Anthony Brooks

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Anthony Brooks Covington, more commonly referred to as Tony Brooks by friends, is the Chief of Staff at Starfleet Operations, located on the main command facility at Fort Baker.


Personal Details

This image of Brooks, taken in 2400, is displayed alongside the senior staff photos in the lobby of Starfleet Operations. The board is often referred to as the shooting gallery by workers, due to the often unappealing nature of the images shown.

Name: Anthony Brooks Covington

Age: 50

Date of Birth: September 18th 2353

Place of Birth: Boston, Massachusetts, Earth

Species: Human (American)

Family: Wife: Susan Bennet | Father: Robert Covington | Mother: Jessica Brooks | Brother: Jonathan Brooks Covington | Sister: Erica Brooks Covington

Interests: classical music (Vivaldi), criminal law, marathons,


Anthony enjoys getting along with people, however is quick to take a disliking to a person should the pair start off on the wrong foot. Often appears flippant and glib in his attitude, however takes his position very seriously. He is naturally organised though often hides this fact from others, for reasons that he refuses to comment on.

Medical Details

Height: 175 cm

Weight: 170 lbs.

Hair Colour: Brown/Grey

Eye Colour: Brown

Physical Appearance:

At a modest height, Brooks does not cut an imposing figure. His athletic frame is more lithe than bulky, suited to long distance running as opposed to sprinting or boxing. He is clean-shaven with shortly trimmed hair that is beginning to turn grey.

Starfleet Record

Rank: Lieutenant Commander

Assignment: Chief of Staff, Starfleet Operations


Service Record:

  • 2371 - Applies and is accepted at Starfleet Academy
  • 2374 - Graduates and is assigned to the USS Essex as a junior cartographer
  • 2376 - Promoted to Lieutenant j.g.
  • 2377 - Transferred to USS Challenger as Head Cartographer
  • 2382 - Takes temporary command of Operations Dept., Promoted to Lieutenant
  • 2383 - Assigned to USS Hood as Operations Manager
  • 2388 - Promoted to Lieutenant Commander
  • 2391 - Transferred to USS Nova as Operations Manager
  • 2393 - Transfered to Spacedock One as Operations Manager
  • 2398 - Chief of Staff, Starfleet Operations


Tony originally signed up to expand upon an interest in astronomy and so upon graduation, was assigned to the Excelsior-class Essex as a Cartographer and served on the far side of the Federation to the Dominion War. He excelled in the position and was quickly promoted. Seeing an open position on the Challenger in 2377, Brooks jumped at the chance to command the advanced sensor suite present on the Galaxy-class vessel and was acccepted as Head Cartographer. Despite the advanced capabilities of the vessel however, the chaos following the Dominion War which had ended only two years previously meant that the vessel was usually assigned to either aid or tactical missions, leaving little time for stargazing and Brooks became increasingly frustrated in the position.

In 2381, whilst the Challenger crew enjoyed an extended shore leave on Earth as the ship underwent retrofitting, he met Susan Bennet - a woman whom he had initially met when the pair were teenagers in Boston where he lived and she regularly visited family members. The pair continued to meet periodically over the next few years, as he attented the Academy in San Francisco and she studied law. With his graduation and posting to the Southern Border however, the pair did not keep in touch. In '81, Brooks and Bennet enjoyed a whirlwind romance and were married in August, just before the Challenger left drydock.

In the following year, a viral outbreak onboard the Challenger led to Brooks assuming temporary command of the Operation Department. Despite the fact that the role including managing the fleet supplies over an entire sector, Brooks took quickly to the role and performed exceptionally well in it, earning himself a letter of comendation and a promotion to Lieutenant. Returning to the Cartography department, Brooks felt as if there was little for him to do after the frantic hustle of the Operations Station, and so applied for a tranfer to the gold-shirted department. Following his excellent display in the role, he was assigned to the Hood as its operations manager, and was quickly moved towards the front lines where he continued to perform well in the role, being promoted to Lieutenant Commander in 2388.

Regarding his wife, though the two had kept in touch and met when they could, the war prohibited extended periods of time together until 2389 when Bennet was tranferred to the Hood as her Tactical officer (Bennet had applied to the Academy immediately upon hearing of the outbreak of war). The stress of the combat as well as the frequent disagreements between the Ops. and Security Departments meant that the two quickly drew apart, and when Bennet was promoted to first officer over Brooks, he immediately applied for a transfer, ignoring the CO's explanation that Brooks was still needed in the Operations role. This decision caused tension between Brooks and Captain Mayfair, a pair who had originally gotten on well with each other and to this day, Brooks harbours resentment about it.

Aboard the Nova, he worked well under his new CO, mostly in the evacuation of planets and supplying of the front lines. Due to his skills and seniority, he was appointed the vessel's second executive officer and was considered for the role of First Officer when the current XO announced his wish for a transfer though the Nova's 2393 refit prevented this from happening. As the ship entered drydock, Brooks was handpicked by Admiral Paris to become the senior operations officer aboard Spacedock One, an important position responsible for, amongst other things, the supply of technological and biological stock to starships from Earth and heavy co-ordination with the security and startegic operations groups dealing with Sector 001. Brooks performed in the role until 2398, when the Spacedock was destroyed during the Battle of Sol. He spent the remainder of the battle on the ground, attempting to safeguard the Admiralty members which had beamed down with him, and help co-ordinate the battle.

Following the conclusion of the battle, Brooks was once again picked by Paris for an important role - this time to serve as his Chief of Staff at Starfleet Command. It is perhaps a cruel irony, that ten years later, Brooks once again finds himself often in heated argument with his wife. Susan Bennet is currently the Chief of Staff at Starfleet Security & Tactical.


  • Interference with the timeline
    • "I think there are occasions when changes to the timeline are not only acceptable, but needed. I would not however, include any of Admiral Janeway’s publicised infractions in that category. I believe that attempting to alter the timeline is possibly the most dangerous thing we as a fleet can do." - Addressing Ensign Servok in early 2404. (SFC: "A Tale of Two Cities")
  • The Chain of Command
    • "I enjoy healthy debate and I want a staff who are capable of independent thought. But when all that’s said and done if I give you an order you disagree with, I expect you to adhere to it as if it was your life’s quest." - Addressing Ensign Servok in early 2404. (SFC: "A Tale of Two Cities")

OOC Background

Anthony was created by Chris Murray in November '05 as his Game Master character in the new Starfleet Command simm. The character takes his name from Admiral Anthony Haftel who featured in The (emotionally charged) Next Generation episode, "The Offspring" and worked for Starfleet Research, Avery Brooks who portrayed Murray's favourite Star Trek captain and Barbara Covington, an officer who was first marked as missing and later killed in action durng the Dominion War, as revealed in "In the Pale Moonlight;" one of Murray's favourite episodes. His parents are named for Bob Hoskins and Jessica Rabbit. No, really.

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