Just In Time

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Simm(s): Star Trek: Deep Space One,
Mission: Three
Year: 2401-2402
Tagline: "The Battle For Paradise Continues"
Story by: Paul Redford

Returning to the station, Captain Bennet is forced to take on his younger brother before he creates an interstellar diplomatic blunder with Yridian refugees. However politics begin to take over the station as more and more problems arise with other species nearby…


With the USS Tokyo secure and the Yridians preparing to head back to Earth the crew slowly start to unwind and take some well deserved R&R. The remaining Son’a on Ba’ku open a dialogue with the station’s chief diplomatic officer, Lieutenant Kentra Donrav in attempts to become members of the Federation.

Admiral Tom contacts the captain to give him the crew’s new orders. The Federation Council wants a full assessment of the Federation Colony on Ba’ku. However on the other side of the galaxy trouble is starting…

Captain Geordi La Forge, under the orders of the Federation Council is towing a derelict Son’a Collector back to Earth after it was found by the Denobulans. La Forge’s ship the USS Challenger soon leaves Denobula on its return trip home. A month later and after the Collector arrives in the Sol sector many top Federation and Starfleet officials begin to suspect trouble arising on the horizon. As rumours begin to pass through the corridors of Starfleet Command Headquarters and the Federation Council Halls the man who maybe behind the order of re-using the Collector again is none other then the Vice President of the Federation, Edward Jellico. Top Starfleet officials meet covertly to discuss their current dilemma and how they will respond to it.

Back on Deep Space One the crew continue with their assignment as the get to know the colonists and what they have been up to during the Borg War.

Background Out Of Character Information

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