Zack Marshall-Bennet

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Caption: Fleet Captain Zack Marshall-Bennet in 2403
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Father: Nicholas Marshall-Bennet
Mother: Judith Marshall-Bennet
Brother: Johnathan Marshall-Bennet
Sister: Hannah Marshall-Bennet

Zack Alexander Marshall-Bennet is the captain of the first fully fledged starbase to be constructed outside by Starfleet of the Sol system since the end of the Borg War, Deep Space One. In his role as station commanding officer he was assigned the duty of keeping an open diplomatic dialogue on behalf of the Federation to the Ba’ku, Son’a and several other key races within range of the Briar Patch. He has taken on a key role in the re-exploration of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants by re-expanding the Federation’s presence. He has re-established contact with numerous species including the Bajorans, Cardassians, and Yridians.


Personal Background


Zack was born on 21st March 2366 to Judith Marshall-Bennet, an accomplished Starfleet captain and Nicholas Marshall-Bennet a renowned diplomat. Zack’s early life was exciting as he grew up on the Excelsior class starship USS Britannia with his parents and younger brother, Johnathan Marshall-Bennet.

In 2370 both his parents decided to they required an extensive leave of absence to allow their sons time to grow up on Earth and have a normal childhood on the home planet. In 2374 the Dominion War broke out and both their parents were recalled to serve the Federation.

Zack was left with his brother on Earth to be cared for by one of their mother’s cousins. Both his parents were heavily involved in the Dominion War one way or another. When he was fifteen Zack was known as the sporty one out of his family, he was the captain of the football squad and captain of the school basketball team. At this age his parents called it his maturing stage, he became very protective of his younger sibling. At one time he stood up for his brother in getting in to a fight with two older teenager boys at his school. His brother never found out but Zack had suffered from several bruises, a broken jaw and a torn ligament in his knee (when he had jumped kicked one of the bullies and landed awkwardly). Before his parents arrived at the school he had already been treated for most of his injuries though he was able to harm the older boys and made them think twice from harassing Johnathan.

For his sixteenth birthday his mother took him on his first trip outside of Earth and, took him to Mars to see the Utopia Plantia shipyards. Zack had always believed that day was his most memorable. When he was preparing to leave high school he was offered positions at a number of Sporting Colleges on Earth. He attended one in the south of France for several months before deciding to quit at the horror of his parents who both thought it would be the greatest experience for their keen sportsman of a son. When he told his parents what he wanted to do, it split them both up on the choice of his new career. He wanted to join Starfleet Academy. His mother already a long serving Starfleet Officer encouraged it however his father was not best pleased. This led to several arguments between father and son, ending with Zack not talking to his father for over five years.



Entering Starfleet Academy in 2381 was a great time for the new cadet as the Federation was in a stage of new exploration and continued peace. At the academy he became interested in his science lessons, mainly cultural anthropology, languages and an interest in Starfleet History. He remained active with his sports by becoming the captain of the velocity team and he even resurrected basketball as a sport to be played at the academy. Cadet Zack Marshall-Bennet led many of the groups he was part of for his various subjects, which impressed his instructors and professors. He was persuaded in to taking his command lessons at a more advanced and intense level. After the Academy he was sent straight to Starfleet Command School for one year.

In late 2384 Zack received news that he was to be an older brother again when his mother gave birth to his new sister, Hannah Louise Marshall-Bennet.


On September 5th 2384 Zack was assigned to the Explorer class starships USS Tucker NCC 44277 under the command of Captain Benjamin Hoffman XI. Zack had been made a lieutenant junior grade and assigned as assistant chief communications officer. The assignment wasn’t an exciting one which led him to taking on another position on the request of the XO. The vessel hadn’t been assigned any diplomatic personnel, and Captain Hoffman was a man who preferred to bounce many of his ideas between his crew. Zack was later given the title of Chief Diplomatic Officer and also resumed his duties as assistant chief communications officer.

In 2386 tragedy struck Zack as heard word from home that his father had been killed when the Borg had attacked Deep Space Nine. Zack returned to Earth for a year and half to help his mother and baby sister. In mid 2387 Zack returned to his posting on the Tucker.

He proved to be quite useful to his commanding officer, as Zack joined him on a diplomatic mission to Cardassia in 2389. The Tucker had been sent to mediate a minor dispute between the Cardassian and Klingon governments. During the mission a Romulan agent was captured but not before he injured Captain Hoffman, preventing him from mediating the mission. Along with the XO, Zack was able to mediate the situation and prevent relations from the two major empires from crumbling. The following day the captain was impressed with the young officer’s skills and ability to calm the situation he promoted Zack to lieutenant. Zack was fully assigned as the ship’s diplomatic officer and took on the minor duties as Second Executive Officer.


With Captain Hoffman’s recommendation Starfleet assigned Zack to Starbase 001 in 2390 as its chief diplomatic and liaison officer. His assignment was to be Starfleet’s voice to the new officers joining the base from other races joining the Federation and its fight against the Borg. Zack mainly dealt with Klingon and Romulan officers alongside several other new species who sought refugee in the Sol sector. He excelled well in his duties for three years, and was noted by a number of new officers at how well he led them in their transitions in to Starfleet regulations, rules and protocol.

On October 12th 2393, Zack was being transported back from Utopia Plantia on board the Defiant class vessel USS Brewster NCC 90025. The ship was preparing to leave when a lone Borg Tactical Cube entered the system. Zack had been in combat with the Borg before, while he was on the Tucker. However those engagements were swift skirmishes with Borg Probes which always ending with the Tucker being victoriously. The Brewster was called to engage and assist the Federation fleet, assigned to guard the shipyards. The battle had commenced, but by the time Zack had reached the bridge a majority of the bridge crew were killed. There were only a few young inexperienced officers left. Forced to assume command Zack led the Brewster crew in the fight. The ship was damaged but the rest of the crew survived the battle. Zack was given the field promotion to lieutenant commander, awarded the Christopher Pike Medal of Valor, with clusters and given the Brewster as his own command.


In May 2394 Zack commanded the Brewster as it participated in assaulting the Borg shipyards in Cardassian space. The vessel engaged several Borg ships, and participated in destroying at least four Borg vessels of mix size. Only a few of the Brewster crew were injured and with their return to Earth, Zack was promoted to the rank of Commander. During mid-battle Zack ordered the Brewster to emit fake warp Federation signatures to fool Borg sensors temporarily away from the Romulan flagship as it dealt the Borg shipyards a crippling blow to its power reactor. For his actions he was awarded the Starfleet Star Cross and the Romulan Star Navy Combat Ribbon of Honor.

The ship participated well in the Battle of Sol, working alongside Romulan forces that were defending the rest of Utopia Plantia and Mars. The vessel was heavily damaged when it assisted in the final destruction of a Tactical Cube. The crew was forced to abandon ship and were all beamed on board the USS Archer NCC 44276-B, a Sovereign Class starship under the command of Admiral Tom Paris. The Brewster crew remained on the Archer assisting the crew in fighting the Borg. For his excellent work during the fight, Zack was promoted by Admiral Paris to the rank of Captain


With the Borg War over Zack was stationed on Earth to assist with co-coordinating the Re-Exploration Initiative. He worked hard in pulling enough resources to prepare the first few ships to leave Earth and re-explore what was left. It seemed the former commanding officer of the Romulan flagship who Zack had saved from destruction from a previous battle, had kept a keen eye on Zack. Zack soon started to work heavily alongside the Romulans in the rebuilding phase and was appointed an honorary member of Romulan Star Navy in 2400 by Admiral Donatra.

One year later he was offered a command of his own by Fleet Admiral Jean Luc Picard. He was provided command of the first starbase built outside of the Sol sector, Deep Space One with its support ship the USS Enterprise NX 1701 - F.

In 2402 Zack opposed the movement by several Federation Councilors to use the metaphasic radiation from Ba’ku to rejuvenate Earth. He was lucky to persuade them all and halted the Ba’ku re-location movement. In 2403 while visiting Earth again, he met with Commodore Bryan Cash who promoted him to the rank of Fleet Captain of the new fourth fleet assigned to the Re-Exploration Initiative.

2403 saw Zack take the Enterprise-F to Vulcan to locate important scientists in re-forming Project Harmony. While at Vulcan the flagship became stuck in an internal matter which cost the vessel being attacked by ships from the Vulcan High Command. This incident led to the Vulcans entering a stage of seclusion from the Federation.


  • Christopher Pike Medal of Valor, with clusters
  • Starfleet Star Cross
  • Romulan Star Navy Combat Ribbon of Honor
  • Starfleet Decoration for Gallantry

Former Assignments

  • Assistant Chief Communications Officer, USS Tucker NCC 44277, 2384-2385
  • Chief Diplomatic Officer & Second Executive Officer, USS Tucker NCC 44277, 2385-2390
  • Chief Diplomatic and Liaison Officer, Starbase 001, 2390-2394
  • Commanding Officer, USS Brewster NCC 90025, 2394-2398
  • Re-Exploration Initiative Coordinator, 2398-2401
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