroyed he was promoted again to the rank of Vice Admiral.

Paris resumed command of the Archer and took command of the operation to tractor the nearly constructed USS Enterprise NX 1701 - F away from the San Francisco Shipyards before the Battle of Sol.

During the Battle of Sol Paris commanded twenty two vessels in fighting the Borg. This task group had been assigned in destroying/disabling the smaller Borg vessels (Probes, Spheres, etc). However the Archer had been too late in preventing the destruction of the USS Voyager under the command of Fleet Admiral Kathryn Janeway. Paris had blamed himself for the death of his former commanding officer and mentor. After the battle was won for the Federation he promoted to the rank of Admiral and succeeded in taking over Janeway’s duties. In 2400 Fleet Admiral Jean Luc Picard made him the second commander in chief and head of Fleet Operations for Starfleet.

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