Johnathan Marshall-Bennet

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Johnathan Marshall-Bennet.jpg
Caption: Commander Johnathan Marshall-Bennet in 2403,
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Father: Nicholas Marshall-Bennet
Mother: Judith Marshall-Bennet
Brother: Zack Marshall-Bennet
Sister: Hannah Marshall-Bennet

Johnathan Marshall-Bennet is a human male serving as Chief Strategic Operations Officer and Second Executive Officer of the USS Enterprise-F. He was originally assigned as first officer to Deep Space One for in 2401 before leaving the station to return to Earth. He was later made the commanding officer of the USS Warhawk a support vessel assigned to the station.

Personal Background

Prior to 2401

Born the youngest boy in his family, Jonny was the direct opposite of his brother Zack and had to compete with his brother for their parents’ attention. By the time he was fifteen Zack was known as the sporty one out of his family, he was the captain of the football squad and captain of the school basketball team, a stark contrast to Jonny. Jonny had top marks in Mathematics and was a wiz with numbers at age 14, his father referring to him as the "Academic One." Jonny also liked to build and create things out of nothing, telling his parents he dreamed to be a Starfleet engineer. However at the age of 16, just three months before enrolling at Starfleet, Jonny changed his mind and decided to take the Academy’s courses in strategic operations, somewhat surprising his mother. His father tried desperately to convince Jonny not to follow the same steps as his older brother but Jonny was determined and enrolled later that year. The year was 2383. By now the Federation was well in to a war with their most powerful enemies; The Borg.

While at the academy Jonny became interested in command but never took a lesson on command, instead focusing his abilities on his strategic operations course, wanting to leave Earth and help the Federation in its battle with the Borg.

In late 2388 when Jonny qualified from his class, in the top 5 percent, he was immediately shipped out to the USS Indiana (Galaxy Class). Taking the only strategic operations position on the ship, Jonny soon made a name for himself and Ensign Marshall-Bennet soon became a hit with many of the staff. The Indiana was one of 4 ships lead to Starbase 375 by Admiral Chadwick after a heavy attack by Borg forces. For six months, the line was held at Starbase 375 while the Borg turned their attentions to the Klingons.

During his time on the Indiana, Jonny had developed and enhanced a Strike and Run tactic that had proved its worth on many occasions and was soon implemented among the fleet as standard practice. For his efforts, the Ensign was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade and served for two more years before transferring out in the middle of 2391.

Jonny moved to the USS Trieste, a Sovereign Class ship and the ship is ordered to assist in the defence of Sector 001. It is during this time, when the Trieste saw little action, that Jonny picked up his little interest in command and began to take lessons from the ships CO and its XO. He is later promoted to the ships Second Officer position and promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.

In middle 2395, now Lieutenant Marshall-Bennet transferred back to the USS Indiana upon the request of the ships CO. The ship, now a Charleston Class vessel, is involved in several minor skirmishes with the Borg. Her first major action came in 2397 when the ship was ordered to Sector 441 to provide assistance to the Son'a. The Indiana survived the battle and was one of three ships, out of 32 Starfleet vessels, that returned to Earth. Unfortunately she lost many of her good officers. Jonny was promoted to Lieutenant Commander and became the ships First Officer.

However, later that year, with a Borg attack on Earth feared, Jonny was called away from the Indiana and was assigned as Commanding Officer of USS Brittain, an Explorer Class starship recently returned to service from fleet mothballs. While the Brittain was stationed at Earth, Jonny had contact with his mother and elder brother for the first time in 6 years. It is revealed to him at this time that his father, who he had been much closer to, had been killed in a Borg ttack some years ago at Deep Space Nine. Although upset, he does not have much time to mourn as word reaches the Federation that the Borg are on the move.

The reports are unfounded for many months until finally, in December 2398 223 Borg Vessels launch an attack against the allied forces assembled at Earth. Some 8000 Vessels are there to greet the Borg. During the fight, the Indianna, Brittain and several smaller vessels are responsible for the destruction of two Borg Tactical Cubes for going on to destroy 5 more smaller vessels. Sadly, towards the end of the battle, the Indiana is destroyed with all hands when it is targeted on by a Borg Cube, just minutes before the cube itself is destroyed by Klingon, Romulan and Federation ships, including the Brittain.

After the battle, the Brittain, minus some 200 crew members, is one of only a handful of Federation ships to survive. Jonny is promoted to the rank of Commander for his part in the war and is offered full command of the Brittain, but he turns it down in order to get more experience before hand, but stays long enough to oversee the ships complete refit and overhaul.

After 2401

In 2401 Jonny was contacted by his brother Zack and asked to join him on Deep Space One as Executive Officer. Unfortunately, Jonny’s only bad deed since graduating earns him a demotion in 2401 when he unexpectedly causes the destruction of an [[Yridian] vessel seeking help from the Station. He commands the USS Tokyo on its voyage to Earth where he is assigned by Admiral Paris, to undergo official command training. The training is a success and when it is deemed he has learnt from his mistakes, he is given command of the USS Warhawk, a Defiant Class ship and is ordered to escort some supplies to Andoria, where he is to meet up with Fleet Captain Marshall-Bennet for the first time since his demotion.

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