Alex Kennedy

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Revision as of 16:29, 1 April 2006

Caption: Captain Alex Kennedy,
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Father: Shaun Kennedy
Mother: Susan Kennedy
Brother: Karl Kennedy
Sister In Law: Samantha Reynolds

Personality and Traits

Alex is just a bit taller than the average human male at roughly 6 foot 2 inches with an average weight to go alongside. His hair is cut short, but looks stylish, not stupid, continuing his distinguished look. He takes pride in his appearance, looking smart even when dressed casually. He wears his uniform with pride, polishing his commbadge and insignia every evening as well as his boots.

He is a charming man with an incredible wit for a person who saw combat from the start of his Starfleet Career. Proud of his family history, Alex is keen to be the one member of his family who follows the ideals of his late, great grandfather, Stuart Kennedy.

Alex has an affinity for command, enjoying commanding various groups of people ranging from a single person, to as many as 1000+. He commands his vessel with precision, a reliable and trustworthy officer with a sharp intellect and a degree of tactical genius, a genius that flourished during the Borg War.

His weaknesses are his family and friends, choosing to die for them would not be a question he would have to be asked twice. He would die for Starfleet and its ideals. His views and opinions can often cause conflict with his superiors, especially due to his strength of character. If he has his heart set on something, it is virtually impossible to sway him from that course of action, he is a determined man.

Alex would one day like to retire from his command roll to a quieter desk job on Earth whilst holding an Admiralty rank, but not just yet. For now he wishes to continue in command of Starships, hoping to one day command his own Task Force.

A keen reader, Alex can often be found with his nose in a book, be it fiction or non-fiction, fuelling his desire for solitary times. He also has a likening for fine wines and cuisine and is open to many a new dish, even partial to the odd plate of live Gagh. He speaks only Federation Standard English.

Personal Background

The great grandson of Fleet Captain Stuart Kennedy, a former Starfleet Officer who lost his life in battle against the Divine in 2305 whilst serving as Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. Achilles.

Born in 2360, Alex was the older of two twins, his brother Karl arriving some 12 minutes later. The twins were born to parents Shaun and Susan, two Starfleet junior Lieutenants who had engaged in a relationship whilst both working at Starfleet Communications.

The boys lived with their parents and their grandfather in a small country retreat for much of their early life, a rivalry between the two boys being present from an early age, Alex being the better in Academic studies whilst Karl was the better of the two at Sport.

Whilst at School Alex won many spelling competitions and passed several exams, whilst Karl won many a sports trophy.

However, the boy’s lives were turned upside down in 2374 when their grandfather was killed in Battle with the forces of the Dominion. When Billy Kennedy was killed, the family moved homes, moving to the city and living closer to Starfleet Communications.

Two years later in 2376, the boys turned 16 and to their parent’s approval enrolled at Starfleet Academy. Karl, as predicted, enrolled on the Academy’s Security and Tactical Course, whilst Alex, much to his parent’s surprise, decided to try his hand at something on the command track and ended up joining the Flight Control course.

The boys became known as “The Kennedy Boyz� throughout their academy life and would continue with the name after graduation. Whilst at the academy the boys made many friends, both mutual and independent friendships. It was also whilst at the Academy that Karl would meet his future spouse.

2380 brought a new era of peace for the Federation and saw both boys graduate from the Academy with honours in their respective areas, much to the satisfaction of their proud parents.

Unfortunately, Starfleet decided that the brothers would be split up and the two were sent to different assignments. Alex would serve as a relief Flight Controller aboard the Denmark Class U.S.S. Manhattan whilst Karl was posted to the Akira class U.S.S. Rogue.

Alex’s career started off quiet, earning little recognition for his meaningless and tedious work aboard the Manhattan, but he got his lucky break in 2382 when he was moved to the Intrepid Class U.S.S. Devonshire, a Marine ship, to teach their Marine Pilots the basics of what he had learned in Starfleet Academy. The only Fleeter on a ship full of Marines, Alex was happy to have the support of the ships CO, Lt. Colonel Deke Stone, or his life there would have been difficult. The Marines didn’t appreciate being taught what to do by an “outsider� but they soon learnt to respect the young Fleeter and his abilities.

In 2383, the Devonshire was attacked by two Gorn vessels, taken completely by surprise whilst on a training cruise. Whilst at the Helm, Alex initiated several new manoeuvres he had created, each one implemented with precision, allowing the Devonshire to escape virtually unscathed.

Competition between the Kennedy Boyz was still rife, even from their separate assignments. Karl took great pleasure in being the first of the twins to be awarded a medal after getting the Purple Heart for receiving an injury, but Alex had the last laugh for the time being when he was the first of the two to be promoted, moving up one rung of the ladder to Lieutenant Junior Grade in 2384 at the behest of Lt. Colonel Stone.

Alex’s period aboard the Devonshire came to an end when he was recalled to the Manhattan, this time as the ships Chief Flight Controller.

The Federation was in a state of Open War with the Borg Collective and new ships were being launched by the day, leaving positions all over the fleet open for junior officers like Alex to step in to.

The Manhattan was assigned to Starbase 375 and its defence force under the command of then Admiral William Ross. The defence forces saw little action, the odd skirmish here and there when ships were sent to nearby sectors, the Manhattan herself once engaging a Borg Sphere, thankfully able to return with only moderate damage, again in part to Alex’s superb piloting abilities.

Early 2385 saw the U.S.S Rogue assigned to the same defence force as the Manhattan, Karl bringing with him the news that he was now married, to a woman called Samantha, both were young yet very much in love. Alex couldn’t see why his brother would marry at such a time as he did, but was happy for his brother nonetheless.

On the 25th of December 2385, the Manhattan and the rest of the defence force assigned to Starbase 375 were moved to the fleet stationed in the Bajor system to bolster defences there. 7 days later, the Manhattan would engage in its first major conflict of the Borg War.

The Manhattan engaged in combat with 4 Borg Cubes, along with a Federation force of some 249 other ships, defending the region from the Borg and defending the fleeing forces of the Ferengi led by Grand Negus Rom. Thank fully added support came in the form of some 4000 Dominion vessels from the Bajoran Wormhole, led by Admiral Chadwick and the U.S.S. Farragut'.

The Manhattan under went several repairs and upgrades, but it would be the last time that Alex would serve on the ship. At the end of February 2386, coincidentally on the same day as his birthday, Alex was transferred to the Sabre class U.S.S. John Leggott for a week, conducting an important recon mission for the 5th Fleet.

At the end of the week, after determining the location of some three Borg Ships, Alex was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and moved to the U.S.S. Saracen, a Galaxy Class Starship assigned to the Earth Defence Force. It was on the Saracenhat Alex began looking in to the idea of his own future in the command track. He took the Bridge Officer exam and passed with flying colours before also starting further classes in command under the education of the ships XO, Commander Nathaniel Davies.

Little happened in terms of Borg or Federation assaults throughout the rest of 2386 and 2387, random patrols and recon missions were the ships limit. Alex continued with his command training, occasionally taking command of the ship in Holodeck simulations to test his abilities at command. Sure enough he was turning out to be a bright young Command Officer, even being made Acting Second Officer for the Saracen

In 2388, Alex received word from his brother Karl aboard the Starship Lakotabout one of his parents. Their mother had died whilst on an assignment, the vessel she was serving on being lost in battle against the Borg at the Trill System. It took Alex a while to properly recover from his mothers loss, but he continued with his duties as best he could, piloting the Saracen in and out of combat another 137 times before again being promoted in 2391.

2391 saw more ships rushed out of what dockyards were left and crews being stretched even further, especially as Commanding Officers were taken from those most experienced in the relevant fleets.

Because he had seen just over 10 years experience and was ranked as Lieutenant Commander, Alex was moved away from the Saracen and was given command of the Kelvin Class U.S.S. Ticonderoga, an older ship that had just finished repairs after being salvaged from a previous engagement. Crewed with Senior staff of Ensign and even Senior Chief Petty Officer ranks, the Ticonderoga was sent to Wolf 359 where it was to assist the remnants of the 4th Fleet under the command of Vice Admiral Luke Duncan and Rear Admiral James Ryan.

Unfortunately, the Ticonderoga failed to arrive at the sector in time and was able to report back to Starfleet command about the loss of Starbase 565 and the Wolf System, the ship escorting what was left of the fleets retreating vessels back to Alpha Centauri. Commander Kennedy was tasked with commanding a small task group of vessels, defending the outer edge of the system, serving more as an advanced warning group should the Borg approach. The Borg never came. However, reports were received some months later that a lone Borg Cube had launched a successful attack against Utopia Planetia and several facilities in the Sol System.

The Ticonderoga was recalled to the Sol System to aide in the systems defences. Shortly after being recalled, distress calls were received from Alpha Centauri before quickly stopping, the system had fallen in battle.

2394, 2395 and some of 2396 saw minor skirmishes with Borg Forces, the Ticonderoga notching up a kill list of some 7 Borg spheres. In May of 2396, now full Commander (obtained through a temporary battlefield commission), Alex Kennedy received word, as did the rest of the fleet, that the Borg had conquered Andoria, Vulcan and other inner core territories, pushing the front lines of the war ever closer towards Earth.

The Ticonderoga was handed to another commanding officer in 2397 as she began to show signs of age, the largely experienced Alex Kennedy, who had now seen almost 15 years of War, was given a brand new vessel, a Charleston Class Starship, the U.S.S. South Carolina. The South Carolina served as part of the First Fleet organisation above Earth. Alex was in constant contact with his brother Karl aboard the ship he now commanded, the U.S.S. Renegade, Karl’s estranged wife Samantha (who had now reverted back to her maiden name of Reynolds) aboard the Achilles and his father, Shaun, aboard the Prometheus Class Arizona.

On the 23rd December 2398 the day of reckoning arrived as Borg Ships were picked up on the outer edge of the Sol System. Starfleet initiated a “Do or Die� policy within the fleet and had amassed over 8000 ships of various class, size and even race design. The South Carolina was assigned to a Squadron of the First Fleet along with a Prometheus Class, 2 Defiant’s, an Ares, 4 Vor’Chas, a Romulan D’Deridex and 3 Sovereign Class Starships.

It was two days before Alex and the South Carolina saw combat for the last time of the Borg War.

Some 150 Borg vessels approached the 8000 strong fleet of Federation vessels. Old ironsides fell quickly, either to overwhelming damage or by kamikaze manoeuvres, but the newer, more powerful vessels seemed to be better at holding their ground.

The South Carolina battled alongside her battle hardened allies for another 2 days until victory was finally achieved on December 27th 2398, twenty years after the first battle of the War had started.

Throughout all of 2399 Starfleet Command kept its remaining vessels at Earth, in case any straggling Borg vessels attacked, but none came.

In early 2400, newly promoted Captain Alex Kennedy, promoted as a reward for his countless years service during the war, stepped down from command of the South Carolina, taking a posting on Earth as an analyst at Starfleet Tactical, sifting through the numerous battle reports for the final days of the war whilst also undergoing final assessments to officially certify him capable of commanding a vessel in both war time and peace time.

Whilst on Earth, Alex was visited by his brother, Commander Karl Kennedy and they held a memorial service for both their parents and their friends who had been lost during the Borg War. Joined by Captain Reynolds of the Achilles, Karl and Alex, along with Reynolds, vowed to put the experiences of the war behind them and look to the future.

Karl continued in command of the Renegade, earning the rank of Captain in 2401 and continues in command of the vessel until this day. Captain Samantha Reynolds commands the Achilles-C, a new ship launched in early 2402.

Alex has recently accepted his first ship posting since the end of the War and is in the process of transferring to the Starship Fearless, a vessel of the same class as the Achilles-C .


Alex has been decorated several times, holding the Medal of Honour, the Starfleet Commendation, several commendations on his record and also three purple heart medals.

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